Course - 10 Activity 5: My Experiences of Peer Assessment - Share Your Experiences

For a moment, recall your classroom experiences and reflect on the instances where you must have used peer assessment as a technique. Describe the task or theme, (also provide basic information like Subject, Grade, Topic, Learning Outcomes, implementation strategy indicating steps for planning, outcomes and challenges faced in implementing peer assessment in classroom.


  1. For a moment, recall your classroom experiences and reflect on the instances

    1. We two students with my friends were exchanging the class work and home assignments and trying to correct the dictation question answer of our teacher taught during the class work and sharing our opinion on the topic and learn the topic properly

    2. We friends shared our sheets for checking English dictation given by our teacher. We learnt from our mistakes and made corrections

    3. When we prepare for example we make small assignment and then exchange it for correction. Peer learning is more effective for revision as it is fearless

    4. Subject-English, Grade 12, Topic- Should Wizard Hit Mommy? After completing the lesson, I gave an assignment to my students- to write an y- Why is an adults perspective on life different from that of a child's? Students were asked to assess their peers once they complete the essay. A rubric was provided for the same.

    5. Students were divided in groups and they were then asked to prepare Google Quiz on various topics. They then discussed the common mistakes of the students and led the class in a group discussion.

    6. To assess the speaking skill of the students, they were given topics to speak upon. An evaluation sheet was prepared having criteria and they were assessed. This was an activity continued for three days. The students were able to listen to their classmates mutually.

  2. Replies
    1. We were discussing the topic during our general discussion (talking) and learn each other about the topic.

    2. Class xii students prepared case based questions and assessed the best out of all the questions. Each discussed the correct responses

  3. Replies
    1. We contacted the teacher of the subject and clear all our doubts

  4. subject:- English
    Class :- XI
    students prepared multiple choice questions with answer key and discussed in the classroom

  5. Subject:Math
    Topic:Squares and Square roots
    Given a sum (problem)to children and asked them to do on the board in two or three ways which they know

  6. Subject:Science
    TOPIC: Discovery of sub atomic particles. Students divided in 4 groups and each group prepared a quiz on the topic

  7. Discusssed the steps and answers with them

  8. Quiz, Explanation of practical application of concepts, Open text book Assessment

  9. Class x subject Biology Activity art integrated
    Prepare a food chain with origami
    Outcome The students did their best and explained various tropic levels in food chain

  10. Group Discussion, Open ended questions

  11. Subject: History
    Class IX
    Electoral Politics
    Mock election procedure, group discussion and debate.
    Outcomes: Students participated in the procedure,learnt the entire features and debated on the topic.

  12. Role play , Group discussions & Creative writing

  13. Grade 10
    Topic National Movement
    Role play and Quiz

  14. ubject:Math
    Topic:Squares and Square roots
    Given a sum (problem)to children and asked them to do on the board in two or three ways which they know

  15. Subject : Mathematics
    Class : XI
    Topic : Linear Inequalities
    One student has to create one own linear inequality and the other student has to solve graphically.
    Every student is interested to give some different and difficult sums so that how they are performing. It is quite interesting and the students have learnt a lot.

  16. 1. Keep the focus on teaching and learning.
    2. Align summative and formative assessment approaches.
    3. Ensure that data gathered at classroom, school and system levels are linked and are used
    4. Invest in training and support for formative assessment.
    5. Encourage innovation.
    6. Build stronger bridges between research, policy and practice.
    The aim of these principles is to ensure that the schools included in this study are no longer
    considered exceptional, but are representative of common practice.

  17. Dissection of flower.. Hands on activity class x biology

  18. Grade viii

    Subject- English

    Task-/Theme Check comprehension ability

    Learning outcomes- To read, understand, infer information.

    The students were given passage for comprehension. The answers were discussed in a group.

  19. Class - XI
    Subject - Economics
    Students prepared mcqs and answer key for each other

  20. Class XII
    Learning outcome - ability to express views and opinions fluently
    Group discussion - One group assessing other group performnace

  21. Class XI
    Learning ability- creative writing/peer assessment
    Students assessed the writing task by other God on the basis of a rubric that was predecided.

  22. Class 3 rd

    Subjects English

    Focused on teaching and learning

    Peer assessment

    Group discussion


  23. class 7 - math
    Focused on conceptual learning
    peer assessment

  24. class 12
    focused on student -centered learning, peer interaction, collaborative learning, innovative ideas, group discussion, worksheet.

  25. Subject : English
    Grade : 10
    Topic : Glimpses of India
    The lesson Glimpses of India from class X First Flight book is divided into three parts. Students were divided into three groups. Each group was asked to frame questions from the lesson allotted to them. After the completion of the stipulated time, one group asked questions from the other two. Based on the number of correct answers each team was given points.

  26. Subject: Math
    Grade: IX
    Topic: Square root spiral
    Explained the square root spiral and asked students to show their creativity by integrating it with arts.

  27. Subject: Math
    Grade: IX
    Topic: Quadrilaterals
    Explained the properties of quadrilaterals and asked students to show their creativity by integrating it with arts by designing jewellery.

  28. Inviting the peer teacher as a guest speaker. conducting a webinar/seminar

  29. Class 10
    Topic -Federalism
    Group Activity
    Students were divided into 5 groups , they were asked to prepare a ppt on Centre State Relations using Google slides/jamboard etc.

  30. Students were ask to organise a quiz based on topic life processes and ask them to assess eachother.Rules of quiz should be acceptable to everyone.

  31. We do term paper presentations where students are divided into groups of five and a theme from history is allotted to them where they present it to students. The students create their own rubrics for peer assessment. They do viva and also give feedback to the students.

  32. Students are divided into groups and each group is given a topic from the same chapter and they present to peers followed by a question answer round

  33. Grade- 3
    Learning Objective - Identify parts of a paragraph
    Activity - used a paragraph written by a student and asked children to identify if written according to format and give feedback. This was followed by uplevelling the paragraph basis suggestions/feedback.

  34. Grade 8- story writing
    Activity - Asked a student to write a story on a given topic and then handed the work to his peer and asked him to read the story loudly. Students present in the class would identify the errors, if any and check if it contains all the essential elements of a story.

  35. subject:- Math
    Class :- X
    students prepared multiple choice questions with answer key and discussed in the classroom

  36. Peer assessment was done by me in Grade XI for public speaking. Students enjoyed the activity and learnt to be fair while assessing their own friends. The challenge faced was that children sometimes are not able to assess the depth of the content and learning and knowledge of their peer.

  37. Students were taught a particular topic and then were asked to give answers to the questions put forward to them. After the completion of time they were asked to swap their notebooks with the studnts sitting at the back and do the evaluation.
    Grade: 9 and 10
    Subject: Social Science & English
    Topic of Social science: french revolution, democracy etc
    Topic of English: Usage of Prepositions, Adjectives, Adverbs
    Though most students were sincere and even pinpointed spelling mistakes and deducted marks for every single error but there were few who collaborated to give each other good marks.
    At the end I used to ask few students who scored good marks to share their answer with the class and when the student was not able to explain, it was figured that he/she had collaborated with the other. I also used to keep moving during this process when the students were answering or assessing their peers work. The experience was really good and the students too were feeling confident and enjoyed the process.

  38. possible in math classroom , mathematics class our teachers use mathematician tool . it is better then blackboard , and also use projectors .

  39. Enactment of a very short poem. The entire class was divided into groups of jury, audience and critiques. They gave their feedback on how the enactment could have been improved or what was the best in it. More groups were allowed to enact the same keeping in mind the feedbacks.

  40. Role play, group discussions and quiz

  41. Grade 11:Chemistry
    Game based learning-Finding new vocabularies of chemistry(Students created a pdf with set of pictures which are clue for finding new words) and after identifying the word they also can define it

  42. Students prepared role play on the content related topic and present in all parallel classes

  43. The topic was divided in parts and students were asked to present specific topics in groups

  44. Discuss the topic during class and ask the students to present specific topics

  45. Invited physical education teacher to explain students about importance of physical fitness during the lesson about food and health

  46. Formative Feedback
    Group Work participation and Feedback
    Students reflect on Activity with a view to reinforce learning

  47. Class 9 French Revolution - students prepared video or ppt in groups , on any topic from the chapter and shared it in class. Students were able to understand topics better as each group explained it.

  48. We do term paper presentations where students are divided into groups of five and a theme from history is allotted to them where they present it to students. The students create their own rubrics for peer assessment. They do viva and also give feedback to the students. The correct the answers are repeated at the end to make the students familiar with the answers. All the activity is done under the keen supervision of our teacher during the class work to check the level of learning the topic among the students.

  49. For a moment, recall your classroom experiences and reflect on the instances where you must have used peer assessment as a technique.
    Grade X
    A question was posed to the students and they were given time frame to complete that. They were then made to check the question for their immediate partners. Students not only were able to get a thorough understanding of the procedures to be followed to solve the question but also pin point the points which they might have missed out.

  50. I give symposium to students to present in front of class. The peers assess them on a pre determined criteriia like research, presentation, content, viva.

  51. In my Economics class I often indulge my students to present their own views regarding different topics and continue with healthy discussion in the class the class to build up their self esteem and confidence.Whenever anyone of my student is having doubt I ask his or her peer to clarify that .

  52. Collaborative activity of working with the peer group on marking of the location on the India Political Map in the class as a whole.. wherein teacher told the mistakes side by side and also corrections were done side by side.

  53. Discussed the steps and answers with them

  54. Physics
    Class 11
    Students are divided into groups and each group is given a topic from the same chapter and they present to peers followed by a question answer round


  55. Class 11
    Students are divided into groups and each group is given a topic from the same chapter and they present to peers followed by a question answer round.

  56. I divided students in groups and gave them few topics each. Told them to teach each other and then i will ask questions.

  57. We have taken mock test of MCQ's in the class and after the test students were asked to interchange their answer sheets for evaluation followed by a detailed discussion of the answers.

  58. students prepared multiple choice questions with answer key and discussed in the classroom

  59. std 12 English Peer assessment of roleplay
    encourages every students to participate, be attentive and analytical
    surprisingly they can come up with different ideas and critical analysis

  60. I teach IT in grade 5. We were doing Scratch programming. The students had to access their friends Scratch projects and give constructive feedback on them. This in turn helped them in their own projects.

  61. English: Students were asked to prepare MCQ quiz after reading the passage. Children were asked to correct spellings of peers. Students were asked to grade each child's speech and point out why they awarded a particular score and how it could be improved.

  62. students were made to small groups and they were asked to form questions from the taught portion and ask among them . the marks wwre recorded and toppers were appreciated in class.

  63. I teach Computer in grade 3. We were doing Scratch programming. The students had to access their friends Scratch projects and give constructive feedback on them. This in turn helped them in their own projects.

  64. Students were asked to prepare objective questionnaire in a team to be asked from other team

  65. biology
    students divided into small groups and asked to construct questions from topic learned and then conduct a quiz competition by themselves.

  66. Class : IX
    Sub: Political Science
    Electoral Politics
    LO: Each child will develop an understanding on the Election process of India.
    1. Mock election
    2. Group discussion
    3. Individual Presentation on their research topic.( topic: 2021 State Legislative Assembly election of Assam)

  67. Students were divided in two groups and a topic of discussion was given to them. Based on this topic they were asked to frame questions and rubric. Then they were given a chance to ask the questions from the other group.

  68. ubject:- English
    Class :- XI
    students prepared multiple choice questions with answer key and discussed in the classroom

  69. I have used peer assessment as an effective formative assessment in my class XI of subject AI. I told to do presentation related to the chapter and peers assessed the other group based on their presentation skills, content and clarity.
    When I was a student, we used to have group study circles wherein our group leader used to assign task for each group member to help each other out in the topics we are weak.
    Peer assessment is very effective and leads to a positive learning environment in the classroom.

  70. we have peer group meeting where i discuss the methodologly and activties i will be to teach aparticular concepts. I also will share the PPT withmy peer group. students will be given oppourtunity to prepare fill up's , and so seminar will be held , where the students will come forward and teach a particular concepts

  71. Subject: Mathematics
    Class: VIII
    Students were divided into 4 groups and they were asked to explain the concepts of surface area and volume and discussion took place and also chance was given to every group to ask doubts and questions to other group.

  72. Subject : English
    Grade: 12
    students were given a chapter (The Enemy), they were asked to make questions in the form of MCQ. Students were then asked to 'shoot' their questions on their peers. one who is able to ask maximum answers in stipulated time wins. anwers were also analysed and discussed to give insight onto the chapter.

  73. Peer Assessment comes very handy and takes place frequently during Group Works or Research work when they all collaborate for a given task and since they see each others work closely they can give genuine feedback and times get too critical too.

  74. Students were divided in groups of four each and topics of debate were given to them. Each group expressed their opinion in favour or against the motion. MCQ based quiz was given and assessed by peers.

  75. Students divided into small groups and asked to construct questions from topic learned and then conduct a quiz competition by themselves.

  76. Grade-8

    Subject- English

    Task/Theme - Dialogue Writing

    Learning outcomes- Enhanced speaking and writing skills, Gaining of Confidence

    Students were given a situation. They conversed with each other and wrote their dialogues in their note books. Then they read them out in the class.

  77. Students were given a social topic to write on. Whatever they want they can write. Later these answer sheets have been exchanged with other students and they were asked to score the essay also aksed to read out.
    BY this method..the other student come across what is the view of the first student on the topic..also if there is something wrong thinking about the topic at that the teacher can able to correct it.

  78. Class :6
    Topic : Ascending order or Descending order of Integers
    A small test was conducted and peers were asked to correct the answers, the students themselves helped each other to learn the concept

  79. Role play for learning the comparison between types of bond class xi chemistry

  80. Class: XII
    Subject: Health & Physical Education
    Topic: Match Simulation & Post Match Analysis
    Content: This technique of involving students into games and sports is pretty interesting where they are told to go through mistakes they might have done in the past during any game and what better they could have done there. All of this happens as simulation where they are told to lie on the ground freely and ponder about the game by closing their eyes. Once they go through that match again, they figure out exactly where they went wrong and by doing this they self-assess themselves. At the end, there are number of questions being asked by the doer who seeks information regarding rectification of the mistakes done. This all helps in understanding the difference between poor and good performance being given by the athlete/player.

  81. Subject: Psychology
    Grade :XI
    Topic: Learning Principles
    Learning Outcome:Students will be able to understand the application of learning principle in real life

    Students were asked to conduct observation study to compare the impact of tangible products verses appreciation as reinforcement for performance.

    After the study they shared the details with ppt and feedback was taken from their class mates on how to improvise.

    1. written by
      Sheetal Chadda
      The Modern School,Faridabad

  82. ubject: Psychology
    Grade :XI
    Topic: Learning Principles
    Learning Outcome:Students will be able to understand the application of learning principle in real life

    Students were asked to conduct observation study to compare the impact of tangible products verses appreciation as reinforcement for performance.

    After the study they shared the details with ppt and feedback was taken from their class mates on how to improvise.

  83. Students are divided into groups and each group is given a topic from the same chapter and they present to peers followed by a question answer round.

  84. In my school we were asked to check dictation, while oral quiz we were always asked to cross verify the answers. And we use verify notes of our friends in case if we missed out anything. we always try to choose the best notes.

  85. Quiz, mcq worksheets, word search, crossword, grammar puzzles

  86. Exchanged worksheets and asked to correct peers worksheet for understanding the topic and clearing doubts

  87. Students prepared questions for quiz competition with answer key...

  88. Students can be asked to prepare questions based on activities demonstrated by peers and discuss the observations and analyse the observations.

  89. PM
    We two students with my friends were exchanging the class work and home assignments and trying to correct the dictation question answer of our teacher taught during the class work and sharing our opinion on the topic and learn the topic properly

  90. Class VIII
    Learning outcome - ability to express views and opinions fluently
    Group discussion - One group assessing other group performnace

  91. Class - XI
    Subject - Economics
    Students prepared mcqs and answer key for each other
    Then in Group discussion - One group assessing the performnace of other group

  92. PPT,Quiz, Explanation of practical application of concepts, 

  93. We two students checked each other's assignment copies and learnt the mistakes

  94. Peer Assessment is an exceptionally useful tool and is used frequently during Group activities and individual presentations, when students, they observe each others work , put themselves in the shoes of their peers, think innovatively and collaboratively for a given task and since they see each others work closely they give genuine feedback which can make the presentations much better.

  95. For a moment, recall your classroom experiences and reflect on the instances where you must have used peer assessment as a technique. Describe the task or theme, (also provide basic information like Subject, Grade, Topic, Learning Outcomes, implementation strategy indicating steps for planning, outcomes and challenges faced in implementing peer assessment in classroom.

    Subject- English
    Grade- IX
    Intra and interpersonal skill can be judged. Students will have better communication skills.

  96. Task: Open book Test - Poetic Devices
    Subject: English
    Grade: XI
    Learning Outcomes: to identify the Poetic Devices, some known, some unknown
    Strategy: Refresh memory of earlier learnt PD, some new ones introduced and explained, test given, students encouraged to search for ones they do not know or remember, they collaborate, learn from each other, cooperate, and eventually correct each other's work
    Challenges faced: initially they didn't know how to find related info, collaboration was foreign, some egos clashed, but eventually they realised and learnt.

  97. open ended questions, conceptual explanation, OTBA

  98. Subject hindi
    Art integrated
    Cultural history
    Food clothing
    Ppt and group presentation in class

  99. We, two students of our class used to exchange the notes made by ourselves and discuss to each other regarding theory and practicals whenever felt confused. It heped both of us to improve our knowledge and learning.

  100. Students prepared role play on the content related topic and present in class.

  101. Quiz that is organised, managed by students. This develops in them sense of responsibility, develops their knowledge and competitiveness.


  102. Focus Listing activity focuses on one concept, term, or topic. Students were asked to provide several ideas related closely with the one concept, term, or topic.

    The purpose of this activity is to help instructors determine what students are able to recall for the main points of a lesson. The preparation and follow-up for a Focused Listing activity is minimal. The Focused Listing activity can help students in several ways:

    Quickly determine what learners recall as the most important points related to a topic

    Assess how well learners can describe or define a central point and to discover how well learners are connecting other concepts to the central point of the lesson

    Gauge the best starting point, make midpoint corrections, and measure the class's progress in learning one specific element of course content

  103. Subject: English
    Art Integrated activity combining Rajasthan and Assam
    Food Exhibition of both the states
    Students were divided in groups and they were asked to prepare food and write Stories about the origin of food, the culture, conducting survey, writing report etc Then they presented their work for peer assessment.
    The greatest challenge faced is to get correct addessment

  104. Once I conducted Peer Assessment in Grade XII after completing the Prose -Should Wizard Hit Mommy? The students had to reflect on the justification of the title. Once they had pen down their ideas they were asked to exchange their sheets with the peers. The assessment proved to be successful as the peers did not have to judge anything right or wrong but had to highlight and appreciate the thoughts of their friends. The students showed their vocabulary knowledge and appreciated the thoughts of each other.

  105. Being a special educator, peer assessment is something not possible for all the classroom situation. However I usually uses one type of peer assessment with the of checklist to assess the activity based learning.

    Class IX,X HINDI
    Open text book Assessment & Open ended question,


  108. Inter disciplinary projects given to the students

  109. The 6 types of assessments are:
    Diagnostic assessments
    Formative assessments
    Summative assessments
    Ipsative assessments
    Norm-referenced assessments
    Criterion-referenced assessments
    Assessments generally have one of three purposes:
    Assessment of learning
    Assessment for learning
    Assessment as learning
    Assessments of learning can include:
    Final projects
    Standardized tests
    Common types of assessment of learning include: Summative assessments
    Norm-referenced assessments
    Criterion-referenced assessments
    the learning process doesn't end, it’s an ongoing process, with plenty of opportunities for students to build a growth mindset and develop new skills.

  110. Grade 10
    Peer assessment for Lab work on PH
    Each group was assigned the task to identify the ph of the samples provided as well some specific unknown samples .,
    At the end of the task each group had to share heir learning, with respect to their procedures ,process , observations , conclusions and the rationale behind the same .


  111. English-10
    Hundred dresses
    After completing the lesson, I gave an assignment to write Why is peggy perspective on life different from that of wanda?

  112. The students were divided in the group of 4 and allowed to explore the school premises. They were asked to write the things they had learnt from nature or natural elements.

  113. Discussion and open ending questions,Quiz show that is organised by students to develop the responsibility, knowledge and competitiveness.


  114. Art integrated
    Cultural history
    group presentation in class

  115. A small activity is given to the students in maths in class 5th to represent given fraction using different shapes. Then these sheets are exchanged with other students to cross check and give their review.

  116. In mathematics they are asked to prepare a ppt and share it with other students doing similar topics. Each one of them are asked to write a positive comment or suggestion on the last slide.

  117. This activity was conducted during English grammar class where students had to exchange their papers in which reported speech exercise was written. One child had to write direct speech sentences and the other had to write indirect sentences. like this they had to exchange paper, translate into indirect speech and check each others answers and write marks.

  118. Subject- English
    Grade- X
    Role play. Improved communication skills.

  119. normally in class , students correct peers paper or they will grade other groups perfoemance by giving constructive feed back

  120. Grade - X
    Topic - Application of Trigonometry
    Peer Assessment student create own examples and share with friends and assess them
    really nice experience each one understand topic completely.

  121. Peer assessment is done by exchanging answer sheets for checking, group presentations( based on rubrics)and class discussions.

  122. The Group presentation for class IXth ,where students who are audiences could ask questions and give their suggestions.This can help in reviewing their knowledge and understanding about the particular topic.

  123. Grade IX
    Subject : Physics
    Activity: Mindmap for summarizing a chapter/unit
    students exchanged their work and assessed based on rubric displayed on board

  124. Peer checking was done when students gave objective tests or spelling tests so they check each others work by exchanging but clear instructions needs to be given for eg. How to cut marks for any spelling errors.

  125. Subject : Computer Application
    Grade 10
    Theme : Links in HTML
    Learning Outcomes: Link web pages.
    Planning Done: Prepared Notes with sufficient and various examples.
    Problem Faced: No computer for displaying output


  126. Exit / Admit Slips, Kinesthetic Assessments, Observations, Online Quizzes prepared by students based on Newton's laws of motion- Grade 9 Physics

  127. Class X
    Subject:- Science
    After teaching the chapter electric current. I make two groups and tell them to prepare question for quiz.
    And exchange the question to other group and now make answer all these questions by the other group. And it is checked by the group who had prepared the question.

  128. Students were told to make small groups. They were asked to form questions from the taught portion and to ask each other. The marks were recorded as well.

  129. Subject: Math
    Grade: IX
    Topic: Square root spiral
    Explained the square root spiral and asked students to show their creativity by integrating it with arts.
    Students were told to make small groups. They were asked to form questions from the taught portion and to ask each other. The marks were recorded as well.

  130. Improves social skills
    Ethical values and morales

  131. Students were divided in groups and they were then asked to work on an interdisciplinary project on the topic given. They then worked as a team to work upon it. The learning outcome was to teach the students team spirit.

  132. Grade: XI
    Sub: Biology
    Topic: Cell membrane
    Frame any creative idea to explain the topic based on rubrics.
    Some made worksheets, flowchart, concept map, diagrams, presentation and one of the student brought balloon of different shapes and colloborated with presentation and diagram student. He explained nicely. Team work, sharing the knowledge, coordination, making the concept to explain in lucid way made them get more marks. Students were very happy appreciating each other.

  133. Class-8 Hindi
    Topic- लोकोक्ति व मुहावरे
    छात्रों को एक वर्ण दिया गया और उनसे पूछा गया कि आप इस वर्ण से शुरू होने वाले लोकोक्ति व मुहावरे बताओं | छात्रों से सराहनीय उत्तर दिए | कुछ चित्र देकर पूछना, मुहावरों पर आधारित कोई भी कविता,कहानी ,संवाद लिखने के लिए तैयार करना|

  134. Grade:12 Subject: Chemistry. Topic: Surface chemistry.
    A worksheet with Match the column format assignment was created. The students worked as team of two. In the team the students mailed, exchanged and assessed the answer sheets. Helped each other with understanding of theoretical concepts. the students learnt to collaborate, communicate and team spirit. Also helped to gain self confidence.

  135. class was divided in to groups and each group prepared and presented their topic through role play .Here assessment was done by the peer.

  136. Class XII Chemistry: Haloalkanes and haloarenes
    Divide the class into 5 groups. One group will study the general characteristics. Other four groups will study the preparation,, chemical reactions, uses of some important compounds and then exchange their views in the class. In this way they helped each other, which certainly boost up their knowledges.

  137. Subject : Mathematics
    Class : XI

  138. Chemistry
    Std Xll
    Topic: Raoult's law Students were asked to add Sugar to boiling water
    and compare the effect of addition of tea leaves to boiling water

    1. Grade10
      Subject:English language and literature
      Topic: speaking assessment
      Sharing the first time experience and overcoming fear
      Enjoyed and felt motivated while listening to other's experiences.

      The students enjoyed and appreciated each other's points

  139. Quiz that is organised and managed by students. This develops in them sense of responsibility, develops their knowledge and competitiveness.

  140. In music peer assessment helps students learn without getting judged and their efforts appreciated.

  141. Being a Social Science teacher besides pen & paper test I conduct various other assessment models to assess the holistic knowledge & skills of my learners. I conduct regular & formative assessment in the following forms:
    a. Exit worksheet through MS Forms- After completing a lesson I conduct an exit revision and give worksheet to students through MS Forms. Students after attempting the worksheet can check their responses and analyze their learning.
    b. Reflective Diary- Students are asked to write the reflective diary of the lesson learned and how the learnt concept is going to help in bringing judicious decision regarding environment, society, polity, economy etc.
    c. Peer Assessment- after each concept students are given assessment of learning worksheet. When students solve the worksheet. the solved script is exchanged to the peers and they are asked to assess each others' sheets. This help children to exchange knowledge and share why the written answers are right or wrong.

  142. For peer assessmetn I use the following tools which help my learners to reflect, collaborate & actively participate :
    Using Padlet- Here a task is assigned where all students are supposed to respond and write their responses. Students are also given right to give feedback to two other students. In the feedback students have to write what they found most interesting in the response of their peer and and how the answer could be more better. This help them to reflect and collaborate.

    Using Fligrid Video- Here also there is a great scope to reflect, collaborate and give feedback to other students.

  143. Task : Peer prepared test
    Subject : Mathematics
    Chapter: Permutations and Combinations

    Students to prepare a question each of 1 marker , 2 marker , 3 marker and 4 marker question from a given event.The students would then exchange and try solving in same time .
    The students learnt to weigh the concepts and also could also find their problem areas easily as they would assign questions that they could solve .
    As an activity later, they would try discussing about each others problem area and explain each other.

  144. Task: Question given on Mnetimeter
    Sub:- Social sc

    For Peer review I gave one task on Mentimeter and students were suppose to read what other students have written and were suppose add if any valuable point they can add. Students loved this task and very positively taken back the feedback from their peers.

  145. Students were divided into two groups. Each group was given a topic and asked to frame 25 questions on that particular topic. The other team had to solve the questions for which points were allotted. The answers were to be checked by the team who framed questions. If some questions were unanswered or wrongly answered than those to be discussed in class.

  146. Grade 6, English, Topic Grammar. After the concepts were taught, students were given subtopics to explain in class, their friends had to ask them questions which had to be cleared by the speaker. The student's comprehension of the given topic was tested by the peers

  147. To assess the speaking skill of the students, they were given topics to speak upon. An evaluation sheet was prepared having criteria and they were assessed. This was an activity continued for three days. The students were able to listen to their classmates mutually.

  148. Class xI
    Chapter Derivatives
    Topic _ product rule
    One of the student was asked to state it and others were asked to listen carefully. As soon as the student finished the others raised their hands, one of the student was given chance to tell whether the statement of product rule given was correct or not.
    After knowing that there was mistake in statement the mistake was pointed out by one of the students and rectified version was told.
    The student who stated the rule in incorrect fashion was given another chance to state the correct version.
    The student was not able to correct it then one of the students helped him to state it coorrectly.
    Ultimately all the students were able to learn the product rule.

  149. Grade:12
    Subject: Biology.
    Topic: Organisms and Populations
    A worksheet with Match the column, MCQs, Crossword puzzle assignment was created by the students only. The students worked as team of two. In the team the students mailed, exchanged and assessed the answer sheets. Helped each other with understanding of theoretical concepts. the students learnt to collaborate, communicate and team spirit. Also helped to gain self confidence.

  150. Class x subject Biology Activity art integrated
    Prepare parts of flower with origami
    Outcome The students did their best and explained various parts and their roles.

  151. Showed them a power point presentation on the novel
    The Invisible Man
    Subjct English
    Class 10
    Then gave them worksheets depicting important scenes
    And they were asked to tell the scene corresponding to the pictures shown in the worksheet
    After that I asked them to give an new ending to the story and reflect on their experiences if they were to play the role of invisible man.
    Then students cross checked each others worksheets
    Learning outcome : to check students level of understanding
    Challenges faced : students could not write the story in form of well structured sentences.


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