Course - 12 Activity 3: Use of toys for various purposes - Share your Reflections

In the process of implementing toy based pedagogy several toys are created. How can you use all the created toys effectively post classroom sessions?


  1. In the process of implementing toy based pedagogy

    1. The teacher displays the
      toys and reuses them in teaching learning process through sight, touch, etc

    2. Indigenous materials use to form different toys which motivate students to know about indigenous culture .

    3. Motivating the students to display their
      interest in toys and reuses them in teaching learning process by touching the feeling them, etc

    4. 1. We can always exhibit the work done by students to encourage their creativity
      2. A good teacher must know how to connect the toys with different subjects as well
      3. Can always share with other grades as well

    5. Help children to visualize the concepts in the form of diagrams or objects involved so that those objects of 3D shapes or 2D shapes can be provided so that the concept get captured in the mind of the learner...teacher has to work proactively in line with the thinking of how toys can be integrated in the concept of the lessons taught.

    6. Hi, I am Souvik Chatterjee, Adamas World School
      Toys are a very useful learning resource. Toys can be used to promote experiential learning in interesting ways. They are useful in the teachinglearning of mathematics, languages, science etc. Toys can be classified into many categories such as rattles (dug-dugi, etc.); dolls (wooden and soft dolls); classic board games (Pachisi, Bagh Chal, Chaduranga etc.); bhatuki (miniature kitchen utensils); Outdoor games (Gilli -danda, Appa-rapi etc.); spinning toys (Lattoo, Firki, etc.); Dynamic Toys (Gravitational toys, Drum toys etc.); Walking Toys and Puppets. Toys can be used from preschool to higher secondary education. If a variety of rattles, spinning toys, puppets, stuffed toys can be used for children up to the primary stage, then toys such as board games, completing circuits, etc can be used for older children.

    7. Students can make 3 d models of cell and its parts to understand the structural details

  2. Replies
    1. in teaching english for vocabulary develoment teacher can first make puzzles with the help of students for all the grades and afterwards in groups childresn can solve monotonous learning will be replaced with enjoyable learning with th help of toy based pedagogy.

  3. By displaying puzzles based on toys

  4. By displaying toys and reusing them in teaching learning process

  5. With many parents looking to entertain and preoccupy their children through ways other than screens, toys offer a unique way to create new experiences and encourage the use of imagination and curiosity.A great way to use the class puppet is for routines. The puppet can greet and say goodbye to the children when they come in or leave the class, and elicit information from them, for example, “How are you today?”The children will be comfortable and interested in replying to the puppet, and even the shyest child will want to interact with it in this way.

  6. very informative and use them again and again

  7. We can use toys to introduce and narrate a new concept.

  8. 1. Social emotional learning
    2. Critical thinking
    3. Creative thinking
    4. Generate a source of income- livelihood - social connectivity and employability
    5. Cross- curricular learning approaches
    6. Integrated learning
    7. Team teaching
    8. Thematic learning
    9.Generate problem solving skills
    10. develop fine motor skills
    11. improves attention and concentration
    12. enhances peer learning
    13. ensures co-operational learning
    14. connects to the immediate environment
    15. provides intrinsic motivation
    16. Experiential learning
    17. Sensorial learning


  10. Reusing the toys in linked topics. Exhibiting work done by students at the same time inspiring students to become more creative

  11. Collect the available toys and use accordingly

  12. Toys may be used as tools in teaching learning process and can be used to teach different topics accordingly. Toys can be reuse, remodel.

    1. Motivating the students to display their
      interest in toys and reuses them in teaching learning process by touching the feeling them, etc

  13. Children need to be kept away from screens. Therefore toys offer a unique way to use their imagination and curiosity. Puppets and other toys can be used as tools in the learning process.

  14. Toys help children to connect with their culture. The use of traditional Indian games and toys in schools will make children connect with their heritage and will have a lifelong positive impact. Toys can also be used to teach many difficult concepts very easily exploiting a child’s interests and curiosity. These toys can be used as teaching aids. used for explanation of concepts.

  15. Toys once used in the classrooms may be properly preserved for future use. These may also be modified or improvised for new topic

  16. Hands on experience

    Innovative thought

    Cognitive thinking

    Pleasure in learning

    Team work

    Thematic collaboration

    1. Hands on experience .
      Innovative thought
      Cognitive thinking .
      Pleasure in learning
      Thematic collaboration

  17. Toy making requires patience and team effort. But it surely helps in concrete learning of the concepts.

  18. Showcasing them in exhibitions and encouraging students to present and explain before guests . This would help them enhance their communication skill and confidence.

  19. It could support critical thinking and creativity of learners

  20. Use of toys for various purpose. teaching-learnig,emotional ,practical, traditional knowledge, going back to our rich culture and its connection with mordern technology. Over all very good.

  21. Toys once used in classes can be preserved to show to new batches of students as well as they can be kept to show the parents on PTM days and also an exhibition can be organized to encourage students.

  22. Toys can be used as tools in teaching learning process and used to teach different topics accordingly.

  23. Toys can be kept in labs, displayed in exhibitions or during PTMs, added in portfolio, shared with other teachers or schools, etc.

  24. Students can be asked to view the toys and write their own reflections of the subject to which the toy can be connected . The toy collection can be a pool of resources for other to use . The presence of toys can help students to express themselves safely .

  25. Toys using discarded materials during art and science exhibition can be made easily by the students to continue with this effective and interesting way of learning the concepts

  26. Toys can be used for playing in the activity rooms, for exibition, in art and craft classes.

  27. To play with experiential learning
    To co-relate the learning outcomes with other subjects
    To improve team work capacity
    To improve the sportsman ship and
    being more kind and valuable as working together
    To know how to use waste material also to make toys

  28. The toy based learning can help in developing skills in the child along with experiential learning . This will also help in getting the students connected with our culture.

  29. Toys created can be exhibited in the school on PTM or Annual Day to encourage the children or they can be used for story telling pedagogy as well.

  30. Through sensory learning, putting an exhibition in practicals

  31. Interesting and innovative ideas in learning process.Try to implement once in the class

  32. Toys can be used for all the subjects. So , once toys are made they can be used for all subjects effectively

  33. The toys can be used for further future,for exhibits, occasions.

  34. The toys created can be reused again. They can also be put up as exhibits, be placed in places where children will have access so that they can revisit and think on it more. Some toys can also be used as props in story telling.

  35. Toys can be put in the lab which can be used again and again with the modification by the batch.

  36. Toys can be used very effectively for in Maths subject

  37. We can display the
    toys and reuse them in the teaching learning process

  38. Toys can be used for various activities, conversations,creative thinking, mathematical skills,show and tell etc

  39. Use of toys for various purpose. teaching-learning,emotional ,practical,
    can be reused - wonderful for skits of modern issues in society

  40. Toys can be kept in class for aesthetic value. it can be used in class to narrate stories, as props and also to compose and write or share views

  41. Toys can be divided into sensory materials into two categories: items that can be used during learning activities. They can be kept in class for aesthetic value. it can be used in class to narrate stories, as props and also to compose and write or share views

  42. Teachers can use it for recapitulation as well as ask the students to think out of box and remodel the stuffs. Also we can exhibit it wherever it is required as an informative tool

  43. Toys can be displayed in the classrooms after teaching

  44. display the toys or preserve them as tools for teachers to teach in classrooms for different subjects.

  45. can be created toy museum and and exhibit it on some special occasions like PTM, Annual Day, on any cultural activity,...

  46. making learning an experiential one.

  47. हिन्दी विषय में कक्षा में छात्रों से कठपुतली बनवाकर बाद में उसी कठपुतली को JAM [ बस एक मिनट ] वाचन कौशल परीक्षण के लिए प्रयोग किया जा सकता है या English में show and tell के लिए या फिर science में शरीर के अंगों [ body parts] ऐसे ही की तरह से विभिन्न विषयों के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है |

  48. Asking students to bring toys and share with other students

  49. . We can always exhibit the work done by students to encourage their creativity
    2. A good teacher must know how to connect the toys with different subjects as well
    3. Can always share with other grades as well

  50. Making learning more interesting and experiential.

  51. Toys created during the teaching learning sessions can always be stored and displayed for encouraging the students. As the toys could be of use for other subjects as well , so could be used for different subject and grades.

  52. Toys created by children gives a sense of pride for them, they can also be used reinforce content, can be integrated with other subjects can be used for spatial thinking, displayed on special occasions like p t m, annual day

  53. Toys can be used in groups to explain a related topic and then it can be exchanged among students to share their view points, they can be stored and reused to explain other topics as well

  54. Toy can be a wonderful tool to teach because the foremost thing that is required for today's educational approach is interdisciplinary education. This can be achieved by toys. Ranging from teaching to count, how the toy came into existence, why the toy was made , who made the toy, what are the similarity of toy to human being we can connect Mathematics,Social Science, Language and science in a single thread. So toys are really helpful tools to integrate subjects.

  55. Toys can be used in Exhibitions and be reused for teaching other subjects as well. The can also be used as models while teaching the related topics. Preserving them for next batches will be a wise idea.

  56. For exhibition or giving out to the needy children or reusing it the next time.

  57. The repository of toys created can be used for various purposes ranging from exhibitions to discussions to theme based work.
    1. Student created toys can be put up on exhibitions on PTMs, Annual Days or during any other event with great footfall. The students can be made to stand next to their toys so that they can satiate guest queries about their creation. This will not only infuse the child with pride in having created something worthwhile but also confidence and increased language skills while interacting with the guests.
    2. The toys can also be given away as mementos or prizes for inter as well as intra class activities.

  58. A toy exhibition can be conducted.

  59. The toys can be kept in the school repository, they can also be kept in art and craft room. Exhibition of the toys can be organised for the parents. Schools in Hub of Learning can share their toys and expand their collection.

  60. Toys can be made by students and teachers nad can be used in class

  61. Toys used by teachers in classroom activity can help improving social, emotional and logical thinking of the students.

  62. Toys are an eyefeast as well as an educative source . Toys also help to understand the concept easily. Toys, undoubtedly, develop creative skills.

  63. K.Aparna
    Toys help in making the classroom lively and innovative. Toys enhance aesthetic sense.

  64. . Motivating the students to create and display their work to encourage them and make the classroom lively and connecting the toys with different subjects as well

  65. THE TOYS CAN BE PRESERVED AND USED IN SUBSEQUENT CLASSES . The teacher can showcase these items as a kind of reward to the students.

  66. Toys prepared by Teachers and students during the learning process can be utilized later on for display of work done by kids.
    We can also demonstrate it as an exhibition.
    Parents can witness the work of kids and teachers.

  67. Once the toys are used, they can used over and over again because it will never loose its importance. It can be sued for school exhibition displays, for decorations during festival celebration at schools, for teaching other concepts in other classes, take way rewards to school students for their behavior, academic achievements, for fund raising events during fairs. We also use for story telling sessions for young children.

  68. Indigenous materials use to form different toys which motivate students to know about indigenous culture .

  69. The toys made by students will be used as TLM, put in an Art Exhibition, best ones could be put at school reception. They can be displayed to all students. All this will encourage and motivate students. Some toys can be distributed to needy/poor children near school and encouraging them to join school.

  70. Toys can be kept for future reference and during revision of the topic
    Teachers with out of box thinking and creativity can use these toys to teach in other grades a different concept.

  71. Crafty toys and activities improve fine motor skills. This will further promote better personality and communication skills. Toys created can be kept for future use in ehancing teaching learning process

  72. Toys Exhibition Can be done in the school for all the students. So that the children can learn and exited to see different variety of toys made in different classes by teachers and students.

  73. Handmade toys with waste materials can be use in classroom to promote variety of activities among students.Students may feel excited and happy while using their creativity for learning purposes.

  74. to use eco frirndly and indegenious materials to make toys , whch adds on value to the children.

  75. Pottery and sculpture classes helps students to give wings to their imagination. They are engaged and works independently applying the knowledge they have gained. A platform like exhibition can be organised to get the desired result. This fun filled activity makes their learning experiential .

  76. By putting an year end puzzle so that children can remember for what they made these toys and what they learn. And tech them social learning by putting an exhibition.

  77. Toys can be used to demonstrate scientific principles.

  78. These toys can be displayed at the exhibition in the school to showcase students' and teachers' creativity. It can motivate others also to create such things.

  79. We can always exhibit the work done by students to encourage their creativity

  80. We can conduct expo of the toys which in turn will encourage the children.

  81. Can be displayed, children can donate to those in need.

  82. school toy centre can be created where all the toys can be stored. school can organize exhibition and show all the toys thatare created. The teachers can also use it in future as a tool in the classroom.

  83. In the process of implementing toy based pedagogy several toys created by students are displayed in creative corner and students comes 10 minutes early and they use this. We use it in EFK Exhibition or Science Exhibition or in their Integrated Project Presentation and display their work. They get motivated when their work is appreciated by teachers, parents and other students. This generation students are very creative.

  84. All the toys that are created during the implementation of toy based learning can be used to integrate into classroom teaching in the future also . They can be place in a special place like a toy corner , or a resources room or they can be displayed in subject rooms where students can spend time learning through play .

  85. All the toys created during the implementation of toy based learning can be displayed in the laboratories and reused in classroom teaching in future. Also the special place can be created in school to exhibit these toys and let other students also get inspiration

  86. We can ask students to demonstrate their learning from those toys through exhibition or in certain events.

  87. We can use toys to introduce and explain a new concept.


  89. Toys can be used endlessly and not just for a particular session. They can be given to children for furtjer exploration, story telling sessions at various intervals, conversation starters, plays, toy corner in the classroom, library, workshops for children, examples for creating their own games etc.

  90. As per the topic and content toys could be used for example "firki" toy could use as to show circular motion in science and also prepare poem on it for language subjects

  91. LATTU can be used to shoe rotation of earth

  92. Motivatingand encouraging the students to display their interest in toys and reuse them in teaching learning process by touching them. They help in
    experiential learning ,co-relate the learning outcomes with other subjects , improve team work.

  93. The teacher can motivate and share his experience with the children. Children also share their interest in making and showcase their skills

  94. A toy museum can be created or alternatively these creations can be exhibited on some special occasions like PTM, Annual Day, on any cultural activity

  95. Toys which are created during the process of implementing of Toy based pedagogy, can be used for
    1. Exhibits
    2.Shared with other subject facilitators
    3.Can be used to motivate learners to create their own toys

  96. toys created during the process of learning can be donated to any learning center ,museums or to the local fare for giving economical know how to students.

  97. Help children to visualize the concepts in the form of diagrams or objects involved so that those objects of 3D shapes or 2D shapes can be provided so that the concept get captured in the mind of the learner

  98. Help children to visualize the concepts in the form of diagrams or objects involved so that those objects of 3D shapes or 2D shapes can be provided so that the concept get captured in the mind of the learner.

  99. can motivate them to make toys/models of same type with a different concept.ex.they can make toys using various combinations of solid shapes on their own

  100. These toys can be used for next session as examples or teaching tool

  101. The teacher displays the
    toys and reuses them in teaching learning process through sight, touch, etc

  102. Kakoli Sarkar
    We can use toys post class room sessions.
    We can exchange them with other subject teachers
    We can use them for puppet shows, story telling sessions.

  103. We should know how to connect same toy with different subjects.

  104. Post classroom sessions these toys can be used as exhibits in an exhibition, can used as props in story telling sessions, can be reused by other teachers in their classes, can be used as gifts for social work by the students, puppet show by the school, raising funds for the school's social work, animation movie making etc.

  105. Post the sessions, these toys can be used by the children for recreation, teachers can also use them for story telling sessions, children can also weave the stories around them.Show and tell activities can also be conducted with the children.

  106. Post learning, Toys or other 3d tools that are made by the children can be exhibited in classrooms. Various activities can be conducted such as toy fair, Open day where parents also join to encourage students.

  107. Toys created can be kept at one corner of the class or some specific room which can act as a resource for all the subjects and even can be viewed in future too.

  108. The toys can be exhibited and later used for further learning for different batches and by different teachers.

  109. 1. Motivational pieces.
    2. Exhibits.
    3. Teaching in the future.
    4. Develop 21st century skills.
    5. Improvise learnings to modify toys.
    6. Integrate with other subject streams.

  110. Introducing educational and physical activity toys at an early stage of a child’s development years has seen to enhance their senses, spark their imagination and enhance their social skills. Post learning, Toys or other 3d tools that are made by the children can be exhibited in classrooms. Various activities can be conducted such as toy fair, Open day where parents also join to encourage students.

  111. We can use these toys as teaching aids even in other classes also. This encourages and motivates the young ones and also develops their imagination and creativity

  112. We can use that toys in other classes and we can encourage the children in different ways to understand the concept

  113. Toy is a good means of engaging and makinng children learn and understand concept for longer duration. It makes the learning effective and joyful.

  114. A common display toy corner can help to give easy assess towards the use of toy for teaching and learning. The use and care of toy under teachers supervision will indeed help to enhance the level of involvement of the students.

  115. Hey! I am searching for Best Toy Shop to Order Educational Toys

  116. Toys once used in the classrooms can be properly stored in labs for future use.

  117. These toys may be used to conduct an exhibition,where students can demonstrate how they have used these toys to learn various concepts.

  118. By making Toy corner to display all the toys made by kids and to reuse them in teaching and learning process.

  119. The educational toys that get created may be exhibited in the school and students and teachers may be allowed to use them regularly for better and innovative teaching-learning process in future and for making the concepts clear and joyful in all the subjects taught in the school.

  120. Integrated learning Team teaching
    hematic learning
    9Fine motor skills
    1Improves attention and concentration
    12. enhances peer learning
    13. ensures co-operational learning
    14. connects to the immediate environment
    15. provides intrinsic motivation
    16. Experiential learning, Sensorial learning

  121. Toys can be stored and can be displayed as exhibits for parents to showcase the talents of their children in using and enhance their learning and skills through toys .Can also be used in the coming years with more innovations for the holistic development of sensory , motor skills.

  122. Toys make learning and these can be stored carefully and reused.

  123. The toys created by the students can be displayed in a toy corner of the class, re-used for linked topics, used to re-create more toys and be made available to other classes.

  124. By using in other classes. Or by exhibiting them

  125. Same toy can be used for years. A teacher must pay attention to the durability and maintenance of the toys and teach the same skills to the students also. Through the fact the concept of 3 R's can be taught. If a toy becomes unusable for future, then the question of its wise disposal or diverse usage should be put to students also and allow them to share their reflections on the same.

  126. display the toy in classroom along with the concept taught and the relevant formulae.

  127. Toys can be exhibited during PTM. They should be displayed somewhere for a mont or so. It will create sense of belonging in students.

  128. The toys can be reused in different subjects. Also they can be given to the students to share their experiences associated with the toys and concepts.

  129. A teacher can use these toys for the better understanding of the subject.

  130. Toys can be used to promote experiential learning in interesting ways. They are useful in the teachinglearning of mathematics, languages, science etc. Toys can be classified into many categories such as rattles (dug-dugi, etc.); dolls (wooden and soft dolls); classic board games (Pachisi, Bagh Chal, Chaduranga etc.); bhatuki (miniature kitchen utensils); Outdoor games (Gilli -danda, Appa-rapi etc.); spinning toys (Lattoo, Firki, etc.); Dynamic Toys (Gravitational toys, Drum toys etc.); Walking Toys and Puppets. Toys can be used from preschool to higher secondary education. If a variety of rattles, spinning toys, puppets, stuffed toys can be used for children up to the primary stage, then toys such as board games, completing circuits, etc can be used for older children.

  131. Exhibition cum sale of toys in local community.
    some toys can be reused or improved for some other learning activities

  132. Once classroom sessions are over, toys can be saved for the next year's class. They can also be displayed in school exhibitions, exchanged with the sets created in another school/ class, or donated to orphanages. Teachers may also hold competitive activities, and award the toys to winning students.

  133. To use all the toys created, one must be able to think creatively in order to include a specific toy in a particular lesson. The teacher must know the content of the lesson well enough to think beyond just the lesson and make the class interesting, fun and more effective by including toys that are relevant to the lesson.

  134. The toys can either be kept in school library/museum to be used in other classes or returned to the children as keepsakes

  135. Educational toys can help develop problem solving skills, teach about conflict resolution and how cause and effect work. It also teaches children about sharing, helps develop their fine and gross motor skills and nurtures their creativity and imagination.

  136. Toys once made can be re-modeled and reused as well for other activities, such as a group project or exhibition. They can even be used for teaching other subjects. The children's work can be displayed to show their creativity & hence encourage them. A toy bank can also be set up within the institution so that others can also use the toys as & when there is need. Some toys can have multiple uses as well, for eg. hand puppets or dolls can be used to interact with children, story narration & role plays.

  137. toys offer a unique way to use their imagination and can be used as tools in the learning process.

  138. Re-modelling the toys, reusing or showcasing them in exhibitions and encouraging students to present and explain before guests . This would help them enhance their communication skill and confidence.

  139. By exhibiting their creativity. Indigenous toys can bring out more cultural values.

  140. Exhibition cum sale of toys can be done.

  141. Already used toys can remodeled ...

  142. Toys made from waste material can be used as teaching aids effectively as the children love toys.

  143. The toys can be used for PBL .
    They can be displayed in the corridors to foster discussion among students


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