It helps in learning about powerful connections between history—famous people and events. This can be done through portraiture, drama/tableau, puppetry, music etc.
AIL is learning without pressure. Learners engage through mind, heart and body. Learners actually get involved and it leads to holistic develepment of the learner.
An integrated curriculum allows children to pursue learning in a holistic way, without the restrictions often imposed by subject boundaries. In early childhood programs it focuses upon the inter-relatedness of all curricular areas in helping children acquire basic learning tools. It recognizes that the curriculum for the primary grades includes reading, writing, listening, speaking, literature, drama, social studies, math, science, health, physical education, music, and visual arts. The curriculum also incorporates investigative processes and technology. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining partnerships with families; having knowledge of children and how they learn; and building upon the community and cultural context
Art integrated classrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the learner's mind, heart and body. ... Hence, it is experiential in nature and leads to the holistic development of every learner. The benefit of such experiential learning creates the basis for better learning in other subjects.
art integrated learning can help the children in my subject by understanding the vast territory that they are a part of. they will be knowing India and the World map so clearly that they will be able to understand the dynamics of the world politics in much better sense. they will also understand how different symbols and ideas give a holistic understanding to the reader.
The arts enable students to understand the world in which they live. Arts are central part of the human experience. A focus on the arts is not just a theme for an initiative, but rather something I am genuinely driven by. What makes this issue particularly important right now to me is that I don't hear it talked about much in mainstream education circles. Instead, the arts often get subjugated to the role of the unnecessary, the extraneous, the extracurricular and the expendable. I'm trying to say here that I disagree with that role. Also, many kids are bored in school and have nothing there that makes them want to go. If you unlock a child's capacity for art, whether it is visual arts, theatre, dance or music, that capacity can be the motivator for a child to make the academic grades to stay in the choir or the band. This motivator gives the child a sense of anticipation, hope and interest that otherwise he doesn't have. The arts are essential. We cannot do without them. They are an integral part of a good, overall academic preparation for life. Throughout history people have recorded their struggles, their dreams and their lives in works of art. The arts help develop capacities and attitudes central to learning and to life Engagement in attending to or creating a work of art develops the imagination, which Maxine Green tells us is "the capacity to see things as if they could be otherwise". Surely this is a crucial capacity for those who will shape the future. Imagination makes empathy possible, because to understand another we must be able to imagine living their life. To work in the arts, students are required to think critically, pose problems and make decisions, central capacities in all of learning. Students who participate regularly in the arts develop self-confidence. We believe the creative process has a positive, transforming effect. It teaches hope: when people are engaged in creating, they learn that the dimensions of their lives are without limits. Because we see the arts as vehicles for children's growth in self-confidence, respectful relations with others, and development of learning skills we measure our success by how much they grow. Our surveys addressed how well we met our goals and objectives for people's growth. They see themselves as capable of doing work that is personally satisfying and publicly acknowledged. Because serious work in the arts requires persistence, students develop self-discipline and come to understand what it means to make multiple revisions to achieve high standards. Because so many art forms are collaborative in nature, students often develop the crucial ability to work on a common project with others. It is because of these relations between the arts and the development of self-esteem that so may arts educators say that the arts save lives. Arts learning helps us move from the pedagogical model of teacher-as-expert to the pedagogy of "making" where the classroom has the feel of a studio doing original, beautiful work; where the learner is engaged in a collective process that asks them to take an increasing responsibility for what is happening. Classrooms that connect art and technology into cooperative projects with others are environments where arts learning is already happening. At a time when arts based curriculums have been greatly de-emphasized in the current standard-based learning model art classes such as our "Comics and Cartooning", "Writers Club," "Book Craft," and "Mixed Media Art" have allowed children to explore artistic interest in a variety of creative and imaginative ways. In addition to these classes Community Schools participants have consistently expressed a desire to explore the people and cultures of our community. Classes such as "Global Art," "Threadwork and Embroidery," "East African Cooking" and "Spanish Club" give children a chance to delve into several cultures to explore and better understand the world in which they live.
The arts help develop capacities and attitudes central to learning and to life Engagement in attending to or creating a work of art develops the imagination, which Maxine Green tells us is "the capacity to see things as if they could be otherwise". Surely this is a crucial capacity for those who will shape the future. Imagination makes empathy possible, because to understand another we must be able to imagine living their life. To work in the arts, students are required to think critically, pose problems and make decisions, central capacities in all of learning. Students who participate regularly in the arts develop self-confidence. We believe the creative process has a positive, transforming effect. It teaches hope: when people are engaged in creating, they learn that the dimensions of their lives are without limits. Because we see the arts as vehicles for children's growth in self-confidence, respectful relations with others, and development of learning skills we measure our success by how much they grow. Our surveys addressed how well we met our goals and objectives for people's growth. They see themselves as capable of doing work that is personally satisfying and publicly acknowledged. Because serious work in the arts requires persistence, students develop self-discipline and come to understand what it means to make multiple revisions to achieve high standards. Because so many art forms are collaborative in nature, students often develop the crucial ability to work on a common project with others. It is because of these relations between the arts and the development of self-esteem that so may arts educators say that the arts save lives. Arts learning helps us move from the pedagogical model of teacher-as-expert to the pedagogy of "making" where the classroom has the feel of a studio doing original, beautiful work; where the learner is engaged in a collective process that asks them to take an increasing responsibility for what is happening. Classrooms that connect art and technology into cooperative projects with others are environments where arts learning is already happening. At a time when arts based curriculums have been greatly de-emphasized in the current standard-based learning model art classes such as our "Comics and Cartooning", "Writers Club," "Book Craft," and "Mixed Media Art" have allowed children to explore artistic interest in a variety of creative and imaginative ways. In addition to these classes Community Schools participants have consistently expressed a desire to explore the people and cultures of our community. Classes such as "Global Art," "Threadwork and Embroidery," "East African Cooking" and "Spanish Club" give children a chance to delve into several cultures to explore and better understand the world in which they live.
Art Integrated Learning will help the children to understand the holistic and the subject wise concept gives the children a clarity , creativity, thinking and optimistic learning which helps the child to get skills like expressive, exploring and observing. AIL defines the meaning of combining the art with teaching curriculum areas which helps to child to integrate the learning process easily. The child can express in two ways of learning - Visual and Performing arts. It engages the body, mind and the way to express their understanding through pictorial image. The AIL refers to specialized grammar, technic of art information to understand the curricular areas in all subjects. It divides into verbal and non-verbal communication to understand the concept through AIL. Art of education impacts all 3 domains - Cognitive, Psycho motor, Affective . The sequence wise learning helps children to understand the conceptual learning through AIL.
This method of teaching will make learning more fun and interesting for students and will also enhance their creative skills while teaching them new things.
Built a house with 3D shapes. Covered the windows with drapes. Halls in square to cover the glare. with posters designed in an usual flair. Welcome home, welcome all Let us have tea in the hall.
Art Integrated Learning provides a teaching-learning podium that allows the child to shed the tension associated with learning and stress assoassociated with outcomes. It will allow the students to indulge in joyful learning, being so clued into fun, they will learn experientially and unknowingly. Different children with different learning pace will benefit.
Art integrated learning helps students to understand concept in a better way. Students are born with different skills eg kinesthetic , linguistic, motor . We can use the skills of students and thus they can understand topic nicely
भाषा शिक्षा स्वयं में एक मनोरंजन है इसकी गहराई सपनों से लंबी और सूर्य की किरणों से कहीं अधिक फैलती है इसमें डूबना उतरना और हर एक विषय की गहराई को छूना और से शब्दों में बयां करना अपने आप में एक कला है।
Through AIL learners explore creatively while building connections between different concepts through various art forms. It lead to a better understanding and construction of knowledge about different concepts. Students engage in art activities and construct personal meaning through their learning in an art integrated environment. AIL also address the diverse learning needs and provide every learner with alternative means of expression where they can explore and experience a topic more deeply without pressures of outcome, which results in joyful learning.
Art integrated learning will help the students to understand the concept in depth alongside art. It is a fun way of learning which will keep the students keen to participate and learn the learning objectives of the lesson. The students will always look forward to learn and understand their lessons in an interactive yet fun way. This will help them retain the concepts of the lesson and score well too.
It will make my subject more interesting and lively. It will help me to explain the difficult concepts in an easy manner. I will be able to hold the attention of the students for a longer span of time.
Art -integrated learning is really a novel method to bring the attention of the students to the topic to be taught without the students' knowledge that they were being taught.
An abstract subject like mathematics can be made easy, simple and creative. Using 3D geometric shapes one is able to gain correct perspective of dimensions which is so difficult to attain in an otherwise theoretical environment. Enjoyed the activity and truly appreciated the idea behind it. Thank you.
As I am cs and ip teacher integration of art can be down by using mindmaps for revision,(it's very effective). Using old computer parts or CDs to make jwellery or decoration pieces. Also we can involve different types of color or art based programming structure.
This method of teaching will make learning more fun and interesting for students and will also enhance their creative skills while teaching them new things. Especially in an abstract subject like mathematics, it is a ray of hope and sunshine.
As a sanskrit teacher, I feel there is lot of scope to express and develop language in various ways more creatively by the students. Role play, advertisement, poetry writing etc - with such activities the true potential of the child is known and can be enhanced further. Children come out with their creative best.
Art integrated learning will open the door for new dimension in the learning where the child will be involved holistically ie mind hand and emotion.Teaching learning will be more fruitful and enjoyable
It will help them understand the subject more clearly. It is very useful for modern education.It helps to showcase the hidden talent of the students and help understand the concept better.
AIL will help the chid to express his / her thought by the way of poetry,role play , debate, interview , article writing, advertisement, letter writing,story writing and many more... His true potential will be utilised and more so shy children and children with learning disability will be empowered to express himself..
AIL definitely ensures the children as well as the teachers to introduce any difficult topics with ease of approaches to inculcate the concepts clearly in their minds. So, this will create tension free and free-minded learning among children to know the complicated concepts. But it should be implemented atleast in secondary levels in all the schools by the teachers and the students. This will surely promote that Mathematics is also an interesting subject to learn amongst the minds of children.
Art integrated activities will develop creativity and problem solving skills in the students also difficult topic of any subject understand very well in this way so art integrated activities are helpful for teacher s as well as students.
RAHNA AIL help to integrate learning with is an experimental learning which provide the learners to learn complex concepts through their own access point.enhance inquisitive and energetic learning
The course was delightful. I would construct a dream house with rectangular and semicircular walls that would absorb atmospheric heat. The roof would be sloping .
It will help in developing the interest of the students in the subject by involving them in doing. They will learn by doing and this will give them an opportunity to think out of the box and find the solutions by themselves. This will also help them to identify that how c an a concept be learnt in practicality.
Developing learning objectives through Art Integration gave a new and interesting way to the teachers to teach their respective subjects. Children learn more while they are doing the things. This gives the teacher as well as the learner a better opportunity to understand and comprehend the topic.
It is giving hands on experience to the student. so this experience giving more confidence and clarity on the concepts for the student. Really good approach to make the learning experience interesting and fun.
Art integrated learning Plays very important role in shaping the student mind as they can understand everything with the help of visual aids. The printing impression of practical works and diagrams remain for longer time as compared to the theoretical part.
rt integrated classrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the learner's mind, heart and body. ... Hence, it is experiential in nature and leads to the holistic development of every learner. The benefit of such experiential learning creates the basis for better learning in other subjects.
Art Integrated Learning will help the children to understand the holistic and the subject wise concept gives the children a clarity , creativity, thinking and optimistic learning which helps the child to get skills like expressive, exploring and observing.
Art Integration will help children hold to Indian Roots of culture , Values, Traditions. It will help them pave way for choosing their career path in this dimension, thus holding heritage of India
As a language teacher I feel integrating theatre, puppetry, etc helps students learn the verbal aspect of the language in a fun and more engaging manner.
Well AIL helps them make connections leading to a greater understanding of the concept after one actually creates an image or a picture or photograph leads to learning of a concept permanently.
Art can clarify science, mathematics concepts with ease. Students improved their ability to access their learning and reported that the arts integrated instruction created encouraged learning.
Art Integrated Learning is a teaching-learning model which is based on learning 'through the arts' and 'with the arts': it is a process where art becomes the medium of teaching-learning, a key to understanding concepts within any subject of the curriculum. Art integrated learning can enhance creative thinking in students and make the subject interesting to read.
It helps in learning about powerful connections between history—famous people and events. This can be done through portraiture, drama/tableau, puppetry, music etc. Art can clarify science, mathematics concepts with ease. Students improved their ability to access their learning and reported that the arts integrated instruction created encouraged learning.It helps the students to understand the concept clear also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects
Arty integrated activity specially in Mathematics increases imagination of child and u subsequently the understanding also Very useful in lower classes specifically
It helps the students to develop better insight and unite the inner self with the outer surrounding in a better way and create something unique from his abstract.
Art integration will let the students engage with the art and the concept altogether. They will be able to find art in little things and be creative along with the good conceptual understanding.
It helps the students to enhance their imaginative skills and connect well with their surroundings and create a unique thing out of the abstract (inner as well as outer)
It will help them to clear their concepts and get a better understanding of not only what to study but also the reason behind studying a particular topic.
Art integrated learning enables the students to learn through the art and with the art . It will help the students to enjoy the teaching learning process with actual hands on learning experience through visual and performing arts there by increasing the knowledge , understanding and the application of the subject on one hand and fosters a sense of appreciation on the other .
Subjects like social study with the art integration will enhance students understanding. Drawing, sketching, cartoons, artical makings all are art related subjects, can be used in History, civics and geography to make it interesting and for better understanding of the children.
art integrated Learning presents the topic in a pictorial way. it gives a lively experience to the students. Thus the desired learning outcome can be achieved
it helps students to know the concepts clearly. my subject is physics if i choose art integrated learning then using this method students can make concepts themselves.
Art integrated learning can help the children in all subject by understanding the vast territory of each subject. More over it gives mental satisfaction to the children in this type of busy studies. They will also understand how different symbols and ideas give a holistic understanding to the reader.
Art Integrated Learning is an innovative Teaching-Learning model that is joyful and experiential for the learners. It breaks the monotony of rote learning and inspires the learner to go deeper in the subject. It promotes creativity and critical thinking in learners. It makes the learners aware of the various Art Forms in their vicinity and connects them to it.
AIL is learning without pressure. Learners are engaged through mind, heart and body. Learners actually get involved and it leads to holistic development of the learner
Art Integration helps to bridge different subjects(Inter disciplinary) to be connected very well with common thread so that the learning become fruitful and joyous.
AIL will surely help the learners and give an environment where learners not only will go in debt and l gain knowledge but also make them free to think on the topic they learn'
AIL will surely enhance the qualities of students like imagination creativity performance etc and will help the students to achieve all the objectives of the chapter and will also help the teacher to accomplish the task of learning
Being a special educator, art integration is very important for our kid education. Art integration learning strategies help the student to help their sensory integration especially both visual and auditory and the same will be help them to understand the concepts easily and also help them to manage their behavioural problems.
AIL is useful as it can create more interest in students. Most of the time class room learning becomes boaring. It is because of multiple reasons. Art integration can make class rooms an interesting place.
As a language teacher I think we can improve the creativity in the students. Role play, dramatization, elocutions etc will improve the language speaking part and will instil confidence in them. More over description based on the size , colour and other physical structure will help promoting their sense of appreciation of nature ultimately it helps in holistic development of children.
Art Integrated learning becomes holistic, joyful and experiential.It also clarifies the concepts.It also points out the stages where the faciliatator can use his/her CCE skills and tools for fecilitating better learning.Art activities help the children engage with each other,so that barriers are gradually broken & children belonging to different backgrounds can communicate among themselves.
Students are able to understand better with art integrated learning as it becomes joyful , everyone is allowed to participate according to their skills.
Art Integrated Learning makes learners very active and engages them in doing certain tasks which enhances their learning skills. AIL helps them build connection with the Society too. For Social science it is very useful and enables learners to gather more information about various concepts.
It helps the students to understand the concept clear also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects and in real life applications
AIL helps for attaining better learning outcome. Analytical, creative and critical thinking can be developed. It helps for inclusive learning through experiential method. Learning can be more competency based through AIL.
Learning through art makes classrooms more joyful and makes it easy to understand the concepts with more clarity. Art integrated learning will enhance the learner's knowledge, and the ability to connect learnt concepts with real life experiences. The learner's ability to understand the diverse cultures will be enhanced through art integrated learning as well.
The integrated learning experience helps learners in consolidating understanding and make learning more joyful. I teach Mathematics and abstractness gets demystified by incorporating art as medium of learning.
The AIL helps the students to understand the concepts very easily. Arrange the elements in various groups like the elements arranged in periodic table.
I will build my dream house with cuboidal building and square windows, with a rectangular door. The rooms will be cubical in structure and through the windows I'll gaze at the beautiful view of the nature.
Through art integrated learning, study won't feel like a burden. Rather students will enjoy learning and this will also increase their thinking and imagination capacity
Art integrated learning helps the students to understand the concepts in an easy manner. they get hands on experience in learning the concepts. They create new models or portfolios which shows their expression of learning.
AIL is a process where a teacher uses art as the medium of teaching-learning process. It helps the students to understand the concepts within any subject clearly and also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects. It is a fun-learning method creating interest in students and a positive attitude towards learning the subject.
Using art as an integrated part with other subjects will make the learning process interesting for the students and also give them a chance of expressing their thoughts freely. Students will also take more interest in the various subjects. Understanding difficult concepts becomes easier for students. AIL will make learning a fun experience
It will make my subject more interesting and lively. I will be able to hold the attention of the students for a longer span of time. Also students will take a liking for the subject.
Had already written.The students will understand the concepts better by observing, thinking, exploring, experimenting creating etc and will have holistic learning
My Dream House will consist of cubes and cuboidal shapes Every person will get to see different shapes Pyramidical chimney for exhaust Symmetrical windows for sunlight and fresh air must for all
Children can easily learn and recollect the things easily due to experiential learning. We can ensure the 100% involvement from children's side. Each child is unique. We can cater the needs of each child through AIL .
It is student centered and The students will understand the concepts better by observing, thinking, exploring, experimenting creating and will have holistic learning
AIL is a very attractive and interactive method to teach all the subjects to students with various methods,and it will improve students learning without much pressure.
Art integrated learning experience can help students to learn my subject science by understanding the concept well with the help of different interesting activities.... And also able to apply it in daily life...
Art integrated classrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the learner's mind, heart and body. ... Hence, it is experiential in nature and leads to the holistic development of every learner. The benefit of such experiential learning creates the basis for better learning in other subjects. It will definitely ensure holistic development of the students.
The arts help develop capacities and attitudes central to learning and to life Engagement in attending to or creating a work of art develops the imagination, which Maxine Green tells us is "the capacity to see things as if they could be otherwise". Surely this is a crucial capacity for those who will shape the future. Imagination makes empathy possible, because to understand another we must be able to imagine living their life. To work in the arts, students are required to think critically, pose problems and make decisions, central capacities in all of learning. Students who participate regularly in the arts develop self-confidence.
It helps the students to connect with the subject deeply and understand the concepts clearly. It leads to holistic development of students and suitable for students which are not able to learn just from reading or listening. It acts as alternative for subject enrichment.
Education is not only Science, Mathematics, Languages or even Art and culture , in fact its and integrated package of all of these ,which can create from an ordinary human being of any background, a great leader who can lead not only his societies around but can be a global leader. To achieve all these the basic essential input is the power of imagination and dreams,and the ability of a child to transform these dreams into reality by his power of education .
AIL helps children to learn without stress. The art activity acts as a stress buster and children learn many thing apart from the bookish content. It links the subjects resulting in interdisciplinary approach.
Integration of arts help children to understand concept very clearly through hand on activities. Which help them to learn all subjects joyfully, experiential. Experiential learning gives holistic development to every learner.
Art integrated learning learning helps children understand concept through hands on a activities. This experiential learning process enhances their creativity, and makes learning fun
Art Integration Learning (AIL), can be treated as one of the most important source through which we can understand the minds of the children. Using different form of arts can give us the information about what the students really enjoy in a classroom. Some students prefer an dialogue exchange , while some prefer to express in paintings, some prefer essays, etc. Through AIL we can cater to the needs of 21st century learning skills.
Art Integrated Learning will bring about interesting change in the mindset of the students. They would and do love the activities that it revolves around. This experiential teaching-learning brings about holistic development in the students.
The most complicated topics of any chapter when learnt through Art Integrated Learning approach, becomes easy and interesting as a student once gets involved with the research and analysis of facts relating to the subject matter. He/she automatically digs deeper and deeper into the subject and comes up with a clearer and far more detailed knowledge regarding each fact. Learning by doing in groups adds extra interest in the subject and this learning also leaves a permanent trace. Ripples of joy and satisfaction is a surest return of this method.
It will help learning I holistic learning. Students won't fear subject like Mathematics. Students will develop a positive outlook to challenges in life.
The students are benifitted in multiple ways. The topic is understood easily. The group activities (role-play, PPT/video, project) get them to work as a team, get to know each other better, go deep into the topic, research, learn new things etc
It is a whole new experience. Beneficial in a variety of ways. The topic is understood easily. The group activities get them closer, they learn to work as a team, research on the topic, learn new ways of presenting etc
AIL will help the students to get the concepts through various activities like visual arts or performing arts. This helps the students to understand about various art forms, culture etc. Gives a joyful experience. Creates interest in studies.
List the changes that you have undergone from the time you were nine years old, till now. Illustrate physical, emotional and social changes which you have experienced. What are the changes which made you feel surprised or stressed till you realized that these changes were normal and natural?
How can an art integrated learning experience can benefit students in learning of your subjects
ReplyDeleteIt will help them understand the subject more clearly.
DeleteIt helps in learning about powerful connections between history—famous people and events. This can be done through portraiture, drama/tableau, puppetry, music etc.
DeleteIt helps the students to understand the concept clear also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects
DeleteAIL is learning without pressure. Learners engage through mind, heart and body. Learners actually get involved and it leads to holistic develepment of the learner.
DeleteAll Shapes make up a house teaching how to angle ourselves in every situation of life.
DeleteHelp students learn with hands-on experience
DeleteYes specially in science
DeleteIt will help them understand the subject more easily with interest
DeleteWow, just wow
DeleteAn integrated curriculum allows children to pursue learning in a holistic way, without the
ReplyDeleterestrictions often imposed by subject boundaries. In early childhood programs it focuses upon the
inter-relatedness of all curricular areas in helping
children acquire basic learning tools. It recognizes
that the curriculum for the primary grades
includes reading, writing, listening, speaking,
literature, drama, social studies, math, science,
health, physical education, music, and visual arts.
The curriculum also incorporates investigative
processes and technology. It emphasizes the
importance of maintaining partnerships with
families; having knowledge of children and how
they learn; and building upon the community and
cultural context
Art integrated classrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the learner's mind, heart and body. ... Hence, it is experiential in nature and leads to the holistic development of every learner. The benefit of such experiential learning creates the basis for better learning in other subjects.
ReplyDeleteIT will help them understand the chapter more easily
ReplyDeleteart integrated learning can help the children in my subject by understanding the vast territory that they are a part of. they will be knowing India and the World map so clearly that they will be able to understand the dynamics of the world politics in much better sense. they will also understand how different symbols and ideas give a holistic understanding to the reader.
ReplyDeleteThe arts enable students to understand the world in which they live. Arts are central part of the human
ReplyDeleteexperience. A focus on the arts is not just a theme for an initiative, but rather something I am genuinely driven by.
What makes this issue particularly important right now to me is that I don't hear it talked about much in mainstream
education circles. Instead, the arts often get subjugated to the role of the unnecessary, the extraneous, the
extracurricular and the expendable. I'm trying to say here that I disagree with that role. Also, many kids are bored in
school and have nothing there that makes them want to go. If you unlock a child's capacity for art, whether it is
visual arts, theatre, dance or music, that capacity can be the motivator for a child to make the academic grades to
stay in the choir or the band. This motivator gives the child a sense of anticipation, hope and interest that otherwise
he doesn't have. The arts are essential. We cannot do without them. They are an integral part of a good, overall
academic preparation for life. Throughout history people have recorded their struggles, their dreams and their lives
in works of art.
The arts help develop capacities and attitudes central to learning and to life Engagement in attending to or
creating a work of art develops the imagination, which Maxine Green tells us is "the capacity to see things as if they
could be otherwise". Surely this is a crucial capacity for those who will shape the future. Imagination makes
empathy possible, because to understand another we must be able to imagine living their life. To work in the arts,
students are required to think critically, pose problems and make decisions, central capacities in all of learning.
Students who participate regularly in the arts develop self-confidence.
We believe the creative process has a positive, transforming effect. It teaches hope: when people are engaged in
creating, they learn that the dimensions of their lives are without limits. Because we see the arts as vehicles for
children's growth in self-confidence, respectful relations with others, and development of learning skills we measure
our success by how much they grow. Our surveys addressed how well we met our goals and objectives for people's
growth. They see themselves as capable of doing work that is personally satisfying and publicly acknowledged.
Because serious work in the arts requires persistence, students develop self-discipline and come to understand what
it means to make multiple revisions to achieve high standards. Because so many art forms are collaborative in
nature, students often develop the crucial ability to work on a common project with others. It is because of these
relations between the arts and the development of self-esteem that so may arts educators say that the arts save lives.
Arts learning helps us move from the pedagogical model of teacher-as-expert to the pedagogy of "making"
where the classroom has the feel of a studio doing original, beautiful work; where the learner is engaged in a
collective process that asks them to take an increasing responsibility for what is happening. Classrooms that connect
art and technology into cooperative projects with others are environments where arts learning is already happening.
At a time when arts based curriculums have been greatly de-emphasized in the current standard-based learning
model art classes such as our "Comics and Cartooning", "Writers Club," "Book Craft," and "Mixed Media Art" have
allowed children to explore artistic interest in a variety of creative and imaginative ways. In addition to these classes
Community Schools participants have consistently expressed a desire to explore the people and cultures of our
community. Classes such as "Global Art," "Threadwork and Embroidery," "East African Cooking" and "Spanish
Club" give children a chance to delve into several cultures to explore and better understand the world in which they
The arts help develop capacities and attitudes central to learning and to life Engagement in attending to or
ReplyDeletecreating a work of art develops the imagination, which Maxine Green tells us is "the capacity to see things as if they
could be otherwise". Surely this is a crucial capacity for those who will shape the future. Imagination makes
empathy possible, because to understand another we must be able to imagine living their life. To work in the arts,
students are required to think critically, pose problems and make decisions, central capacities in all of learning.
Students who participate regularly in the arts develop self-confidence.
We believe the creative process has a positive, transforming effect. It teaches hope: when people are engaged in
creating, they learn that the dimensions of their lives are without limits. Because we see the arts as vehicles for
children's growth in self-confidence, respectful relations with others, and development of learning skills we measure
our success by how much they grow. Our surveys addressed how well we met our goals and objectives for people's
growth. They see themselves as capable of doing work that is personally satisfying and publicly acknowledged.
Because serious work in the arts requires persistence, students develop self-discipline and come to understand what
it means to make multiple revisions to achieve high standards. Because so many art forms are collaborative in
nature, students often develop the crucial ability to work on a common project with others. It is because of these
relations between the arts and the development of self-esteem that so may arts educators say that the arts save lives.
Arts learning helps us move from the pedagogical model of teacher-as-expert to the pedagogy of "making"
where the classroom has the feel of a studio doing original, beautiful work; where the learner is engaged in a
collective process that asks them to take an increasing responsibility for what is happening. Classrooms that connect
art and technology into cooperative projects with others are environments where arts learning is already happening.
At a time when arts based curriculums have been greatly de-emphasized in the current standard-based learning
model art classes such as our "Comics and Cartooning", "Writers Club," "Book Craft," and "Mixed Media Art" have
allowed children to explore artistic interest in a variety of creative and imaginative ways. In addition to these classes
Community Schools participants have consistently expressed a desire to explore the people and cultures of our
community. Classes such as "Global Art," "Threadwork and Embroidery," "East African Cooking" and "Spanish
Club" give children a chance to delve into several cultures to explore and better understand the world in which they
the above content is from B. HEMALATHA , its not getting notified, my mail id is
ReplyDeleteIt provides learning experience to children and clarity of thoughts
ReplyDeleteIt is a fun way of learning also experiential .
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning will help the children to understand the holistic and the subject wise concept gives the children a clarity , creativity, thinking and optimistic learning which helps the child to get skills like expressive, exploring and observing.
ReplyDeleteAIL defines the meaning of combining the art with teaching curriculum areas which helps to child to integrate the learning process easily.
The child can express in two ways of learning - Visual and Performing arts.
It engages the body, mind and the way to express their understanding through pictorial image.
The AIL refers to specialized grammar, technic of art information to understand the curricular areas in all subjects.
It divides into verbal and non-verbal communication to understand the concept through AIL.
Art of education impacts all 3 domains - Cognitive, Psycho motor, Affective .
The sequence wise learning helps children to understand the conceptual learning through AIL.
its very nice chapter for us and helpful for teaching
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning can enhance creative thinking in students and make the subject interesting to read.
ReplyDeleteThis is a useful tool to for integrated learning.
ReplyDeleteThis method of teaching will make learning more fun and interesting for students and will also enhance their creative skills while teaching them new things.
ReplyDeleteBuilt a house with 3D shapes.
ReplyDeleteCovered the windows with drapes.
Halls in square to cover the glare.
with posters designed in an usual flair.
Welcome home, welcome all
Let us have tea in the hall.
This is a very interactive method to teach the students with various methods,and it will improve students creativity.
ReplyDeleteIt will help students to interact with different kind of cultures .
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning provides a teaching-learning podium that allows the child to shed the tension associated with learning and stress assoassociated with outcomes. It will allow the students to indulge in joyful learning, being so clued into fun, they will learn experientially and unknowingly. Different children with different learning pace will benefit.
ReplyDeleteThis type of learning is more fun, student centric where they unfurl facts for themselves.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning helps students to understand concept in a better way. Students are born with different skills eg kinesthetic , linguistic, motor . We can use the skills of students and thus they can understand topic nicely
ReplyDeleteIt will help them understand the chapter more easily. Very interactive mode of teaching.
ReplyDeleteभाषा शिक्षा स्वयं में एक मनोरंजन है इसकी गहराई सपनों से लंबी और सूर्य की किरणों से कहीं अधिक फैलती है इसमें डूबना उतरना और हर एक विषय की गहराई को छूना और से शब्दों में बयां करना अपने आप में एक कला है।
ReplyDeleteAdd value to understanding.
ReplyDeleteThrough AIL learners explore creatively while building connections between
ReplyDeletedifferent concepts through various art forms. It lead to a better understanding
and construction of knowledge about different concepts. Students engage in art activities and
construct personal meaning through their learning in an art integrated environment. AIL also address the diverse learning needs and provide every learner with alternative means of expression where they can explore and experience a topic more deeply without pressures of outcome, which results in joyful learning.
Art Integrated activity clarifies the concept of the learner. It creates the interest of the child in the subject.
ReplyDeleteIt will develop the interest of the subject in peers .It will help them to understand the concepts more clearly
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning will help the students to understand the concept in depth alongside art. It is a fun way of learning which will keep the students keen to participate and learn the learning objectives of the lesson. The students will always look forward to learn and understand their lessons in an interactive yet fun way. This will help them retain the concepts of the lesson and score well too.
ReplyDeleteIt will make my subject more interesting and lively. It will help me to explain the difficult concepts in an easy manner. I will be able to hold the attention of the students for a longer span of time.
ReplyDeleteArt -integrated learning is really a novel method to bring the attention of the students to the topic to be taught without the students' knowledge that they were being taught.
ReplyDeleteAn abstract subject like mathematics can be made easy, simple and creative. Using 3D geometric shapes one is able to gain correct perspective of dimensions which is so difficult to attain in an otherwise theoretical environment. Enjoyed the activity and truly appreciated the idea behind it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAs I am cs and ip teacher integration of art can be down by using mindmaps for revision,(it's very effective). Using old computer parts or CDs to make jwellery or decoration pieces. Also we can involve different types of color or art based programming structure.
ReplyDeleteThis method of teaching will make learning more fun and interesting for students and will also enhance their creative skills while teaching them new things. Especially in an abstract subject like mathematics, it is a ray of hope and sunshine.
ReplyDeleteAs a sanskrit teacher, I feel there is lot of scope to express and develop language in various ways more creatively by the students. Role play, advertisement, poetry writing etc - with such activities the true potential of the child is known and can be enhanced further. Children come out with their creative best.
ReplyDeleteIt brings in the hidden talent of the students and help understand the concept better.
ReplyDeleteART INTEGRATION LEARNING can be a Teaching-Learning tool for web integration of subjects.
ReplyDeletePeers play an important role during teens. It is the time when children are impacted by either positive or negative influences.
ReplyDeleteArt integration will helps in holistic development of a child. It will also bring fun factor which will make learning joyful
ReplyDeleteLearning by doing learning by enjoing
ReplyDeleteAIL will help students to know the Subject more properly and it will help in their holistic development.
ReplyDeleteAIL will make the concepts clearer and more interesting. It will definitely be a new approach to learning.
ReplyDeleteIt will give an interesting opportunity to learn and internalise content.
ReplyDeleteAIL is very useful for modern education
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning will open the door for new dimension in the learning where the child will be involved holistically ie mind hand and emotion.Teaching learning will be more fruitful and enjoyable
ReplyDeleteIt will help them understand the subject more clearly. It is very useful for modern education.It helps to showcase the hidden talent of the students and help understand the concept better.
ReplyDeleteAIL will help the chid to express his / her thought by the way of poetry,role play , debate, interview , article writing, advertisement, letter writing,story writing and many more... His true potential will be utilised and more so shy children and children with learning disability will be empowered to express himself..
ReplyDeleteArt Integration will develop creativity and problem solving ability in the students. It is an innovative method of teaching.
ReplyDeleteAIL definitely ensures the children as well as the teachers to introduce any difficult topics with ease of approaches to inculcate the concepts clearly in their minds. So, this will create tension free and free-minded learning among children to know the complicated concepts. But it should be implemented atleast in secondary levels in all the schools by the teachers and the students. This will surely promote that Mathematics is also an interesting subject to learn amongst the minds of children.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated activities will develop creativity and problem solving skills in the students also difficult topic of any subject understand very well in this way so art integrated activities are helpful for teacher s as well as students.
ReplyDeleteAIL help to integrate learning with is an experimental learning which provide the learners to learn complex concepts through their own access point.enhance inquisitive and energetic learning
The course was delightful.
ReplyDeleteI can build a dream house with a roof that slopes so that rainwater nourishes the ground through channelised water ways.
The course was delightful.
ReplyDeleteI would construct a dream house with rectangular and semicircular walls that would absorb atmospheric heat. The roof would be sloping .
AIL is certainly the best option to educate students of all ages.
ReplyDeleteIt helps in easy understanding of varoous concepts and makes learning joyful.
ReplyDeleteIt will help in developing the interest of the students in the subject by involving them in doing. They will learn by doing and this will give them an opportunity to think out of the box and find the solutions by themselves. This will also help them to identify that how c an a concept be learnt in practicality.
ReplyDeleteIt develops creativity and problem solving skills among students and makes Learning meaningful.
ReplyDeleteDeveloping learning objectives through Art Integration gave a new and interesting way to the teachers to teach their respective subjects. Children learn more while they are doing the things. This gives the teacher as well as the learner a better opportunity to understand and comprehend the topic.
ReplyDeleteIt is giving hands on experience to the student. so this experience giving more confidence and clarity on the concepts for the student. Really good approach to make the learning experience interesting and fun.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning Plays very important role in shaping the student mind as they can understand everything with the help of visual aids. The printing impression of practical works and diagrams remain for longer time as compared to the theoretical part.
ReplyDeletert integrated classrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the learner's mind, heart and body. ... Hence, it is experiential in nature and leads to the holistic development of every learner. The benefit of such experiential learning creates the basis for better learning in other subjects.
ReplyDeletemy dream house will comprise all the things which will be helpful for entertainment, peace and happiness in the house.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning will help the children to understand the holistic and the subject wise concept gives the children a clarity , creativity, thinking and optimistic learning which helps the child to get skills like expressive, exploring and observing.
ReplyDeleteArt Integration will help children hold to Indian Roots of culture , Values, Traditions. It will help them pave way for choosing their career path in this dimension, thus holding heritage of India
ReplyDeleteIt will help the students understand a concept clearly.
ReplyDeleteIt will not only help in concept clarity of the students moreover will enhance creativity
As a language teacher I feel integrating theatre, puppetry, etc helps students learn the verbal aspect of the language in a fun and more engaging manner.
ReplyDeleteAIL brings holistic learning in children- R.Maheswari
ReplyDeleteAIL can help students to bring their inner creativity to the fore and enhance speaking and listening skills.
ReplyDeleteencourages holistic learning
ReplyDeleteWell AIL helps them make connections leading to a greater understanding of the concept after one actually creates an image or a picture or photograph leads to learning of a concept permanently.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning will help a lot in understanding 3 -D shapes in mathematics and it will create interest in Mathematics
ReplyDeleteAIL can make my subject more interesting and hands-on learning experience can be developed
ReplyDeleteArt can clarify science, mathematics concepts with ease. Students improved their ability to access their learning and reported that the arts integrated instruction created encouraged learning.
ReplyDeleteIt provides a holistic learining experience to students and helps in much better retention of the subject matter.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning is a teaching-learning model which is based on learning 'through the arts' and 'with the arts': it is a process where art becomes the medium of teaching-learning, a key to understanding concepts within any subject of the curriculum. Art integrated learning can enhance creative thinking in students and make the subject interesting to read.
ReplyDeleteIt helps in learning about powerful connections between history—famous people and events. This can be done through portraiture, drama/tableau, puppetry, music etc. Art can clarify science, mathematics concepts with ease. Students improved their ability to access their learning and reported that the arts integrated instruction created encouraged learning.It helps the students to understand the concept clear also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects
ReplyDeleteArty integrated activity specially in Mathematics increases imagination of child and u
ReplyDeletesubsequently the understanding also
Very useful in lower classes specifically
ReplyDeleteAIL enhance creative thinking in students, makes the subject more interesting and thus better retention of what is learned.
It helps the students to develop better insight and unite the inner self with the outer surrounding in a better way and create something unique from his abstract.
ReplyDeleteIt helps the students to understand the topic in a well mannered way. It totally fulfils the aim of Learning by doing for the children.
ReplyDeleteArt integration will let the students engage with the art and the concept altogether. They will be able to find art in little things and be creative along with the good conceptual understanding.
ReplyDeleteIt helps the students to enhance their imaginative skills and connect well with their surroundings and create a unique thing out of the abstract (inner as well as outer)
ReplyDeleteThe students will actively participate in the activities and it will lead to joyful learning
ReplyDeleteIt will help them to clear their concepts and get a better understanding of not only what to study but also the reason behind studying a particular topic.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning enables the students to learn through the art and with the art . It will help the students to enjoy the teaching learning process with actual hands on learning experience through visual and performing arts there by increasing the knowledge , understanding and the application of the subject on one hand and fosters a sense of appreciation on the other .
ReplyDeleteSubjects like social study with the art integration will enhance students understanding. Drawing, sketching, cartoons, artical makings all are art related subjects, can be used in History, civics and geography to make it interesting and for better understanding of the children.
ReplyDeleteart integrated Learning presents the topic in a pictorial way. it gives a lively experience to the students. Thus the desired learning outcome can be achieved
ReplyDeleteAIL will make Mathematics subject interesting and students will get tremendous fun in learning the concepts of mathematics.
ReplyDeleteEvery child can learn if we teach them in the way they'll understand is what can be achieved through AIL
ReplyDeleteit helps students to know the concepts clearly. my subject is physics if i choose art integrated learning then using this method students can make concepts themselves.
ReplyDeleteIt would give them a practical and creative outlook to the theory of the subject
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning can help the children in all subject by understanding the vast territory of each subject. More over it gives mental satisfaction to the children in this type of busy studies. They will also understand how different symbols and ideas give a holistic understanding to the reader.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning is an innovative Teaching-Learning model that is joyful and experiential for the learners. It breaks the monotony of rote learning and inspires the learner to go deeper in the subject. It promotes creativity and critical thinking in learners. It makes the learners aware of the various Art Forms in their vicinity and connects them to it.
ReplyDeleteThrough AIL students will know what exactly they are into. They will gather knowledge on the particular topic.
ReplyDeleteStudents will enjoy in the class and remember concepts easily.
ReplyDeleteAIL is learning without pressure. Learners are engaged through mind, heart and body. Learners actually get involved and it leads to holistic development of the learner
ReplyDeleteIt will make learning of science more easy and interesting
ReplyDeleteIt will make teaching and learning easy and interesting
ReplyDeleteArt Integration helps to bridge different subjects(Inter disciplinary) to be connected very well with common thread so that the learning become fruitful and joyous.
ReplyDeleteAIL will surely help the learners and give an environment where learners not only will go in debt and l gain knowledge but also make them free to think on the topic they learn'
ReplyDeleteAIL will surely enhance the qualities of students like imagination creativity performance etc and will help the students to achieve all the objectives of the chapter and will also help the teacher to accomplish the task of learning
ReplyDeleteBeing a special educator, art integration is very important for our kid education. Art integration learning strategies help the student to help their sensory integration especially both visual and auditory and the same will be help them to understand the concepts easily and also help them to manage their behavioural problems.
ReplyDeleteThe students will enjoy the subject if it integrated with art. Will develop more insight about the topic and make them think creative and innovative
ReplyDeleteArt integration helps a student learn concepts clearly.
ReplyDeleteAIL is useful as it can create more interest in students. Most of the time class room learning becomes boaring. It is because of multiple reasons. Art integration can make class rooms an interesting place.
ReplyDeleteAi is important for childen education
ReplyDeleteAs a language teacher I think we can improve the creativity in the students. Role play, dramatization, elocutions etc will improve the language speaking part and will instil confidence in them. More over description based on the size , colour and other physical structure will help promoting their sense of appreciation of nature ultimately it helps in holistic development of children.
ReplyDeleteAIL help in the all round development of a child. Each subject through different concerns.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated learning becomes holistic, joyful and experiential.It also clarifies the concepts.It also points out the stages where the faciliatator can use his/her CCE skills and tools for fecilitating better learning.Art activities help the children engage with each other,so that barriers are gradually broken & children belonging to different backgrounds can communicate among themselves.
ReplyDeleteStudents are able to understand better with art integrated learning as it becomes joyful , everyone is allowed to participate according to their skills.
ReplyDeleteLearning will be joyful experience and students become lifelong learners.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated learning becomes holistic, joyful and experiential.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning makes learners very active and engages them in doing certain tasks which enhances their learning skills. AIL helps them build connection with the Society too. For Social science it is very useful and enables learners to gather more information about various concepts.
ReplyDeleteAlL is useful to make the concepts interesting and easy to understand.It enhances interest of students to study with doing creative work
ReplyDeleteIt helps the student to understand the concept clearly and it avoids their rote memory. They can study the concept enthusiastically
ReplyDeleteIt will make the class interdisciplinary and engage the students to explore the content, making them independent learners.
ReplyDeleteIt helps the students to understand the concept clear also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects and in real life applications
ReplyDeleteto help the student understand the concept clearly
ReplyDeleteAIL helps for attaining better learning outcome. Analytical, creative and critical thinking can be developed. It helps for inclusive learning through experiential method. Learning can be more competency based through AIL.
ReplyDeleteLearning through art makes classrooms more joyful and makes it easy to understand the concepts with more clarity. Art integrated learning will enhance the learner's knowledge, and the ability to connect learnt concepts with real life experiences. The learner's ability to understand the diverse cultures will be enhanced through art integrated learning as well.
ReplyDeleteIt's really helpful & joyful learning.
ReplyDeleteHow can an art integrated learning experience can benefit students in learning of your subjects? Share your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteAIL can benefit in my subject by making it more interesting and creative
ReplyDeleteThe integrated learning experience helps learners in consolidating understanding and make learning more joyful.
ReplyDeleteI teach Mathematics and abstractness gets demystified by incorporating art as medium of learning.
The AIL helps the students to understand the concepts very easily. Arrange the elements in various groups like the elements arranged in periodic table.
ReplyDeleteI will build my dream house with cuboidal building and square windows, with a rectangular door. The rooms will be cubical in structure and through the windows I'll gaze at the beautiful view of the nature.
ReplyDeleteIt will help them understand the subject more clearly and permanently.
ReplyDeleteThrough art integrated learning, study won't feel like a burden. Rather students will enjoy learning and this will also increase their thinking and imagination capacity
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good activity! Perfect example of art integrated learning
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning helps the students to understand the concepts in an easy manner. they get hands on experience in learning the concepts. They create new models or portfolios which shows their expression of learning.
ReplyDeleteThey can learn ghings effectively
ReplyDeleteLearning by doing
ReplyDeleteIt is a fun way of learning also experiential
ReplyDeleteAIL is a process where a teacher uses art as the medium of teaching-learning process. It helps the students to understand the concepts within any subject clearly and also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects.
ReplyDeleteIt is a fun-learning method creating interest in students and a positive attitude towards learning the subject.
ReplyDeleteUsing art as an integrated part with other subjects will make the learning process interesting for the students and also give them a chance of expressing their thoughts freely. Students will also take more interest in the various subjects. Understanding difficult concepts becomes easier for students. AIL will make learning a fun experience
ReplyDeleteIt will make my subject more interesting and lively. I will be able to hold the attention of the students for a longer span of time. Also students will take a liking for the subject.
ReplyDeleteit will make subject understanding & learning very easy.
ReplyDeleteImportant for holistic development
ReplyDeleteThe students will understand the concepts better by observing, thinking, exploring, experimenting,creating etc and will help in holistic approach
ReplyDeletelife long learning
ReplyDeleteHad already written.The students will understand the concepts better by observing, thinking, exploring, experimenting creating etc and will have holistic learning
DeleteMy Dream House will consist of cubes and cuboidal shapes
ReplyDeleteEvery person will get to see different shapes
Pyramidical chimney for exhaust
Symmetrical windows for sunlight and fresh air must for all
will lead to holistic learning
ReplyDeleteStudents will not only understand the concept clearly but also will relate with other Subjects.
ReplyDeleteChildren can easily learn and recollect the things easily due to experiential learning. We can ensure the 100% involvement from children's side. Each child is unique. We can cater the needs of each child through AIL .
ReplyDeleteIt is student centered and The students will understand the concepts better by observing, thinking, exploring, experimenting creating and will have holistic learning
ReplyDeleteAIL will make learning more fun and interesting for students and will also enhance their creative skills while teaching them new things.
ReplyDeleteAIL is a very interactive method to teach all the subjects to students with various methods,and it will improve students learning without pressure.
ReplyDeleteHelp students learn with hands-on experience.
ReplyDeleteAIL is a very attractive and interactive method to teach all the subjects to students with various methods,and it will improve students learning without much pressure.
ReplyDeleteThis helps the students to understand the concept clear also they can relate their knowledge on the same topic with other subjects.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated will help students to remember the concept with the help of other subject.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning experience can help students to learn my subject science by understanding the concept well with the help of different interesting activities.... And also able to apply it in daily life...
ReplyDeleteIn our lives, science and Arts are made for each other. So, Art Integrated Learning experience can help the students in real life scenario.
ReplyDeleteCompletely a student centric approach designed to do away with rote learning and shape them to be global citizens.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated classrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the learner's mind, heart and body. ... Hence, it is experiential in nature and leads to the holistic development of every learner. The benefit of such experiential learning creates the basis for better learning in other subjects. It will definitely ensure holistic development of the students.
ReplyDeleteThe arts help develop capacities and attitudes central to learning and to life Engagement in attending to or creating a work of art develops the imagination, which Maxine Green tells us is "the capacity to see things as if they could be otherwise". Surely this is a crucial capacity for those who will shape the future. Imagination makes empathy possible, because to understand another we must be able to imagine living their life. To work in the arts, students are required to think critically, pose problems and make decisions, central capacities in all of learning.
ReplyDeleteStudents who participate regularly in the arts develop self-confidence.
It helps the students to connect with the subject deeply and understand the concepts clearly. It leads to holistic development of students and suitable for students which are not able to learn just from reading or listening. It acts as alternative for subject enrichment.
ReplyDeleteEducation is not only Science, Mathematics, Languages or even Art and culture , in fact its and integrated package of all of these ,which can create from an ordinary human being of any background, a great leader who can lead not only his societies around but can be a global leader. To achieve all these the basic essential input is the power of imagination and dreams,and the ability of a child to transform these dreams into reality by his power of education .
ReplyDeleteArt integration gives the depth of knowledge to reach different children with different interests. It links interdisciplinary also.
ReplyDeleteArt integration makes the teaching and learning experience joyful.
ReplyDeleteAIL helps children to learn without stress. The art activity acts as a stress buster and children learn many thing apart from the bookish content. It links the subjects resulting in interdisciplinary approach.
ReplyDeleteIt can create variety in the activities and create more interest too.
ReplyDeleteAIL creates love for the subject and when student loves the subject then it is easy to teach.
ReplyDeleteAIL will help learning I holistic learning. Students won't fear subjrctlike maths. Students will develop a positive outlook to challenges in life.
ReplyDeleteIntegration of arts help children to understand concept very clearly through hand on activities. Which help them to learn all subjects joyfully, experiential. Experiential learning gives holistic development to every learner.
ReplyDeleteIt makes learning fun.
ReplyDeleteAn art integrated learning approach can help students acquire learning in a holistic way. It eliminates boredom and enhances creative thinking .
ReplyDeleteArt integration will surely make teaching and learning fun. The monotonous teaching will be over and the children will learn more and enjoy the topic.
ReplyDeleteAIL will benefit the students and learning will be easy, The concept of any topic will become clear to them.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning learning helps children understand concept through hands on a activities. This experiential learning process enhances their creativity, and makes learning fun
ReplyDeleteArt Integration Learning (AIL), can be treated as one of the most important source through which we can understand the minds of the children. Using different form of arts can give us the information about what the students really enjoy in a classroom. Some students prefer an dialogue exchange , while some prefer to express in paintings, some prefer essays, etc. Through AIL we can cater to the needs of 21st century learning skills.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning will bring about interesting change in the mindset of the students. They would and do love the activities that it revolves around. This experiential teaching-learning brings about holistic development in the students.
ReplyDeleteIt will help in subject understanding
ReplyDeleteIt will help to understand concept deeply and easily
ReplyDeleteThe most complicated topics of any chapter when learnt through Art Integrated Learning approach, becomes easy and interesting as a student once gets involved with the research and analysis of facts relating to the subject matter. He/she automatically digs deeper and deeper into the subject and comes up with a clearer and far more detailed knowledge regarding each fact. Learning by doing in groups adds extra interest in the subject and this learning also leaves a permanent trace.
ReplyDeleteRipples of joy and satisfaction is a surest return of this method.
It will help learning I holistic learning. Students won't fear subject like Mathematics. Students will develop a positive outlook to challenges in life.
ReplyDeleteIt gives the depth of knowledge to reach different children with different interests. It links interdisciplinary also.
ReplyDeleteIt makes the teaching and learning experience joyful.
ReplyDeleteIt creates love for the subject and when student loves the subject then it is easy to teach.
ReplyDeleteIt helps create interest among the students and makes learning fun.
ReplyDeleteAIL helps children to enjoy learing and understand concepts more clearly
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning makes the learning process very interesting and informative.
ReplyDeleteThe students are benifitted in multiple ways. The topic is understood easily. The group activities (role-play, PPT/video, project) get them to work as a team, get to know each other better, go deep into the topic, research, learn new things etc
ReplyDeleteIt is a whole new experience. Beneficial in a variety of ways.
ReplyDeleteThe topic is understood easily. The group activities get them closer, they learn to work as a team, research on the topic, learn new ways of presenting etc
AIL will help the students to get the concepts through various activities like visual arts or performing arts. This helps the students to understand about various art forms, culture etc.
ReplyDeleteGives a joyful experience. Creates interest in studies.
It gives a hands on experience and will be able to grab the concepts clearly