Course 5 Activity 5: Role of Peers - Share Your Thoughts

Think back to your teenage years when you tried things your friends deemed cool, like stealing money, taking drugs, or smoking. How did you react to the situation? What were your thoughts, feelings, and strategies? Share Your Thoughts. 


  1. Think back to your teenage years when you tried things your friends deemed cool

    1. Peer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or improve their academics or avoid risky behaviors. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviors.
      Judging what is right and wrong becomes a little difficult in this age. Thinking twice before agreeing to something, sharing the situation with someone elder who can be trusted etc can be some strategies used to steer free from trouble

    2. I was brought up in a mediocre family where values were imbibed in our nurturing. From very young age we could differentiate right & wrong . So if I see any wrong thing among my friends , firstly I try to avoid the situation.

    3. I just wanted to fit in with the popular kids in school

    4. Peers play a very important part in shaping a child's future. Good peers instill confidence and right attitude in the child.

  2. Stealing chocolate when mother sleeping. Mother woke up scolded but at the same time told why I should not eat more.

  3. PEERS PLAY A VERY VITAL ROLE IN GETTING THE GOOD AND AS WELL AS BAD HABITS , Especially in senior class students you find the influence of peers a lot it may be a negative or positive peer pressure, positive is getting more involved in studies, competing , being more sincere and inclined towards studies, negative - smoking , bunking classes involving in relationship and neglecting studies.

    1. Peers play a very important role in life. We have to be wise enough to select friends. I just wanted to fit in with the popular kids in school

  4. Peers play an important role during teens. It is the time when children are impacted by either positive or negative influences.

  5. Peers play an important role. Children look at their friends as their role models. They want to try things that seem cool, they dare and experiment and want to prove themselves.

  6. Peers play an important role. Children look at their friends as their role models. They want to try things that seem cool they dare and experiment and want to prove themselves.

  7. Peers play a very important role in life. We have to be wise enough to select friends. When I was a teenager, students were there who use to distract . But if we know what is right or what is wrong, then it's impossible to get influenced by friends

  8. सहपाठी और सह मित्र हमारी हमराज होते हैं उनके साथ बिताया गया समय सपनों की पूंजी होती है हर अच्छी बुरी बात के वह हमसफ़र रहते हैं दोस्तों के साथ मिलकर हर कठिन से कठिन कार्य भी आसान लगने लगता है फिर चाहे वह साइकिल की दौड़ हो या कुछ समय चुरा कर सर्कस देखना हो या फिर अध्यापिका से ली गई अतिरिक्त पुस्तकों को चुप कर पढ़ना हो सब जायज होता है।

  9. Peers play an important role in one's life. They help you in your need.

  10. Peers Play a very important role in our life. It is very important to be in a good company. If some mischief is a done without hurting or harming self then it can be found to be cool but if it's not so then we may find ourself in a difficult situation. This self awareness of what is right and wrong has to be given from a very early age.

  11. I have always taken inspiration from what I see around me - not always bad influence but it has shaped my life for good too

  12. I have always been a people person and therefore peer too played a role in my overall development

  13. Peer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or improve their academics or avoid risky behaviors. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviors.
    Judging what is right and wrong becomes a little difficult in this age. Thinking twice before agreeing to something, sharing the situation with someone elder who can be trusted etc can be some strategies used to steer free from trouble.

  14. It will help them understand the subject more clearly.

  15. Peers Play a very important role in our life. It is very important to be in a good company. If some mischief is a done without hurting or harming self then it can be found to be cool but if it's not so then we may find ourself in a difficult situation. This self awareness of what is right and wrong has to be given from a very early age

  16. Peers play a very important role in life. We have to be wise enough to select friends. Self awareness of what is right and wrong has to be thought at very right age.

  17. Peers play a vital role in developing the children during adolescence to become developed in good character by analysing them what is right and what is wrong.

  18. Peers play important role in our life. At times we do wrong in the peer pressure after realising it confronting with mother is improtant depending upon hoe you rapo with your mother is.

  19. समूह पाठ से मानसिक विकास होता है। यह वह अवस्था है जब बच्चे में कई प्रकार के बदलाव देखाई पड़ते हैं। उनका जीवन अनेक तरह से प्रभावित होता है।

  20. Peers play important role as they may help in elevation or depression. Parents and teachers should be very friendly so that the child have confidence that we are one stop solution for their problems. They also should be guided in handling peer pressure.

  21. Peers play a very important role in building the character of our future. Teachers and parents should build a good rapport with them so that they will not hide anything and discuss problems freely with them and seek support, guidance and solution when required.

  22. I have always been a friend dissuading my peers from indulging in negative activities.

  23. Peers play important role in building our future . This is the age of destructive ideas .we made plan an idea then sudden change it with out implementation.we entirely depend on our peer group and cannot decide what is wrong and good for us.

  24. Peers play important role in everybody"s life during their childhood. That excessive dependence and influence should be optimized by teachers and parents

  25. As the company so the colour that we have listening and practically observing around us. I strongly feel that there was a good peer pressure which has changed life of many children and vice versa. Many a times during my college days, after committing a mistake in the influence of peers, I used to go in self blame and guilt. After growing up, It's a great realization that those things were really important to reach at the stage where I am today.

  26. R.Maheswari
    Peers play an important role in all during adolescence

    1. Never faced a situation like that. Peers do influence, but always guide children to choose good friends .Teachers should be alert and always guide them in the right direction with timely intervention.

  27. Peers definitely play a very important role in life. We have to be wise enough to select friends. When I was a teenager, students were there who use to distract me.But my father had taught me that learn to say NO to things which your heart n mind doesn't permit. We should know what is right or what is wrong, then it's impossible to get influenced by friends or in sometimes we should talk to a person whom we look upon.

  28. Peers influence mental health of students very much... selection of friends is in important... Sometimes to hey give so much importance to their looks and physical appearance which is not good...proper influence of peer group should be supported

  29. eer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or improve their academics or avoid risky behaviors. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviors.
    Judging what is right and wrong becomes a little difficult in this age. Thinking twice before agreeing to something, sharing the situation with someone elder who can be trusted etc can be some strategies used to steer free from trouble

  30. All peer pressure is not bad. It is peer pressure that makes a child competitive and push herself to do better than others. However teachers and parents must ensure that it is a healthy spirit of competitiveness.

  31. Well I was nurtured well enough at school by my teachers and home by parents, so I didn't indulge in committing offences or hurting someone by stealing . However, yes I used to bunk school and stay at home sometimes when I was unprepared for my class tests and all, while some peers who were were as unprepared as me did attend school and write the tests to ensure that atleast they get a practice of the kind of questions that are asked in exams. Taking a cue from them I also started appearing for exams , but well prepared. peer influence plays a major role in decision making and to a certain extent shaping one's life.

  32. We feel more comfortable with our friends, so we must careful for selecting good friends


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  35. While I acted under the influence of my friends as I wanted to belong to the group and not be left out, my inner consciousness never gave consent. There have been instance where i have either managed the situation to control damage or stop the wrong doing. However, as a strategist I was excellent and my friends appreciated the same.

  36. Well i never stole from anyone.was peer pressured once into lying to parents about something but managed to not do that.

  37. Was never a part of any such activities, but I am sure that by indulging into such activities doesn't make you less of a person. These things can be worked with love, affection & understanding him/her overall as an individual.

  38. Maybe in the context of fashion, since I shopped with friends, so their opinion with regards to clothes mattered

  39. Peer provide a unique context in which children learn a range of critical social emotional skills, such as empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving strategies.Peers play a vital role in developing the children during adolescence to become developed in good character by analysing them what is right and what is wrong.

  40. Peer pressure can be both positive as well as negative. I believe that students must be individually made aware of the implications of them both. Mental strength and awareness about the tender stage of life they are at must be imparted.

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  42. Peer should have an positive impact.

  43. Peer relationships are very influential in adolescence. During this time, when young people are developing autonomy from their parents, peers become a significant source of social and emotional support. The attitudes of adolescents’ friends can have both a positive and negative influence. Strong peer attachments can enhance a young person’s wellbeing while problems in peer relationships, such as bullying, can have significant psychological, physical, academic and social-emotional consequences for both victims and perpetrators.

  44. Peer pressure can influence positively or negatively

  45. Peers play a vital role. It influences ones personality.Good and bad

  46. During my childhood days there were only land phones. The phone would be locked from outside by the parents, to reduce the misuse and cut down the bill. My friends used to boast about how they fooled their parents and used the phone without their permission.

    I always felt bad in this and never tried to do that because I was always concerned about my parents - their trust and love, which I never wanted to loose. More over their concern happened to be my concern also .So I didn't want to do anything that might put them in trouble.

    Peer group influences a lot during the adolescence period. We as teachers must be able to imbibe in students, values , thoughts and beliefs which helps them to distinguish between what is good for them or not. Teachers can influence children .If a teacher can create a warm relationship with student definitely they will open up and discuss their issues with teacher seek help and accept his/her valuable suggestions.

  47. Under peer pressure i remember doing few things against conscience. But after doing i have always regretted and felt bad. Then i decided to do the thing that troubles me afterwards.

  48. R.Maheswari
    Peer pressure is both positive and negative

  49. R.Maheswari
    I was stronger that i should not be influenced by peer

  50. Sharing problems related to school and family may help sometimes because the problem will be looked at from the same perspective.

  51. Peers play a very vital role in inculcating good as well as bad habits , Especially in these age group students entirely trusted on their friends instead then their parents. This effect may be positive or negative.

  52. My friends had been the world to me. I was rebellious and couldn't take anything against my friends. Over the years I've understood that is a stage of growing up and Fortunately all my friends had great values and even now we are there for each other

  53. I never thought to do that is disgraceful and that's why remained refrained from such distractions.

  54. Peers play an important role .I have a very nice experience .They were all my ideals and have helped me to build up my career and made me a stronger person.


  56. My school days were very interesting as compared with current days. We mainly focused on various activities like games, sports, friendship etc. We rarely encountered these types of peer influence in our school days.

  57. Well ,in childhood I never been find these situations because my parents and my teachers support.

  58. Peers play a very important role in our life.

  59. Peers play both positive & negative role.

  60. Peers play an important role in life. Always a loner ; but once got influenced by a friend and decided to travel without ticket. Peers also play positive role specially in studies.

  61. Peers play an important role at that age. It can have right or wrong effect. At that child need good teachers and their parent's attention. Parents should understand them. Talking about my self, I never influenced by my friends, my parents always taught me what is write what is wrong.

  62. During adolescence, peer group seems to be more reliable and effective. Many times they force us to do certain things which are ethically wrong. But it's only the teachings And closeness of our parents which helps us to take right decision. It's better that parents should have a good and close relation with their kids.

  63. Pear pressure was good in studies and activities with good gp of friends.

  64. The deviant behaviour by indulging in breaking bounds never impressed me. However, there growing up challenges and concerns. I use to avoid company of students who thought they were different by consuming substances that gave high to them.
    In fact, it depends upon as to how you have been brought up and what are your priorities. Also, your personal character describes you as to what type of person you are.

  65. Peer Presurre during my childhood landed me into quarrels with others but elder brother always pulled me out of them with ease.It depend how much we should listen to our friends and judge and act appropriately and wisely.

  66. There might be peer pressure to do something which is wrong but might seem cool during adolescence. I never went on the wrong path with the help of my elder's guidance and belief in me.

  67. Peer pressure can influence positively or negatively.Peers play a vital role. It influences ones personality.Good and bad.Sharing problems related to school and family may help sometimes because the problem will be looked at from the same perspective.

  68. Enjoyment was one factor all the children of the same age group wanted. sharing and caring was quite common. Bunking classes was a heroic deed. At the same time learning was also given enough emphasis. Being carried away by the ideas of peers was. Peer pressure was both good and bad

  69. Enjoying in adolescence is natural. Some of my friends lied to their parents for going to cinema. They said they went to college for studies. But l was honest with my parents and did the things which pleased them.

  70. Peers play an important role at that age. more enjoyment was there in adolescence

  71. Peer pressure at times make us do things we do not want to do actually but if we get right guidance and are open with our parents, close ones or teachers , we can then understand the difference between good or bad and right or wrong. My grandmother is my confidant and at that time too she helped me understand these differences, so I was not swayed by these emotions or the peer pressure.

  72. Peer pressure helped me to progress as a student.

  73. Peer can play a significant role in our life.

  74. This shows negative behavior. But my concern would be that I will try to find the reason behind it and then react accordingly

  75. Peers play a very important role in building the character of our future.

  76. Peer influence in positive way can change the negative attitude of a teenager. For example if one smokes his peers can give awareness and correct him showing better role models.

  77. Peers always influence teenager. They learn from each other many things without giving second thought whether it is right or wrong. I also got influenced but parents and teachers always reminded what good and right for us.

  78. I had really strict parents who wanted me to become a child with the exact moral compass as them and this worked out to an extent. I used to think lowly of peers who did "bad things" and never wanted to be of that same label, this prevented me from testing out the habits that I myself deemed bad because of my parents' ideologies.

  79. Peers always influence teenagers but l always did what l felt it was right

  80. Negative peer pressure has a tremendous effect on children . Harmonal levels never let you realize your mistake

  81. Peer become important part of life of teens . As my experience when ever such situation faced strong morals and support of parents realized the situation .Excellent teachers and loving care of teachers also strict surveillance helped me to be aware of wrong path.

  82. Peers play an important role. Children look at their friends as their role models. They want to try things that seem cool they dare and experiment and want to prove themselves. The often indulge in wrong activities !

  83. Peers play an important role in teenage. They believe exactly what their friends said whether it is correct or not.

  84. My father was a strict disciplinarian so I never had the guts to do anything that was wrong. Although my friends tried to coax me sometimes into doing wrong I always refused. I did think they were so cool but when their wrong doing was discovered and they would be scolded or punished I would feel it was good I didn't listen to them.

  85. During teenage years, stealing chocolates from mother felt like a victory, because she wouldn't allow me to eat otherwise. I also saw my friends consuming cancerous substances just to look cool, but only later in our lives we realised why stealing chocolates or indulging in consumption of cancerous substances was not good.

  86. In this age group peers play a significant role and it is important to select good and ignore bad

  87. Peers play an important role during teens. It is the time when children are impacted by either positive or negative influences. It is important to choose the positive.

  88. The Peers play an important role in one's life. They may help you at your need.

  89. peers play important role. They may persuade student in both positive or negative way.

  90. My peers have played a vital role in moulding my personality. I have thankfully chosen friends with positive influences. Ofcourse we have played harmless mischief on some occasions, which when I recall do not make me feel ashamed or feel guilty. In one case we did opt to experience smoking once. And from that we realised that we are not going to repeat it.

  91. Peers played major role in my life. My personality and goals have totally changed because of my friends at this age.

  92. It’s important to remember that peer influence and pressure is a normal part of adolescence. As your child starts moving away from the parent-child relationship and seeking their own independence and identity, their peers will become more important to them. However, if you’re concerned about the effects of peer pressure on your child and think that it’s negatively impacting on their life, there are things that you can try to support them.

  93. Peers play an important role in growing years. Close affinity will surely help children choose the peer group judiciously.

  94. Peers play a very important role in life.They influence a child's character, negatively or positively

  95. Yes, a peer is required to discuss the personal as well public information related to to him or her. They can take care about themselves.

  96. Peer pressure can be both positive and negative. It can frame and destroy and individual's life. It is where the role of parents come into being as most important , effective parenting time is essential as every child then starts considering parents to be more reliable and starts sharing their thoughts with them and they can correct them then and then without causing spread of the negative thoughts further. Patience and effective communication on the part of the parents helps in these cases.

  97. Peers influences positively or sometimes negatively so it is the role of the parents and even of teacher to some extent to make children understand what is right and what is wrong.

  98. Was disobedient and thought I was cool.

  99. Peer Interaction may boost the students' confidence and encourage them to perform better

  100. Teachers as well as parents should act as proper mentors to help children understand the positive effect of peer pressure

  101. Peer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or improve their academics or avoid risky behaviors. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviors.
    Peer Interaction may boost the students' confidence and encourage them to perform better

  102. Peer pressure must be for encouragement

  103. Peer pressure is very much visible in teenagers. Sometimes it is positive and may become negative in some cases. When I was in my teens, I was influenced by my friends such that I insisted to cut my long hair instead of my parent's disapproval.

  104. Peer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or improve their academics or avoid risky behaviours. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviours.
    Judging what is right and wrong becomes a little difficult in this age. Thinking twice before agreeing to something, sharing the situation with someone elder who can be trusted etc can be some strategies used to steer free from trouble.

  105. I used to have very few trust worthy and reliable peers around me. Since being in big groups influence the behaviour of an individual. He/she will never find out his / her strengths and weakness. They may rely more on the judgements of the peer groups which will not reveal his own identity.

  106. Peer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or improve their academics or avoid risky behaviours. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviours.
    Judging what is right and wrong becomes a little difficult in this age. Thinking twice before agreeing to something, sharing the situation with someone elder who can be trusted etc can be some strategies used to steer free from trouble.
    Gouri bisen

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  108. The Peers play an important role during teens. It is the time when children are impacted by either positive or negative influences.

  109. Took money from mom's purse and bought snacks. When she came to know scolded me telling is this what you are learning from school

  110. Peers play an important role during adolescence. The children are highly influenced from their friends at this stage of life and give more importance to them. I have not stolen anything but yes, sometimes ignored my studies for my friends.

  111. Peers play a very important role in a child's life.Every child needs a confidant share his happiness and his worries.if guided properly such peers even become the change makers.In such a group they not judged.But intervention of an elderly member is always advisable, not for scolding but to guide.

  112. As a student, I always used to try getting my friends' appreciation and awe, and used to attempt lot of difficult tasks. Eg once climbed on to the parapet of the school's building in a bid to get my friend's lunch box which had fallen there inadvertently

  113. We were brought up in different environment. Naturally will try to control the situation. As a teenager wants to be appreciated by friends and family for every little cause.

  114. Peer pressure was always dominant. Sometimes I felt into trap and sometimes I tried to hide my self from peers to avoid such situations.

  115. Peers play an important role in childs life

  116. Very crucial period of one's life. Difficult to tackle a situation. No idea whether they are right or wrong. Depends mostly on the peer group for support or advice. Teenagers should be led affectionately. This can be done only by a teacher or parents.

  117. Never had negative peer influence either in the school or college and did not indulge in risky behaviour but once in a while bunked college classes to watch a movie after informing the mother about it.

  118. I could identify what is positive and negative. I always tried to avoid negative thoughts.

  119. I am an obedient child by nature so I followed what my mother said

  120. Peers play an important role during teenage. I was blessed with positive peer pressure, which helped me to improve my studies and extra curricular activities.

  121. Being a joint family members elders guide me very affectionate and helpful. Older members of family reading Ramayana and Mahabharata etc. They explained and I observed those parts . Gradually My mind then full of imagenation and values of these books entered into my mind . I observed my classmates and friend's some of them are significant role play in my thought process. There are many classmates from poor economic and social background but no difference between the students. As a facilitator I always touch with my student. If I fill something is wrong help and counseling them .

  122. Actually I never experienced negative peer pressure. I was always encouraged by my friends and helped each other to become better human beings and a better person.

  123. Peers play a very important role in creating personal, social, emotional and physical well being of a person, specially teenager.

  124. Adolescent is a time when teens begin to select their own friends. Infact teens will often connect with other teens who have similar problems or situations. When I was teenager I used to listen my parents and also any of my friend is having problem we use to talk about it and resolve it patiently.

  125. Peers play a very important role in creating personal, social, emotional and physical well being of a person, specially teenager

  126. Adolescence is such a period of time that make a person both good and bad. It is an unforgettable experience once get in his or her life, so one could learn a lot of things in his /her life.

  127. Our bodies go through puberty typically between the ages of 10 and 15, a time in which we see and feel major physical developments. Growth spurts and development of facial hair and reproductive organs are at their peak. With everyone developing at different rates.

  128. Peers play an important role in development of adolescence students. They can be Influenced positively or negatively.

  129. Thankfully back then peer pressure wasn't as extreme as it is now, but having said that I wouldn't deny the extreme pressure on teenagers. It can lead to devastation of personality and life.

  130. Peers play an important role in teenage. They want to try such things that seem cool and want to prove themselves.

  131. Peer pressure may be both positive and negative

  132. I did try stealing under peer influence but with a heavy heart and totally guilt-ridden. I shared this with my mother who explained how wrong it was and certainly not cool and to stay away from this set of friends. It helped me a lot and I made new friends. It turned out to be a new positive beginning.

  133. During my teenage i steel money from my dad's pocket to enjoy in school canteen with my friends in spite of having breakfast in my lunch box by my mother. but i want to join the group friends who usually in canteen in breaks and be very cool and popular in school. I get caught by my mother and she make me realize how wrong i am..then i started sharing my lunch with my friends and still be popular.

  134. Research shows that adolescence
    contrary to views that predominate
    in our media and culture—is actually
    positive for both teens and adults.
    Most adolescents succeed in school,
    are attached to their families and their
    communities, and emerge from their
    teen years without experiencing serious
    problems such as substance abuse or
    involvement with violence. Although
    teens experience emotions intensely—a
    consequence of brain development—
    for most, the teen years are not filled
    with angst and confusion. Rather,
    they are a time of concentrated social,
    emotional, and cognitive development

  135. अपनी रेखाओं से दिया दीवार को रंग
    पड़ी म्य्झे जब मार सीख लिया मैने ढ़ंग

  136. Peers play an important role.
    When I was in teenage , I look at my friends(few) as my role models. I wanted to try things as like my friends do.

  137. Growing up I was always worried what impression my friends had on my family. I thought my father was very old fashioned , did not dress up in fashionable clothes , we did not have a big house etc. But then I realized my father although he was not dressed up in fashionable clothes was very forward thinking , well read and a gentleman in all senses. Even though I didn't have a big house I had a lovely home where all the members gave unconditional love to each other.

  138. I always used to share the importance of family bond and parents thought about their child to my friends while I was seeing such things. I hope it may help them to think about their activity.


  140. Peers play an important role in ones life.
    But we must always choose right set of friends.
    A person learns/ come to know all good and bad n life but what is important to learn is to how, when, where, what to use

  141. Peers have a great influence in shaping an adolescent physically, socially, morally and emotionally. Peer influence can be both positive and negative. One should be guided to opt for the right choice.

  142. I was brought up in a mediocre family where values were imbibed in our nurturing. From very young age we could differentiate right & wrong . So if I see any wrong thing among my friends , firstly I try to avoid the situation

  143. I was brought up ona very mediocre family..... So if I saw any thing wrong on my friends I would try ignore it.

  144. Peers play an important role in life. When I was in teenager some my friends do not know what is right and what is wrong but my parents taught us values so that we easily differentiate the wrong and right way so inspite of our peer influence we were able to chose what right and what is wrong.

  145. The most we did as teenagers was miss a class . I did that once and felt extremely guilty . Also came and shared with my parents. Values were very strongly imbibed .

  146. Peers play an important role in your life.They may lead to good or bad path depends on the company of your friends.

  147. Peers play an important role in a student's life . i have seen myself a student who was average in studies , changed drastically and starting getting a position in class because of positive peer pressure

  148. I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by all positive people around me in my growing years. It has helped me have a positive approach towards life.

  149. It depends upon how you select your peers or friends. Have positive people around you. As teens have goals which are challenging, pursue hobbies and make really good friend

  150. Peer pressure can be a powerful force, but fortunately, increased awareness helped in deferentiating right and wrong. Parents and educators guidance helped in making right choices in life.

  151. My peers have played a vital role in moulding my personality.

  152. peer pressure is not always harmful, sometimes it helps in studies and make one to cope in s/ his society adjustable.

  153. peer pressure plays very important role. It is not always harmful, sometimes it helps in studies, taking good decisions

  154. Peer pressure can be a powerful force

  155. peer pressure depends upon how you select your peers or friends

  156. My upbringing by my parents was very good that I never got tempted to do wrong things

  157. I spent my childhood in a joint family. My upbringing was with my cousins who shared the same values as mine. Due to this strong bonding with them I could handle and tackle peer pressure most of the time. I could resist the unwanted desires and temptations. I knew my boundaries and limitations. Having said that, sometimes I choose to experience my "Firsts" along with my peers but gave up the vices having experienced them once.
    So according to me a strong emotional support from family, relatives, cousins, teachers can help one to handle negative peer pressure.

  158. I have lot of memories of school days when I used to play with my peers. They were very cooperative. Some time they did mischief and got punishment together. But still they were very valuable for me.

  159. PEERS PLAY A VERY VITAL ROLE IN GETTING THE GOOD AND AS WELL AS BAD HABITS , Especially in senior class students you find the influence of peers a lot it may be a negative or positive peer pressure, positive is getting more involved in studies, competing , being more sincere

  160. It depends yupon your personality if you get carried away with the pressure or have the ability to even stand alone.

  161. Adolescence is such a stage when one is unable to take right decision for anything due to lot of pressure from peers, mental and physical status.

  162. Peer pressure can be a powerful force, but fortunately, increased awareness helped in distinguishing right and wrong. Parents and educators guidance helped in making right choices in life. Peers play an important role in teenage. They want to try such things that seem cool and want to prove themselves.

  163. I'm born and brought up in a family where we saw our parents struggled to achieve everything for us, this made me understand that for them I have to be very good, should not do any such work which makes them feel insulted.

  164. Peer pressure can be positive or negative. I was fortunate that it was positive in my case. I had changed my school and I was not comfortable conversing in English. My peers encouraged me and helped me in overcoming my inhibitions.

  165. Peers play an important role during teens. It is the time when children are impacted by either positive or negative influences. We have to be wise enough to choose friends.

  166. As a teen I too broke many rules under peer pressure. But if we learn from our mistakes at the right time , things can become better. My mother was a huge support and a great mentor authenticity same time. I was lucky.

  167. Yes, there had been instances when I was lured to join or follow my friends, but I always knew the consequences and where I should stop. This all because of my upbringing and good moral education in school. I wish to impart the same to the students. Students of this generation has less inhibitions compared to our generation, yet good or bad has always remained the same. All we have to do is to show them the right path without making them feel guilty. Tell them it's alright to experience things, but most important is to know where to Stop.

  168. I lied once to go out with friends as I thought that grandparents won't give permission as we followed strict discipline, but wasn't at peace till I told it to my grandmother. She told me that it was wrong to do that and gave me confidence that I can ask her anything without being scared of being scolded.

  169. I lied once to my grandparents as I had to go to my friend's place. I felt restless till I told it to my grandmother. She then counselled me to be open with her and not to fall prey to friends' wrong advice.

  170. I lied to my grandparents once to go to my friend's place. later on I realised it was wrong to do that.

  171. Peers play a very important role in life. We have to be wise enough to select friends. बचपन की मित्रता बहुत आनंददायक होती है क्योंकि उसमें अच्छे बुरे का विवेक नहीं केवल मित्र का साथ ही महत्वपूर्ण होता है। बालपन ऐसे अनेक लम्हे आज भी यादों में बसे हैं जहां पर हमारा नटखटपन और अल्हड़ता‌ की बहुत सी घटनाएं हैं।
    किसी के घर की घंटी बजाना, पेड़ से अमरूद तोड़कर खाना‌ और ‌ पकड़े जाने पर मासूम चेहरा बनाना सचमुच आज भी आंखों के सामने हैं।
    अनीता अग्रवाल

  172. Once I broke my piggy bank without my parents permission and gave money to my tutor and bought notebooks from her.

  173. Being born and brought up in a family where my parents struggled a lot to earn and were socially active, rule breaking was never needed as my parents were always supportive and guided wherever necessary.

  174. When I was in my teenage, it's quiet common and natural to get obsessed and attracted towards what our peers do. But everyone should have. A self control and set limits. When I came across such situations with my friends. I didn't get so fascinated and I tried to make my friends understand their mistake.

  175. We have to choose our friends wisely. They play an important role because they influence our thoughts and personality

  176. nothing of this sort happened .. extremely disciplined family

  177. Peers sometime act as pillars ...because if the pillars are strong ,you can stand n long last i.e. you will be successful in life. Rather rhe weak pillar that is the wrong peer company will not let you survive

  178. I should try at first to induce my good habits on peers. If they are not changed then I should try to avoid them.

  179. Peers play a very important role in life. We have to be wise enough to select friends. I just wanted to fit in with the popular kids in school but when I saw they are indulge in wrong activity i decided to leave that group. It was not easy but we should take right decision at right time with the help and guidance of our elders and teachers.

  180. I never tried to do such things because I never got attracted towards such things. I knew that these all are bad.

  181. It's true that Peer plays a very important role in one's life but the guidance, upbringing of a child, the environment, social background too plays a very important role and these directly or indirectly effects the peer influence. Sharing everything with parents and avoiding those situations as much as possible can be helpful.

  182. बचपन में दोस्त ही सबकुछ है ऐसा लगता है

  183. when I was a teenager, i was influenced by my friends so far as dressing up was concerned - to a large extent

  184. Peer pressure influences everyone in some way or the other. But as a good friend I would suggest them what is right and wrong.

  185. Fortunately had no friends I had who could do all this. But during polytechnic ( after 10th) when I was 16 or 17 I had friends who would force me to come to film. I went also. But I always felt guilty for not telling it to my father. Today I feel I should either had courage to tell prior to my father or bluntly deny friends. I really want my students, my children to be better prepared for it by being strong emotionally.

  186. At teenage, good friends were like a personal support group. Friends and friendships gave
    a sense of belonging, a feeling of being valued and help with developing confidence
    the sense of security and comfort that comes from being with others going through similar experiences.

    Information about the changes that puberty brings, and what’s going on physically and emotionally. A way to experiment with different values, roles, identities and ideas.

    A social group to do new things with, especially things that are different from what families do.

  187. there is no words for that age related experiences . peers teach us new things. we experience many good and bad memories with that.

  188. I am fortunate as I had wonderful friends during my childhood. Peer pressure is something which influence the growing years of an adolescent. I had a loving family with my grandmother and elders who guided me well in those difficult times.

  189. Peers are pals without them life is not possible, they are a true support system, pillars, buddies and real mates in thick n thin.


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