Course 6 Activity 2: Physical Fitness Activities - Share Your Experiences

How engaging in physical fitness activities affects total health. Share your experiences or thoughts.


  1. How engaging in physical fitness activities affects total health.

    1. Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

    2. A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. So physical fitness is necessary.

    3. Healthy body has healthy mind

    4. Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing and total health. Even a 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

    5. Physical fitness is very important for everyone as we know that 'sound mind lives in sound body". So keeping one self fit is very important. If we are fit then we can work more. One can have positive and optimistic approach towards the life.
      Healthy person can be an asset for the nation. Promoting health and fitness is the integral part of our education.

    6. Physical fitness is very essential in today's days.

    7. Physical fitness is necessary as sound body leads to sound mind

    8. Physical fitness is important to remain healthy physically and helps in general well being. It also infuses confidence and positivity.

  2. Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing and total health. Even a 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

  3. Physical fitness is one of the core preconditions of health. Engaging in physical fitness activities affects the total health in number of ways:
    It improves muscle tone, ensures quick recovery after injury and illness, increases energy level, reduces anxiety


    1. Physical fitness is very essential need in todays environment were physical element of human beings are taken over by machines.

  5. physical fitness is a must for living. Healthy food habit, regular exercises and good sleep increase our health

  6. Physical fitness activities are essential for healthy living as they ensure physical as well as mental well-being. They also offer a way of relaxation and also help to strengthen our cognitive abilities. In times when stress and anxiety cause so many life-threatening problems, physical fitness activities are vital for every person's healthy living.

  7. Physical fitness activities enhances both mental and physical health tremendously.Balanced diet,sleep,healthy food increases health

    1. Healthy mind is related to Healy body.So physical fitness is necessary.

  8. Physical fitness activities impact the overall bodily functions and improve their performance .
    This improves both physical health , mental health of an individual .

  9. To put it simply, physical activity and exercise is important for everyone. Children, adolescents, and adults of all ages need regular physical activity.Regular exercise and physical activity increase muscle strength, bone density, flexibility, and stability.Exercise, however, has been shown to improve mood and mental health, and provides numerous health benefits. In other words, staying active is a crucial part of maintaining good health and wellness.

  10. As for me .... i grew up in hostel, so we had physical activity time schedule everyday & i was fit and fine...but when i came home its differnt side of the story... its a known fact that physical activity keeps a person fit...

  11. "Health is wealth " So Physical fitness activities is important to everyone it enhances both mental and Physical health

  12. A simple physical activity like walking on daily basis also helps an individual in remaining healthy.

  13. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

  14. Physical fitness has a direct impact on our emotional and physical strength. I have seen people during this pandemic, we really got the time to pause and think that where are we going? What are we doing? We have come fitness freaks during this pandemic. I have also started giving one hour to myself everyday. There are many benefits from exercise, it makes us feel fresh, energetic, motivated, focused, etc...

  15. Physical fitness is very important for active and healthy life. The awareness of physical fitness should begin at a very early age so that these children grow into a healthy individuals..

  16. Physical fitness leads to mental fitness.

  17. Physical activity or fitness can improve ones health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases. It can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Physical fitness can improve quality of life and lead a healthier state of mind.

  18. Regular exercise and physical activity increase muscle strength, bone density, flexibility, and stability. Physical fitness can reduce your risk for and resilience to accidental injuries, especially as you get older. For example, stronger muscles and better balance mean that you’re less likely to slip and fall, and stronger bones mean that your less likely to suffer bone injuries should you take a tumble.

  19. Engagement of physical health ensure a sound body, soul and thinking. It helps in 360 degree development of a person not only in health also in helping in critically think and make calm and wise decision.

  20. Physically fit person is fit by mentally also. शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम्

  21. It helps in overall development of a person & makes him/her more serene.

  22. A sound mind lives in a sound body. It even helps the students to get rid of their anxiety and mental pressure.

  23. Physical fitness is a part which attributes to our total health.A person with physical fitness can concentrate on other attributes of health like mental, social and emotional to remain healthy.

  24. Health is wealth....A sound mind lives in a sound body....Especially for teenagers the energy has to channelise through various sports and yoga so that they will have a positive attitude which will make them to think right...

  25. Health and Physical fitness are two different things.

  26. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body

  27. Physical fitness for everyone is one of the core fundamental requirement of health. Engaging in physical fitness activities affects the total health in number of ways:
    It improves muscle tone, ensures quick recovery after injury and illness, increases energy level, reduces anxiety

  28. Time to physical activity actually increases the time of a day and helps in achieving in better way.
    it increases concentration and reduces work fatigue

  29. Physical activities are essential for enhancing the body posture, boosting self confidence, mental alertness and emotional stability. It is a good recreation for all age groups and is a great way to divert energy of children to get positive outcomes. These have far more emotional, psychological, social and mental benefits than physical ones.

  30. Physical fitness has a huge impact on a person not just Physically but mentally as well.You remain more alert; attentive ; work performance improves.
    Yoga plays a very important role in keeping us fit and from time time it's various benefits have told to us and now days many are practicing yoga in their daily life's as people have become more health conscious especially during this pandemic.

  31. Physical fitness include various components. Daily physical activities like exercises, weight training and sports and games are very essential for keeping health optimum and maintaining fitness. I go for daily exercises and which helps me to maintain a stress free life.

  32. R.Maheswari
    physical fitness makes us to be active always

  33. Physical fitness makes the person active and improves health.

  34. Do the physical activities like yoga ,games which improves the physical and mental health

  35. Physical fitness is essential for everyone, be it young or old. It will help them to be active, disease-free and give them the confidence to face the ups and downs of life.

  36. Physical fitness is compulsory

  37. A sound mind resides in sound body. When we do exercise we feel happy

  38. Physical fitness activities go a long way in contributing towards total health. The fitness brings in freshness and activeness in the routine. One should be consistent with the routine physical activity.
    I myself go for the regular fitness workout and feel uncomfortable the day I miss out. In fact, the overall mood gets uplifted when there is freshness after engaging for the workout.

  39. A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. So physical fitness is necessary.Yoga plays a very important role in keeping us fit and from time time it's various benefits have told to us and now days many are practicing yoga in their daily life's as people have become more health conscious especially during this pandemic.

  40. it keeps us fit and enhance our strength, endurance,agility etc.

  41. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.

    See everyday activities as a good opportunity to be active.

    Try to find the time for some regular, vigorous exercise for extra health and fitness benefits.

    Minimise the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting.

  42. A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. Physical fitness is essential as well as necessary. it not only keeps us healthy but also keeps our lifestyle and emotions in check.

  43. Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being.So we cannot imagine a person to be healthy without being physically fit.In order to be healthy and physically fit one needs to involve themselves in physical activities . Involvement in physical activities gives our body to function efficiently and effectively. It improves our posture ,tones muscles and also helps in quick and easy recovery after injury.A person may not be suffering from any disease and yet may not enjoy complete wellbeing. But if we engage in moderate activities also it can reduce our risk of depression and anxiety and help you sleep better. It also helps in weight management reducing our many health risks. I myself engage in house chores or sometimes do light workouts at home itself to make myself fit and energetic because engaging in activities not only build your bones and muscles but it also stimulates your brain which improves thinking skill and helps to take right decisions.

  44. Healthy body leads to healthy life. We must give more importance to develop their physical fitness

  45. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. It can improve your health and reduce the risk like cancer, diabetes etc.

  46. Physical fitness is very essential need in todays environment were physical element of human beings are taken over by machines.Physical fitness is essential for everyone, be it young or old. It will help them to be active, disease-free and give them the confidence to face the ups and downs of life.

  47. Physical activities not only helps remain fit and healthy but in the long run also benefits us as we gain confidence and strength. One can perform better if one is fit and healthy. Hence, Physical activities are very essential as it affects our total health.


  49. The key to healthy life is having a healthy mind.

  50. A happy soul rests in a sound body.To make out body sound proper exercise & a healthy diet is required

  51. It improves all the body systems and relaxes our brain

  52. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Exercises taken regularly keeps our body and mind fit. It boosts our spirits and enhances the quality of our life. It makes us proactive and helps in boosting our confidence.

  53. A healthy body can support a healthy mind

  54. Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our well being, physical dimension and mental control. Even a short burst of 10 minutes' Yoga, Jogging, swimming or cycling increases enhances our body activeness. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

  55. Physical activity enhances our power . It helps to be healthy and protect us from diseases.

  56. Engaging in physical fitness activities helps in personality development. It promotes safety and security. It helps to manage difficult situations effectively. It helps for mental, emotional and social developments

  57. Physical fitness increases one's stamina.

  58. Engaging in physical activities helps not only in maintaining a better body shape but also reduces stress level and a calm mind.

  59. Healthy body generates healthy mind and positive thinking and creativity
    Sothat it creates a happy person,with positivity innovative person

  60. Health is wealth only healthy body can hold Healthy mind

  61. physical fitness is of utmost importance as it improves health,mental well being and also enhances
    self esteem, reduce stress and makes a person more active,energetic and alert.

  62. Physical fitness is necessary to have healthy minds as is said that healthy mind stays in a healthy body.

  63. Physical fitness activities keep us physically and mentally fit and active. A physically fit person can perform a task with more zeal and enthusiasm. Such activities also help us stay away from various health issues and increases our longevity.

  64. Physical fitness is essential as well as necessary. it not only keeps us healthy but also reduce emotional and mental stress

  65. Physical fitness can contribute to total well being of an individual.

  66. An effective course to learn about physical and mental fitness. It helped me gain adequate knowledge on the developments and how can we maintain a healthy life system.

  67. Physical fitness makes a person happy,active and more efficient in his work, He enjoys his health and work attitude.

  68. Physical fitness activities make our body fit as well as active. It helps us to do our work with more enthusiasm and improves blood circulation in our body.

  69. Physical fitness always keep health and mind fit.

  70. Because of health mind we are always happy and fresh so we do proper time management

  71. Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

  72. Regular physical activity can help children and adolescents improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as: Heart disease, Cancer ,Type 2 diabetes.

  73. Physical fitness is important to enhance person's ability and productivity. For students physical activities are like gaining lot of energy to boost them and to create enthusiasm in them for various other activities.

  74. Physical fitness is essential to lead a healthy life. It enhances one's efficiency and productivity. It generates happiness and a sense of well being.

  75. Physical activities , yoga and exercise really improve our health , confidence and keep us fit to perform any task. When we are fit we are more happy and confident.

  76. It develops sound mind and relaxed individual activities. It tones not only body and also mentally.

  77. Health is wealth: This adage is even more applicable in today's world .Engaging in physical fitness activities improves not only physical health but also mental health of a person.

  78. Its Very important to do regular exercise and physical activity to increase muscle strength, stamina , flexibility, coordination and stability. Physical fitness can reduce your risk for and resilience to accidental injuries, especially as you get older. For example, stronger muscles and better balance mean that you’re less likely to slip and fall, and stronger bones mean that your less likely to suffer bone injuries should you take a tumble.

    1. Its Very important to do regular exercise and physical activity to increase muscle strength, stamina , flexibility, coordination and stability. Physical fitness can reduce your risk for and resilience to accidental injuries, especially as you get older. For example, stronger muscles and better balance mean that you’re less likely to slip and fall, and stronger bones mean that your less likely to suffer bone injuries should you take a tumble.

  79. Physical activity enhances and improves whole day routine successfully. A person not necessarily give too much time to it. A person who does his own work keeps him fit and mentally alert. Regular physical activities and healthy food can also reduce stress and anxiety and boost your immunity

  80. Physical activity or fitness can improve ones health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases. It can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Physical fitness can improve quality of life and lead a healthier state of mind. Exercising works wonders.

  81. The Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing and total health. Even a 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

  82. unless the circulatory, muscular and respiratory systems are activated through physical activities , learning will not be effective. The whole human body must function in order to achieve goals.

  83. Physical activity and fitness is very important to keep your mind and body healthy. We need to excercise at least 30 mis daily to be physically and mentally fit

  84. There's a well known saying ' A healthy mind lives in a healthy body'. So, Physical fitness activities are essential for healthy living as they ensure physical as well as mental well-being. It helps us stay active and focused in work.

  85. The main advantage of physical fitness is it makes us healthy- physically, mentally and emotionally. These are vital for any human life.

  86. Playing a sport helps to imbibe physical fitness. I have experienced that when I play a sport of badminton on a weekly basis it improves my breathing rate and activates me. I also get sound sleep after that. I feel energised and feel motivated to do other tasks. This practise on a regular basis will help in monitoring any health issues. It also ensures a person to be physically and mentally healthy.

  87. A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. Playing a sport helps to imbibe physical fitness.The main advantage of physical fitness is it makes us healthy- physically, mentally and emotionally. These are vital for any human life.There's a well known saying ' A healthy mind lives in a healthy body'. So, Physical fitness activities are essential for healthy living as they ensure physical as well as mental well-being. It helps us stay active and focused in work.

  88. We remain active throughout the day.dont face any fatigue

  89. Health is important in doing all day today activity. In case of any illness cant give 100 percent.

  90. Engaging in physical fitness activities affects our total health positively. Healthy body has healthy mind. It can reduce stress and anxiety. Increase self esteem and confidence.

  91. i had vertigo problem , with regular asanas and pranayams i was benifited .it proves that healthy mind rests in a healthy body

  92. The secret of good health is physical fitness.Unlike earlier times when all household chores demanded great physical activity.when times became mechanised there becamew less and less activity on the physique.with it arrived all the life style diseases. irrespective of the age of the individual .calories need to be burnt out or it would get deposited for thr worse.

  93. Physical activity keeps us energized all day long. It leads to positive thinking also. People who exercise actually become physically as well as mentally fit.

  94. Physical fitness helps us to remain fit and healthy. It provides mental as well as physical health.

  95. Health and mental well being are very important for leading a better life. Physical fitness is very important as it's been said," a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body". A healthy and fit person is an asset to society because he can think better and do better. Yoga and exercises are the best for keeping ourselves happy and healthy.

  96. A healthy mind develops a healthy body. So physical fitness is necessary.

  97. Physical fitness helps in total well being of a person.

  98. Physical fitness provides mental strength

  99. Doing exercise keeps us physically fit and mentally strong.
    Increases concentration level.
    Helps to release stress.
    Makes more confident.
    Very helpful in development of overall personality.

  100. Engaging in Physical activity has made me more active. It has created a sense of well - being and confidence in me.

  101. Physical activities are essential part of our life. These make our mind and body strong. We can work efficiency and also remain away from diseases.

  102. Physical activity prevent us from diseases such as heart attack , depression,Cancer.
    Regular physical activity improve brain health. Exercise regularly can improve mood and refuce feelings of anxiety and depression. It also helps to maintain muscle mass and weight loss.

  103. Physical fitness activities boost our fitness as well as our emotional well being. It helps us in being positive and energetic throughout the day.

  104. Physical activity and yoga keeps both body and mind fit.
    It reducess stress, increases positivity

  105. Physical activity or exercise can improve health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

  106. it makes the body flexible.Improves fitness

  107. Physical fitness enhances physical and mental health and de-stresses a person , makes him agile,active and face difficult situations.

  108. Physical activity or exercise can improve health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

  109. Indulgence in physical activities has a positive impact on us. We feel energised and healthy. It improves our posture and in turn improves our self-esteem. Thus, helping us to be more productive.

  110. Physical fitness is very essential in today's days

  111. Physical fitness is very important for each one of us as then only can we be productive for ousrlf as well as for others.

  112. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Physical fitness is necessary for physical, mental, social and emotional well being and Yoga is a important component.

  113. hysical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

  114. Being involved in physical activity is a major part of my well being....I feel incomplete without it.

  115. Physical fitness is very important for everyone as we know that 'sound mind lives in sound body". So keeping one self fit is very important. If we are fit then we can work more. One can have positive and optimistic approach towards the life.
    Healthy person can be an asset for the nation. Promoting health and fitness is the integral part of our education.

  116. Physical Fitness activities help to get mental, social, emotional and spiritual knowledge and a well balanced and happy life.

  117. mind and body will remain fit and alert. memory power will increase.

  118. Physical fitness leads to all round development, as a healthy body and sound mind go a long way in
    keeping and maintaining fitness.

  119. Healthy mind lives in healthy body

  120. Being physically fit is a real gift, as physical fitness adds on to our energy level, one feels more agile and remains happy if he/she develops a regular habit of participating in some or the other form of games or sports. Even doing our daily work at home like basic yoga or warm up exercises at the beginning of the day keeps one lively throughout the day. Physical fitness adds to inert beauty of mind, body and enhances one's creativity. Keeps a person happy day long.

  121. Physical fitness goes hand in hand with mental health and wellness. A student needs to be physically fit in order to be mentally healthy.

  122. Physical health is correlated with mental health as well as emotional well-being. Any individual needs to be physically fit to keep themselves mentally as well as emotionally fit to face any issues in a positive perspective

  123. A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. So physical fitness is necessary. Importance of physical fitness is at peak in the present pandemic situation, from a small kid to a very old person is much aware of this.

  124. Health is a well being of both mental and physical states. So to remain healthy , one should do some amount of exercise, walking,jogging etc at least for 30 minutes a day.

  125. Physical activity or exercise can improve our health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

  126. स्वस्थ शरीर ही स्वस्थ विचारों का द्योतक होता है।
    शरीर स्वास्थ्य नहीं होगा तो हम परिवार और समाज के उत्थान में अपना योगदान नहीं दे सकते।

  127. physically fit person is an overall fit person, mentally, physically, emotionally

  128. As we all know that Healthy mind stays in a healthy body, so to keep the mind healthy we have to have a healthy body too. Physical activities are the best way to keep our body healthy ; it reduces the tension and anxiety also and we feel fresh.

  129. Physical fitness is a must for living. Healthy food habit, regular exercises and good sleep increase our health. A healthy mind rest in healthy body.

  130. The most under estimated stress killer is exercise or any physical activity which keeps you moving for foe at least half an hour. It relaxes your soul and improves your performance

  131. Physically fitness is very important and helpful for us to lead a healthy and long life.

  132. Physical activity or exercise can improve our health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like diabetes, cancer etc.It can improve the quality of life.

  133. Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing and total health. Even a 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood.Physical activities are the best way to keep our body healthy ; it reduces the tension and anxiety also and we feel fresh.

  134. Strength-training has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety for individuals with and without an anxiety disorder. Weightlifting using exercise equipment or household items (textbooks, canned goods, milk jugs filled with water, paint cans) may help us to reduce the negative effects of stress and anxiety.

    For children and adolescents, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and exercise during the day are associated with elevations in self-esteem, improved concentration, reductions in depressive symptoms, and improvements in sleep.

    For older adults and among individuals managing chronic medical conditions, regular walks are recommended. The benefits of strength training and weightlifting (low weight with high numbers of repetitions) may be even greater in older adults to maintain quality of life and functioning.

  135. Physical activity make you physically and mentally fit and increase your efficiency

  136. Physical fitness is very important to lead a healthy life

  137. Physical fitness plays an important role in everybody life .
    It helps to maintain social and mental health also.

  138. Physical activities help in the development of the personality and it makes us fit and healthy

  139. Through Physical activity or exercise we can improve our health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases

  140. Physical activity keeps our body and mind fit

  141. Physical fitness is very important for all of us. Doing regular exercise and yoga will help us to be healthy physically, emotionally, mentally.

  142. Health and well-being is the pre-requisite for a productive and peaceful life. It is essential not only to maintain an equilibrium between the various systems functioning within the body for the homeostasis within, but also to maintain the mental balance. Any disturbance in the physical health has a direct impact on our mental and emotional health and thereby our social well-being. These are all inter-twined. Therefore, to remain healthy physical exercises, yoga, hygiene and proper diet are essential. We should avoid addiction to any substances which harms our health. Being healthy is a blessing and we must all try to achieve fitness through proper healthy habits and physical fitness exercises.

  143. One must engage in physical fitness in whatever manner one can. As we grow older we realise that that is the only way forward. A healthy person is mentally strong, is able to take care of not only himself but others as well and is generally happier.

  144. Physical fitness and positive health and wellbeing are the need of the hour. Yoga is an excellent way to be physically fit and healthy.

  145. The Physical fitness activities enhances both mental and physical health tremendously.

  146. Physical fitness activities affects total health of a person. They not only keep us physically fit but keeps our mind calm throughout the day.

  147. Fitness is essential for mind and boady

  148. Physical Fitness and health are equally important for the well being of a person. Regular exercises and yoga helps us maintain both. This would help us work effectively and efficiently.

  149. Physical fitness is very important as it measures a body ability to function effectively and efficiently during work and leisure activities. Though Yoga is important and brings a balance in our body still physical activities are very important for keeping oneself fit and healthy.

  150. Physical fitness boosts not only physical but also mental heatlh

  151. Anju Makhija

    Physical fitness helps in fighting diseases so keeps the body healthy. It helps in maintaining positive attitude which is extremely important for mental health.

  152. Physical fitness is very important to lead a very healthy and happy life. It improves the mental fitness too by making you emotionally and morally strong. Physical fitness makes a person strong, confident and help us to work effectively.

  153. Healthy body and mind make the person physically and mentally fit

  154. Its very important to maintain physical fitness

  155. Healthy BODY AND MIND makes one to lead happy life

  156. It is important that you keep yourself physically fit and mentally sound so that you have a sound body and mind.

  157. Physical fitness is ver very important.. It helps our body to make it Strong .It improves the mental fitness too by making you emotionally and morally strong. Physical fitness makes a person strong, confident and help us to work effectively.

  158. Physical fitness is very important. It keeps us physically as well as mentally fit to face the everyday challenges of the life without being tired and depressed.

  159. It will keep the body and mind healthy and fit.

  160. It will keep the mind and body healthy and fit.

  161. Physical fitness is very essential especially in todays environment. Physically fit student can concentrate better in studies, can sit for longer period to study, works effectively.

  162. Physical activities leads to total well-being and overall development of an individual

  163. Physical fitness is important for overall development of an individual. It improves an individual's ability to carry out his daily activities efficiently.

  164. Physical fitness actually helps you to live healthy and drag your self to complete your goals in stipulated time with ease

  165. dails exercises helps me more active and sharp with doing things. i feel happy about it.

  166. Physical activities do help me to do things faster and smoother.

  167. Physical fitness is important for the overall personality development. It improves individual ability to carry out the day to day activities.

  168. In toady's time good physical health is crucial for our well-being. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits can help us to maintain good physical health. It also enhances our mental ability .

  169. Physical fitness ensures healthy body. When we are healthy we are able to reflect positivity in every thing we do. Hence physical activity is necessary to keep ourselves healthy which in turn makes you mentally healthy also.

  170. Physical fitness keeps us not only physically fit but also mentally strong. It energises us keeps us motivated n confident.

  171. For me Physical fitness is very important for a healthy life.

  172. Physical fitness is important as it keeps our mind and body strong and results in a holistic development. It keeps us happy and efficient in performing daily task.

  173. Yes Physical fitness is very important for everyone as we know that 'sound mind lives in sound body". So keeping one self fit is very important. If we are fit then we can work more for a long time. One can have positive and optimistic approach towards the life.
    Healthy person can be an asset for the nation. Promoting health and fitness is the integral part of our education.

  174. It enhances confidence and overall well being of an individual.

  175. Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health.

  176. Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety

  177. healthy life is having a healthy mind


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