Course 6 Activity 6: Share Your Reflections

List the changes that you have undergone from the time you were nine years old, till now. Illustrate physical, emotional and social changes which you have experienced. What are the changes which made you feel surprised or stressed till you realized that these changes were normal and natural?


  1. List the changes that you have undergone from the time

    1. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time..

    2. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realizing that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time..

    3. Our bodies go through puberty typically between the ages of 10 and 15, a time in which we see and feel major physical developments. Growth spurts and development of facial hair and reproductive organs are at their peak. With everyone developing at different rates.

    4. Changes in body parts, behaviour ,our attitude towards individuals and society. We will be more confident to take disition s and implement it,more responsible.

    5. Body change and immotional change .

    6. Changing body from age to age

    7. body changes, death of a closed one, loosing a friend, fighting with a loved one.

    8. Many physiological and emotional changes.
      Could not understand at times whom to approach for suggestions. Enjoyed friends company

    9. As per the age, changes also happen in our body.

    10. Physical, mental and emotional changes are some of the changes that are clearly evident. These changes are essential for grooming of one's personality to live a fruitful life in society.

  2. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time..

  3. transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time..

  4. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time

  5. growth...Emotionally...the wanting to belong to be in group or being accepted by peers... socially...being appriciated or accpted in the list of responsible or grown ups...

  6. Transformation from a child to an adolescent and then a woman, experiencing physical and emotional changes. Acceptance of all the changes and myself in the way I look, the want to be accepted for who I am. This led to a lot of stress more so with society dictating the terms for gender stereotypes. However discussing the same with friends and colleagues brings assurance that one is not alone, everyone goes through the same in varying degrees.

  7. When I was nine years old i was a child full of innocence& joy .Then stepped in teens becoming mature. Changes physically as well as emotionally. Taking all the challenges of life. Now in this age discussing with friends, busy in our own world .

  8. Childhood was a life without care. I was as carefree as a butterfly. But when I first experienced period , I was shocked and cried a lot.

  9. There are many physical changes naturally occur with all of us. There is a different type of understanding which really helped to come out of conventional and stereotype thinking pattern. It is really helpful to connect with my own self and connecting with others. I understood that we can't solve the problem with the same thought. Due to peers, with their knowledge and understanding, I feel that I am able to respond to the situations rather reacting over it.

  10. There are several physical changes that takes after the age of 9years. When I reached my puberty I was highly depressed as I was not knowing about it, no prior councelling was given at school nor at home.

  11. Our bodies go through puberty typically between the ages of 10 and 15, a time in which we see and feel major physical developments. Growth spurts and development of facial hair and reproductive organs are at their peak. Emotionally wanted to be accepted in a cool group. I suddenly shooted up and looked too tall and lean which I definitely disliked.

  12. There are many physical changes naturally occur with all of us.

  13. There are many physical changes naturally occur with all of us.There are many physical changes naturally occur with all of us.motionally wanted to be accepted in a cool group. I suddenly shooted up and looked too tall and lean which I definitely disliked.

  14. Many Physical and emotional changes came in the teenager age like attraction toward opposite sex, harmonies development and many more which make child stand in youngsters

  15. teenage is the time when many changes occurs in body.

  16. I have grown physically, mentally and have now better understanding of my emotions and people around me. My have become more empathy rather than sympathy and can differentiate between the two. Have better understanding of taking care of my physical and mental health as well as spread awareness about it is my duty.

  17. Sudden body transformation, looking like a woman. Experiencing different forms of feelings. Anxiety and mental stress. Sense of responsibility increased.

  18. Sudden body transformation, looking like a woman. Experiencing different forms of feelings.

  19. Changes in body parts, behaviour ,our attitude towards individuals and society. We will be more confident to take decisions and implement it judiciously.

  20. There were a lot of changes. Physically i grew, mentally i became thoughtful, and emotionally i matured.

  21. Lot of of physical and mental changes has taken place.....from growing from girl to a woman......from being slim to gaining weight.The transformation has been amazing

  22. Transformation leads to plenty of emotional changes but to deal with it empathetically means a lot to a person.

  23. The very first change which I recognized that increase in the height and weight and and and also changes in the genitals. Being a child of the teachers, I was aware about the these changes in advance as my parents educate me all these things in advance.

  24. Changes physically and emotionally, think independently and taking challeges of life.

  25. These changes are natural and normal.

  26. The physical, emotional and social changes evolve as one matures. The priorities at different point in life change. The mental wellbeing gets strengthened if one is emotionally strong.
    The journey of life makes one gain wisdom and thereby consolidate the idea about live and livelihood. Yes, over period of time learnt to deal with stress and cope with success and failure. Learnt from mistakes and moved on .

  27. Body transformation in teens - puberty , emotional, social changes.Yes, over period of time learnt to deal with stress and cope with success and failure. Learnt from mistakes and moved on .

  28. I wanted to be independent and take decisions for myself.

    Physical and emotional changes etc. All these surprised me initially but later on understood that these are natural and normal.

  29. The psychological changes may help to grow the power of thinking

  30. now when i look back to my teen i really feel how nervous i am and also shy and doesn't interact with any body.....But after 19 of age i realized these are the things which happens normally to all girls or boys .... At that stage my friends helped me giving me support emotionally.....

  31. Physical change and emotional change will be the challenge for them, to be guided in a right way.

  32. Physical and emotional changes we gone through at that age. We get hurt easily at that age.

  33. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time..The psychological changes may help to grow the power of thinking

  34. As a teenager I feel the surprise for me was the physical changes that I started noticing, body hair , experiencing periods for the first time. All this resulted in changes in my social behaviour too. But slowly and gradually I started realizing that its a part of life and happens with everyone, so its normal.. from then onwards I started thinking positively.

  35. Adolescence is a time of big social and emotional development for everyone. The bodily changes, emotional changes make us conscious and we struggle whether we are grown ups or too young to do a particular task. Teenage is nothing but bones and hormones playing their tricks.

  36. Adolescence is a time of big social and emotional development for everyone.

  37. Physically being fit is most important as it is aptly said Health is wealth. Without health we cannot even do our daily chores. To prove ourselves too we need to be healthy in a holistic way

  38. Adolescence is the phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to 19. Adolescents experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth. This affects how they feel, think, make decisions, and interact with the world around them.


  39. During adolescence we feel ashamed of the changes that happen to the body. Self awareness is very important. One has also to cope up with the mental changes that happen at this time.

  40. Changes in body dimension, behaviour towards other and myself,our attitude towards individuals and society. I undergone so many life experiences which inculcated skills to survive and adjust in society.

  41. Physical change at puberty and menstruating days were so stressful.Later realised every natural thing is a normal thing and so are the above mentioned.Emotional change,used to get upset by small things if they didn't fall in my favour.As adaptibility developed realised everything may not happen according to my will.

  42. Body change and emotional change .

  43. Transformation to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time Becoming a responsible adult was part of growing up.

  44. Physical and emotional changes happened on that time. Now we can realise the fact that happened in those days.

  45. Physical and emotional changes during that time, lot of confusion about the menustral period was really upsetting to me. When I grew up I realised that all these changes are quite natural and normal. Now I await menopause, I'm more prepared mentally now that I'm older.

  46. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realizing that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time

  47. There were a lot of changes both physically and emotionally. From puberty to experiencing hormonal changes, it would be better that children should get a councellor at such age.

    but when we grow up we become more matured and will be self cofident,independent to take wise

  49. Physical changes is a natural process

  50. At nine I did not feel much changes as I was very small with less height. after few years I could feel physical growth due to the work of certain hormones. I could feel emotioanal and social changes too which have been channelised to good reading and thinking.

  51. Proper education about the changes to be made so that one accepts it happily.

  52. Changes in body parts, behaviour ,our attitude towards individuals and society.

  53. Adolescence is a time of change throughout the body. As we start to move from childhood into adulthood, there is a feel the urge to be more independent. Often, friends replace parents as a source of advice.

  54. emotional roller coaster rides. Deterioration in energy levels with age are all surprises that need to be coped with .

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. During adolescence besides body changes there are emotional ,behavioral changes. Feeling shy and communicating with anyone was not easy. Many emotions of self image and fear,angered were part of adolescent life.

  57. Tara
    Adolescence is a time of emotional , physical and behavioral change . Feeling shy and communicating with anyone was not easy, but sense of responsibility and being a mature person helps to overcome fear and stress.

  58. Lot od physiological changes, emotional changes and behavioural changes.

  59. Body transformation, growth of beard etc. One also grows from being a carefree child to a responsible human being, taking care of his/her family. During the growth process, one also undergoes peer pressure to indulge in various negative activities, whose cons are only realised once we grow up.

  60. Mental and bodily transformation, changing priorities of life, selective trust and thereby growth of friendship, developing independence towards performing the daily activities of life , extra caution in dealing with opposite peers, developing choices and affinities in maintaining a life style.

  61. Transition of one's personality and behaviour is the most delicate phase of life of an adolescent. physical change comes with mental distarbance for teenagers. Elders constantly keep hammering about how to behave and what to and What not to do. This the stage of turmoil for many teenagers.

  62. At this time in we see and feel major physical developments. Facial hair and puberty everything has surprised and amazed.

  63. A lot of physical and psychological development happen at this time. Along with our age , we also become more mature, thoughtful .

  64. Person face many changes in body during puberty ,it is confused stage of mind . Why it is happening ? is the question and no proper answer for it. Many facts when came to know in after life really surprised .

  65. Many changes physically like starting of periods, bodily growth... Emotional on

  66. Underwent a lot many physical,emotional and social changes in due course of time.Maturity, emotional as well as social stability increased with time.The changes undergone at the time of puberty were not only surprising but also very challenging .

  67. Having self control over all negative emotions was really challenging, unless the maturity was reached. To understand the reality it needs introspection.

  68. Great changes come in a human which is a part of natural growing process. Miracle of Almighty

  69. Physical changes. Mood swings makes things complicated

  70. The time when changes happen both physically,mentally and emotionally.
    Sometimes become short tempered.
    Time when we start take decisions by thinking the good and bad. Crucial situation. Depends mostly on the peer group. But takes the challenges of life.

  71. There is physical change and emotional change .

  72. Changes are physical as well as emotional. There is a time in adolesece that we feel lonely and no one wants to listen to us . Thats when we need guidance

  73. Challenges are of two types mental and physical. Mental challenges help two face problems in our life and physical challenges bard us to do daily work.

  74. More patience and physical changes

  75. From 9 years to till now I am experienced so many changes in my physical appearance, mental strength and emotional balance.. my view points about me and society totally changed.

  76. Changes in body structure, behaviour and outlook to life.. All these have changed. Initially undergoing age related changes was difficult to accept but now it has become a part of life

  77. Changes in body structure. Now many emotional changes also you can see over the period of time. Change in thinking.

  78. When I reached my puberty I was highly depressed as I was not knowing about it, no prior counselling was given at school nor at home.i managed myself with d time pass..

  79. I feel a lot of changes since the age of 9. After this age I experienced the changes that occured in my physical self. Obviously being a girl or a woman we experience a lot of changes in our body and these changes also effect our mental health. But once we start taking these as natural we feel more confident. Health and mental well being are very important for leading a better life. Physical fitness is very important as it's been said," a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body". A healthy and fit person is an asset to society because he can think better and do better. Yoga and exercises are the best for keeping ourselves happy and healthy.

  80. Right from childhood to adolescence and then to middle age experienced lots of physical n emotional changes.

  81. Changes in body parts, behaviour ,our attitude towards individuals and society. We will be more confident to take decisions and implement it,more responsible.

  82. Physical changes in the body also influences our mental health.

  83. Physical Changes: voice change, Appearance of hairs on body, beard
    Broadening of shoulders, etc
    Emotional Changes: Confusion, Anger, Scared, etc
    Social Changes: Awareness of Clothing Style, more friends etc

  84. Appearance of body hair ,Mensuration . Anger , Confusion ,Independent Thinking

  85. Change in body structure and emotions, attitudes and social behavior. That time when I was nine years old these things were not developed.

  86. From childhood to adolescent age and then a woman, experiencing physical and emotional changes. We were in stress at that time but when we got assurance from uor peers that everyone has these physical changes in their I understand that thses changes are important part of our growth.

  87. Now when I look back, I remember that initially I felt awkward about the physical changes I was experiencing, but then after counselling from my mother I was comfortable with those changes. I was emotionally quite mature and was given a lot of freedom regarding my day to day decisions and friendship with the opposite gender. So, with good guidance from parents growing up was stress free.

  88. Body change with growing age. The wonderful changes experience during 9 months of pregnancy. The satisfaction of motherhood. And more and more interactions with people with age and professionally.

  89. Experienced Physical and emotional changes

  90. There are several physical changes that takes after the age of 9years. We can play a role in supporting child during adolescent age

  91. hysical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

  92. Physically : hair growth...
    Emotionally...the want to belong to be in group or being accepted by peers.
    socially...being appriciated or accpted in the list of responsible or grown ups.

  93. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time.

  94. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realizing that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time.

  95. There is a huge array of changes we undergo during this entire period. There's a drastic change in our physic, emotion, outlook also attitude. Initially we undergo a period doubts and curiosities about our own self, discover physical changes and interrelated emotional changes. Some face anxiety and temper tantrums, some undergo a period of fear, lack of confidence. Confront million social taboos as females. Some of us boldly take the challenge to accept the change, some take time.
    Thus, self realization of one's abilities and acceptance of it as something normal is what majority of us have experienced during this phase of our life.

  96. There is a lot of changes we undergo during the adolescent period till now. There's a drastic change in our physic, emotion, physical, psychological outlook and the attitude to deal with. Initially we undergo a period doubts and curiosities about our own self, discover physical changes and inter-related emotional changes. Some face anxiety and temper tantrums, some undergo a period of fear, lack of confidence. Confront million social taboos as females. Some of us boldly take the challenge to accept the change, some take time.
    Thus, self realisation of one's abilities and acceptance of it as something normal is what majority of us have experienced during this phase of our life. Social, emotional ups and downs in life can be dealt with positivity.

  97. Like everybody else I also underwent all kinds of physical , emotional and social changes as I matured from a young girl to a middle aged person.

  98. Adolescence is a time of change throughout the body. As we start to move from childhood into adulthood, there is a feel the urge to be more independent. This age should be handled very carefully.

  99. physical and mental change are unavoidable.

  100. Our bodies go through puberty typically between the ages of 10 and 15, a time in which we see and feel major physical developments. Growth spurts and development of facial hair and reproductive organs are at their peak. Emotionally wanted to be accepted in a cool group.

  101. Growing very tall in a matter of 6 months initially did unnerve me . But compliments from my teachers and peers made me realize that it was an asset

  102. Adolescence is a time of big social changes, emotional changes and changes in relationships.
    Pre-teens and teenagers are forming independent identities, developing independence and testing their abilities. Positive relationships between parents and teenagers are important for social and emotional development in adolescence. Many changes have been taken place from childhood till now. Physically, emotionally and socially I have become a strong person because of my own experiences.

  103. Yes, I experienced a lot of physical, emotional, mental changes during my adolescence period which I felt later that it's nothing but natural changes in one's life.During those days sometime I worried a lot, thanks to the God that I accepted those changes and now become a middle aged person.

  104. आयु के साथ शारीरिक परिवर्तन मानव जीवन की स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया है।
    ऐसी स्थिति में मानवीय संवेगों में भी तीव्र गति से परिवर्तन आते-जाते रहते हैं।

  105. Changes in physical body parts, emotional behaviour, my attitude towards others. Later on I understood the biology behind all those changes.

  106. Physical.. from being overweight to extremely fit now, emotional. .maturity with respect to decision making

  107. Changes like physical, emotional, psychological etc.
    With age became mature and spiritual and got an eye to differentiate between right and wrong.

  108. physical changes during adolescences ,conscious about looks but over the period of time person become independent and matures learn from experiences and able to cope up the stress .

  109. while growing up i was very stressed because of my weight.. but thanks to my teachers who helped me and my childhood is quite full of good memories.

  110. Changes taking place from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were.

  111. Physical and psychological changes of puberty happen slowly over time.

  112. Adolescence is a time of big social changes, emotional changes and changes in relationships.

    Pre-teens and teenagers are forming independent identities, developing independence and testing their abilities.

    Positive relationships between parents and teenagers are important for social and emotional development in adolescence.

    There were Emotional changes in adolescence like : Moods and feelings, Sensitivity to others, Self-consciousness

  113. Through the years I've experienced a whole lot changes physically, mentally and emotionally. Physical changes were disturbing. There was a greater need to be accepted by peers also. But as years passed and concentration on studies took the upper hand everything seemed trivial.

  114. Attaining the age of puberty,getting periods was the most shocking. i was unable to get up and felt that I was sufferin through some disease.

  115. Our bodies go through puberty typically between the ages of 9, a time in which we see and feel major physical developments. Growth spurts and development of facial hair and reproductive organs are at their peak. With everyone developing at different rates, however, bullying is a problem many face. Our relationships with family members might change during puberty. we might start to want more independence and privacy. We will be able to make more decisions for our self and contribute more to how our household runs.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. A whole lot of changes we experience during puberty, transiting from a girl to womanhood. Physical changes are accompanied with changes in mental and emotional makeup. At this period of transition we become more conscious about our external appearance, looks and hair style. Undecisive about clothing that suits better, experimenting with hair style and moreover curious about the bodily changes we are going through, whether those are normal, universal for the gender. Psychological boost through appreciation and recognition of talents among adolescents helps overcome this narrowness of thought and promote thinking on a broader perspective. This period sees a lot of creativity amongst the teenagers, in order to channelized all negative thoughts and stresses in the positive direction through visual, performing, martial arts forms as well as through sports and games. I developed all these interest during the period of adolescence.

  118. Physical changes that each girl experiences were experienced by me too. It was especially difficult or maybe surprising as we, during our times, were not prepared by our parents with regards to these changes.

  119. Since that age there are so many changes one has to face. I too faced many emotional physical changes till age. Several times there were challenges and stress that I had to deal but with time I sorted them all.

  120. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional .

  121. As we grow, our experiences add on. We grow physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

  122. Physical changes: Changes in the body shape and size
    Emotional changes: Changes in attitude, emotions
    Social changes: Changes we face in the society

  123. As a girl of 9 years , experienced periods with cramps in the stomach. Those days it was considered to be treated like an outcast. The situation is totally different now. Counsellors and teachers, mothers are too cooperative and understanding .

  124. Physiological changes had impact on emotional changes.did not know whom to disclose with & to get more information from.
    Loved interacting with friends & believing them

  125. Body transformation, Hormonal fluctuations affecting mood swings,

  126. Body structure, Hormonal changes, metabolism of body changed. Mentally matured in thinking and dealing with the situations, emotionally little bit strong and try to think before taking up any decisions which was not there when i was 9 years old. Able to differentiate between the good and the bad while dealing with the social matters.

  127. Physical ,mental and emptional changes and develepe self confedence

  128. When a child of Nine years, used to be terrified of the maths teacher. But later on learnt that she was strict for my own good ness sake.

  129. Changes in body parts, behaviour ,our attitude towards individuals and society.Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time..

  130. Going back to the teenage when the menstruation cycle started, it was really stressful to handle that and a lot of time and attention was wasted on that. Now I realise that all that stress was useless.

  131. I am glad now we talk about all the changes that take place during adolescence so openly . During our growing up years, we could not discuss them openly in a classroom situation.

  132. The changes were physical , emotional and social making new more aware of my strengths and weaknesses and to be able to cope with them.

  133. Plethora of changes have occurred till now.. Ranging from physical changes to emotional and mental changes, I have became a more aware person. Now I am a spiritual person and try to tackle difficulties with calmer state of mind but before and during initial years of adolescence, I used to get anxious even for meager issues but gradually with time I learnt to tackle things in better ways

  134. SonikaBody transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realising that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time to time..

  135. Our bodies go through puberty typically between the ages of 10 and 15, a time in which we see and feel major physical developments. Growth spurts and development of facial hair and reproductive organs are at their peak. With everyone developing at different rates.

  136. I have become emotionally independent

  137. Body structure changed. Mentally matured in thinking and dealing with the situations. Experienced lot of mood swings.

  138. Changes in body parts, behaviour ,our attitude towards individuals and society. We will be more confident to take decision and implement the same more responsible.

  139. Since my childhood various types of changes... physical,mental and emotional have taken place .these changes are helping me to lead a happy, healthy professional and personal life

  140. Growing from a child to an adolescent and then a woman, experiencing physical and emotional changes. Accepting and coping with all the changes led to a lot of stress. However discussing the same with friends and colleagues brings assurance that one is not alone, everyone goes through the same from time to time. One has to understand that you have to accept everything what is coming to your way in life- better to accept it happily and deal with it intelligently.

  141. Physical and mental changes. Gained weight, started using spectacle , Gray hair, increased responsibilities, but considering this as natural

  142. At age nine, children are poised for major transition as they stand on the cusp of adolescence. In many ways, they can still be considered children but are becoming much more independent and able to handle certain responsibilities with minimal adult supervision.
    Physical growth triggered and I gained weight which made me feel isolated from my skinny family members. Then , I came in contact of my health freak cousin who instilled healthy food habits and I realized it was quite natural at this age !

  143. Childhood is a wonderful part of our life. It is full of fun . But the time when children approach to adolescence age it brings a lot of physical and emotional changes in them.

  144. A lot of changes bodily and some mental stress noticing these changes. The shyness/lack of confidence, walking with droopy shoulders, behaving weird with mood swings. Unnecessarily giggling teenagers for small issues, noticing the attraction towards opposite sex. A lot of emotional social and physical changes.

  145. The actual physical growth into adulthood was the major change I experienced, but I was prepared for it through certain awareness classes which Johnson and Johnson company used to conduct it in our schools every year for class 6 up students. Then came the emotional transformation from being a very quiet and meek little girl to a confident adult. Those were the most beautiful times of my life, and I am sure, its the same for every one.

  146. There are many physical changes naturally occur with all of us.beva teacher we should help our students

  147. Transforming from a nine year girl to a woman.There are physical changes like change in height .Many mood changes also took place .From a very naughty girl to a matured person.

  148. Physical changes were difficult to adjust specially periods but having good support from family and friends helped. Counselling sessions in school were excellent,so didnt have much of a problem.

  149. Everything will end one day but not respect life the way it is...

  150. Our bodies go through puberty typically between the ages of 10 and 15, a time in which we see and feel major physical developments. Growth spurts and development of facial hair and reproductive organs are at their peak. With everyone developing at different rates, however, bullying is a problem many face

  151. I am a school counselor so have been observing these changes in every batch. Its like sailing the same boat. These changes are difficult but one has to come across safely and successfully for the future's en-devours purposes.

  152. We all have gone through these changes and learnt to accept them. The students need teachers' guidance and parents' support to deal with such physiological and emotional changes with empathy

  153. It's a stage of complex changes. Adolescence is age of Strom and stressful. It's associated with many physiological and psychological changes with the emotional stability.

  154. When the physical and emotional changes occurred, initially I was curious and shy but afterwards, I realized that these are inevitable and happens to egeryone.

  155. Emotional and Physical changes were difficult to handle but then my mother helped me realise that these changes are normal.

  156. From being thin to gaining muscles , change in vocal

  157. Body transformation from a girl to a woman, experiencing periods for the first time and then after a few years, realizing that it's just a daily chore, getting emotional and hurt on such small little things during teenage which now seems like how stupid those things were, from not at all social to a social party animal are some of the changes experienced by me from time

  158. Grew up physically ,matured emotionally with time

  159. With growing age I have become more socially and mentally strong but with declined physical strength. In my 40s now, to maintain proper physical health and a shaped body have become a great challenge. Stress again, though coped well, sometimes is tedious and frustrating. Specially, for a teacher to be appealing to students no matter what you go through inwardly is very challenging. I think schools should definitely have some schemes for teacher's refreshments and recreational activities where teacher can participate without being fearful about being judged or feeling any kind of compulsion. Teachers' mental and physical health should also be taken care of by any institution.

  160. Acceptance of all the changes and myself in the way I look, the want to be accepted for who I am. This led to a lot of stress more so with society dictating the terms for gender stereotypes. However discussing the same with friends and colleagues brings assurance that one is not alone, everyone goes through the same in varying degrees.

  161. Physical and emotional changes. I feel am emotionally stable.

  162. Breasts development, pubic hair and hair under arms. All these was embarrassing. Was attracted to the opposite sex.People in the society started looking at me as a young lady

  163. Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing and total health. Even a 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

  164. Engaging in health activities boasts ones physical strength ,stamina and energy as well as the diseases remain at a distance to a person who is physically fit as per other aspects related to it , it improves emotional strength , intelligence ,skills, and many more

  165. Adolescence is the phase of life between childhood and adulthood. Adolescents experience rapid physical, cognitive and psycho social growth. This affects how we feel, think, make decisions, and interact with the world around them. At this age we started taking independent decisions, more sensitive towards everything and everyone around us. The future personality of the man or woman largely depends on how they are trained during this period.

  166. Social changes in adolescence
    Young people are busy working out who they are and where they fit in the world. You might notice your child trying out new things like clothing styles, subcultures, music, art or friendship groups. Friends, family, media and culture are some of the influences on your child’s choices in these years.

    Your child will probably want more independence about things like how they get around and where they go, how they spend their time and who with, and what they spend money on. As your child becomes more independent, it’ll probably mean some changes in your family routines and relationships, as well as your child’s friendships.

    Your child might be keen to take on more responsibility both at home and at school. This could include things like cooking dinner once a week or being on the school council. Sometimes you might need to encourage a move towards more responsibility.

    New experiences
    Your child is likely to look for new experiences, including risky experiences. This is normal as your child explores their own limits and abilities, as well as the boundaries you set. Your child also needs to express themselves as an individual. But because of how teenage brains develop, your child might sometimes struggle with thinking through consequences and risks before they try something new.

    This is the time your child starts to develop a stronger individual set of values and morals. Your child will question more things. Your words and actions help shape your child’s sense of right and wrong.

    Friends and peers might influence your child, particularly your child’s behaviour, appearance, interests, sense of self and self-esteem. You still have a big influence on long-term things like your child’s career choices, values and morals.

    Sexual identity
    Your child might start to have romantic relationships or go on ‘dates’. But these aren’t always intimate relationships. For some young people, intimate or sexual relationships don’t occur until later on in life.

    The internet and social media can influence how your child communicates with friends and learns about the world. They have many benefits for your child’s social development, but also some risks. Talking with your child is the best way to protect them from social media risks and ensure their internet safety.

    Emotional changes in adolescence
    Moods and feelings
    Your child might show strong feelings and intense emotions, and their moods might seem unpredictable. These emotional ups and downs happen partly because your child’s brain is still learning how to control and express emotions in a grown-up way.

    Sensitivity to others
    As your child gets older, they’ll get better at reading and understanding other people’s emotions. But while your child is developing these skills, they can sometimes misread facial expressions or body language. This means they might need some help working out what others are feeling.

    Teenage self-esteem is often affected by how teenagers think they look. As your child develops, they might feel self-conscious about their physical appearance. Your child might also compare their body with those of friends and peers.

    Your child might go through a stage where they seem to act without thinking a lot of the time. Your child’s decision-making skills are still developing, and they’re still learning that actions have consequences and even risks sometimes.

  167. A lot of changes occurred in me both physically and mentally....
    * Body weight increased
    *Height increased
    *Hormonal changes
    * Emotional changes

  168. It is very important for us to get engaged in physical exercise. It will boost us to be alert in all aspects. Teenage is the time when lot of changes take place within us. Meditation, good food habit and regular exercise will make us stay healthy and strong.

  169. All changes are part of life during adolescence.

  170. Changes were physical emotional and social changes- Development towards maturity of genitals •Development of attraction towards opposite sex and maturation of social behavior •Psychosocial changes during adolescence – mood showing, temper tantrum and charms and challenges.All emotional changes made me feel surprised and stressed too .

  171. Our maturity level changes , getting period cramps , and ten e will be used to it, we will be experiencing the hormonals and emotional changes in everyone's life.

  172. Body changes during puberty and hormonal changes always surprised me

  173. बाल्यकाल से लेकर किशोरावस्था तक मानसिक विकास तत्पश्चात किशोरावस्था से लेकर युवावस्था तक मानसिक व शारीरिक विकास , उसके बाद शारीरिक विकास से होने वाले बदलाव इत्यादि सभी एक बालक तथा बालिका के जीवन का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होते हैं |

  174. Noticed Physical & emotional changes

  175. There are many changes which take place -physical, emotional and social changes
    All changes help in our growth and development and shape our persona

  176. Physical Changes, mental changes

  177. Physical and emotional well-being is important for everyone

  178. Adolescence is the most beautiful period of one's life enjoy it

  179. to be conscious more about changes in adolescence needs to understand and realize the growth in all physical, social, emotional and mental order

  180. changes during adoloscence age, puberty, hormones changes, myths of pregnancy, love and attraction.

  181. Gone through many physical as well as psychological changes with the advancing age.


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