Course - 07 Activity 6: Share Your Thoughts

Look up the Census data of the  sex ratio your district/state  and compare it with the national sex ratio. What do you think are the reasons for the good or poor performance of your district/state in terms of sex ratio? Share Your Thoughts.


  1. Look up the Census data of the sex ratio your district/state

    1. I am from a semi urban area. Still we can see differences among men and women and equality has not yet been achieved

    2. Yes. There is no gender equity to be seen. This may be due to the mindset of people who are not ready to break down the shackles of old ides.
      Time to change.

    3. Unless equality of gender is attained by the society, progress and peace will not reach the desired levels. Men and women should be considered as just humans who are capable of any level of education, sports, efficiency of accomplishments, emotions etc leaving the biological parameters aside. No specific choices or roles should be imposed based on genders and this change can be brought about only if gender equality starts from an early stage i.e. home and school

    4. In the urban area, less gender discrimination is seen as more awareness and educated lot of parents. This is also influencing the villages near by. However these areas still need more awareness for ending gender stereotype.

    5. I opine that Gender equality should start from families then in schools, friends, neighbors, society and nation as still this is a serious problem in spite of being educated... Such courses should be there even for parents to educate them not to be Gender bias

    6. I do not see gender equality. it needs to be a collaborative effort to bring it about , starting right from the family at a smaller level to the society as a whole. gender bias is to be removed by educating and counselling children and the members of the society alike so as to remove such barriers existing in the society.

    7. in rural household no gender equality

    8. Yes everywhere gender inequality is more

    9. Though we are moving on centuries but still gender bias is continuing some where or the other corner and we should be the initiative and change.

    10. This is because not much importance is given by the authority ,but time changes, everything comes under control, hoping 🙏 for the best

  2. Due to social beliefs there are few differences but now as everything is changing, there is not much difference.

    1. In the urban area, less gender discrimination is seen as more awareness and educated lot of parents. This is also influencing the village

    2. In cities the gender discrimination is less compared to villages bcoz of literacy

  3. I stay in Gujarat Ahmedbad, I think, there is not equal.... but girls are bit less as compared to boys.. even in rural areas, same is the condition. But if we look at education level.. in rural areas girls drop out rate is more as compared to boys.

  4. It's better in karnataka due to the educational development here.

  5. yes it is better in south India

  6. Reason for poor performance is uneducated and unaware population blindly following the social beliefs and evils like dowry system.

  7. I'm Kerala the literacy rate is hugh ,women are financially independent and they enjoy a certain level of freedom.
    Girls are educated ,there are no cases of female infanticide. High literacy levels, good health care facilities are the factors . Dowry deaths are also lesd

  8. I believe our society still will take a lot of time to change. It has changed but not much. Girls are still allowed to study but there are many families that don't want them to be an earning member. Same for the boys- they are forced to be the earning member whether they like it or not.

  9. Sex ratio is better in the state of Kerala. But needs alot of gender sensitisation

  10. AM
    Due to social beliefs there are few differences but now as everything is changing, there is not much difference.

  11. Even among literate couples, the male partner holds the power and the female is to be a homemaker. Unless the dowry system haven't change, the rate of female foeticide also won't reduce

    1. Even though both are working only a women holds all the responsibility of home. This need to be shared between both as both are working

  12. Reason for poor performance is uneducated and unaware population blindly following the social beliefs and evils like dowry system. Even among literate couples, the male partner holds the power and the female is to be a homemaker. Unless the dowry system haven't change, the rate of female foeticide also won't reduce

  13. Reason being that women are not allowed to get involved in many activities like being a leader. they are generally suppressed in many ways.

  14. In the society it is a mindset of division of work for men and women. But it has to be changed we should give equal rights and opportunities to women to make our society healthier and developed.

  15. I am from kerala. Here people are educated and especially girls are in all fields. There is no infanticide. But still there are few incidents on the negative impacts of dowry system where we have to create awareness through education from smaller classes itself.

  16. According to the 2011 census Thrissur district has a population of 3,110,327. This gives it a ranking of 113th in India (out of a total of 640). The district has a population density of 1,026 inhabitants per square kilomet re (2,660/sq mi) . Its population growth rate over the decade 2001–2011 was 4.58%. Thrissur has a sex ratio of 1109 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 95.32%.

  17. With a sex ratio of 833, Haryana continues to carry the tag of being the most unfair to the girl child among the surveyed states.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. There are a lot of gender discrimination we can see around if we observe closely. Quality education is only the solution to overcome this Social problems. Why a large number of people are not happy when they get a baby girl?, Why parents afraid to send their daughters to a strange place alone? Are they safe after marriage? A total change is required. So, I hope New National Educational Policy will bring changes.

  20. In Haryana the sex ratio is skewed to maximum extent and except for police/ disciplinary type of action, the only other course is to eliminate the bias against women and rhe obsession for a male child

  21. In uttarakhand the sex ration is more or less balanced. Biasness is minimal here. Girl child is promoted well and female foeticide or discrimination is negligible here.

  22. I belong to North East, girl child is given equal opportunities with the boys.

  23. In the urban area, less gender discrimination is seen as there is more awareness and parents are educated.

  24. Now there is change in urban as well as rulal areas in educated families Need to focus on some remote areas far away from the cities

  25. I feel status of gender eqality is better in the urban areas. Mindset of division of work is also better in the urban areas.

  26. Changes are indeed taking place and I feel status of gender equality is better in our place.

  27. The ratio in Rajasthan is 901 per 1000 which is below the national average ratio. The literacy rate is less here in Rajasthan this is one of the reason. But the positive point is that the gap between the ratio is reducing.

  28. I am from Kerala. Here girls are well educated.women are independent to some extend. In sex ratio number of women is greater than number of men.

  29. NAGPUR city’s sex ratio at birth has improved slightly in 2018 compared with previous two years. City recorded 58,395 births of which 30,134 were male and 28,261 female in 2018. It means sex ratio at birth was 937 females for every 1,000 males.

  30. Iam from Assam semi urban area...though we try to practice gender equality but there are many fields where this concept is lacking

  31. I am from a suburban area of West Bengal.There are some changes.Girls can dream to join the army or take care of the family,by being single.The boys appreciate the intelligence of the girls .Some even cooperate a lot to make their dream come true.Number of girls joining schools have increased.However we have a long way to go to reach the equilibrium of gender equality.

  32. These days people psychology is Channing toward girls/women rights.

  33. Sex ratio in Andhra Pradesh is 1045 female per 1000 males whereas National sex ratio is 943 females per 1000 males shows that education has a greater impact in the change of situations compared to the past.
    But there's still a room for improvement.

  34. Sex ratio in Andhra Pradesh is 1045 females per 1000 males whereas National sex ratio is 943 females per 1000 males shows that education has a greater impact in the change of situations compared to the past.
    But there's still a room for improvement.

  35. Gender equality is must as everyone's approach is changing now a day.

  36. It is very important topic for students at present situation of age

  37. It is very important topic for every one

  38. Now there is not si much differences as mentality is chanegd

  39. Education helps to reduce gender discrimination. In our district it's not so high. Because of the conservative attitude of the people and society it still exists. Particularly in villages and rural areas. It is evident not only in poor families but also in rich and high societies also.

  40. In my area now sex ration is better condition.

  41. Sex ratio is in better than earlier because of education of females & elderly people realising the potential of women

  42. It is the education that helps to reduce gender discrimination. But still in some well to do families also there is gender discrimination.

  43. In our area parents are not create any differences in sex but socity play the wide role.

  44. It should be mandatory for Girls Education as future generations upcoming may not suffer the consequences of gender discrimination.

  45. Gender discrimination is more prevalent in rural areas .Reason behind this is illiteracy.By educating people we can make a difference.

  46. In our area the thinking of parents is changed for girls and boy's

  47. At present the situation has changed. harly any discrimination is seen in my region.

  48. There has to conscious effort made by the teachers not to make stereotype remarks and give equal opportunities to all

  49. Sex ratio is better than earlier because of education of females & elderly people realising the potential of women.
    Difference ic noticeable

  50. Gender discrimination is more prevalent in rural areas as compared to urban.Reason is illiteracy.By educating people we can make a difference.

  51. Unless equality of gender is attained by the society, progress and peace will not reach the desired levels. Men and women should be considered as just humans who are capable of any level of education, sports, efficiency of accomplishments, emotions etc leaving the biological parameters aside. No specific choices or roles should be imposed based on genders and this change can be brought about only if gender equality starts from an early stage i.e. home and schoo

  52. Due to lack of awareness and education still there is huge gap between the financial and social status of women.

  53. House hold work are generally addvertisement is done by woman and car bike are advertised by man. biasness is also shown in kids cloth colours also

  54. There is a change in the mentality which is a good sign

  55. Attitude of people are changing now which is a positive sign.

  56. I live in Delhi. Here most of the people are aware and educated, so the difference in the sex ratio is less but still things to improve the difference can be taken for a more balance ratio.

  57. As a teacher I see the examples given to the children in the school as well as in the home influence their mentality and leads them towards gender differences. The print as well as the non-print media is unintentionally or intentionally shows gender disparities. Every day the examples quoted in the web or the newspaper shows men the superior sex in the society. In this 21st century we are moving towards western education but still their are some prominent parts of our society that need changes.

  58. By not including the transgender we have not used so much of intelligence that we had. We let it go waste. it is just a matter of giving respect and recognition to all the work being done. Weather at home or out side and monetary benefit or not. So we need to work towards society that is work oriented and not gender oriented.

  59. In Maharashtra yes I have seen people treat differently girl and boy child and print and noo print media is quite working to remove all discrimination.generally it depends on parents too.

  60. Though we are all in the advanced world.. Still there is a need to improve a lot in our society.

  61. Sex ratioin M.P. is 931 females per 1000 males.More attention given to female education, only reduce this gap.

  62. Gender equality is must as everyone's approach is changing now a days.

  63. Illiteracy is one of the major reasons. People also need to change their mindset.

  64. As per the national statistics the sex ratio is almost balanced in the state of Uttrakhand. Girls are being given equal opportunity for education. But I feel there is still a scope of improvement.

  65. Uttarakhand's current sex ratio is 842 which is lower than its previous one. This decline in the sex ratio puts Uttarakhand amongst the states having worst sex ratios. Uttarakhand is known for having maximum educational institutions in India, but it is useless when this education is of no use as far as the country's gender equality is concerned. The other states having minimum education facilities have shown a remarkable improvement in the sex ratio but it is a shame that Uttarakhand did not reach up to that mark. Increasing educational institutions is not the solution , but quality of education is what matters. Due to this India is behindt other developing nations. Development of the country also depends on the development of its people and education is the key for development.

  66. I am from Delhi, and i can see that Delhi has got a dismal 868 females per 1000 males. The National Sex Ratio is better than my city, though. Even though Delhi is the capital city, but I think such a low sex ratio stems from the fact that Delhi is full of migrant population, and each brings with itself its own mindset and perspective, that incudes gender stereotypes. So what we have is due to educated families, and what we don't have is due to throttled aspirations and conservative mindset.

  67. In urban areas the bias is comparatively less but more than anything else if men women or boys and girls are given more freedom to make their independent choices in house work or career options or deciding their roles in their homes and society, it would be more meaningful rather than sticking to age old socially constructed gender biases.

  68. I am living in hamirpur district in Himachal. Hamirpur is most literate district in the state. So people don't discriminate between boy and girls.

  69. I am from a suburban area. The sex ratio in our area/district is more or less at par with the national average. I guess the reason for that is the access to education for everyone and the progress that the society has made as a whole. But still, there is a lot of work to do.

  70. People are turning sensitive to this issue.

  71. We-should-treat-all-equally-thereshould-a-paradigm-shift.

  72. I-can-clearly-see-the-differences-as-it-is-directly-associated-with-the-people-and-the-literacy-rates.The-more-educated-the-people-the-etter-theyare-gender-sensitie.

  73. kerala there is complete literacy Females outnumber more than ratio is bette because of high literacy among girls.female infanticide is also less.

  74. Gender equality and equity is the only way forward

  75. Unless equality of gender is attained by the society, progress and peace will not reach the desired levels. Men and women should be considered as just humans who are capable of any level of education, sports, efficiency of accomplishments, emotions etc leaving the biological parameters aside. No specific choices or roles should be imposed based on genders and this change can be brought about only if gender equality starts from an early stage

  76. Sex ratio in Delhi is poor and will affect the social, economic and health status of the city in the long run, though most of the women are working and also managing households at the same time.

  77. In my district, the no of girl children is slightly less than the number of boys. But both girls and boys are almost equally treated here. Majority of girl children are allowed to complete their higher studies and they also get placements

  78. In my district or for that matter, my state, gender discrimination or bias is not so prominent as our society is not orthodox but a progressive and forward-looking one. Equal opportunities are extended to all genders.

  79. Both girls and boys are almost equally treated here. Majority of girl children are allowed to complete their higher studies and they also get placements

  80. Explicitly Nothing seems wrong, but there are so many implicit ways of discrimination.

  81. Women are chosen in advertisements for beauty or kitchen related work while men are shown superior doing adverts of strength and superiority.

  82. I am from an urban area but I feel gender discrimination still exists in urban areas. The society need to understand that that all humans must be treated equally irrespective of their gender.

  83. I am from urban area but I feel gender discrimination still exists in our area, we need to understand that all must be treated equally, we have to give equal opportunities to all genders

  84. Unless equality of gender is recognised and well understood by the society, progress and peace will not reach the desired levels. Men, women and transgender should be considered as just humans who are born to attain any level in education and sports.

  85. gender inequality is although less in urban areas still we can very often find the traits of gender inequality in social as well as professional lives.Although people are educated and working as professionals but still in offices some type of work is considered inappropriate for women.

  86. Gender equality should be practised at home first,then automatically it would be implemented in the society.

  87. In urban areas although gender inequality is not so prominent still it reflects in the behaviour of individuals

  88. Yes i can see gender bias in village more than urban areas

  89. There is not much of a difference in the sex ratio, seems as if gender sensitization is bringing a change in the thinking of the young parents who believe that girls must be treated equally.

  90. I am from Assam and sex ratio here is more than the national average.

  91. The still existing taboos with upbringing of girls and their career options is a big factor for disparity in sex ration

  92. In the urban area, less gender discrimination is seen as more awareness and educated parents.

  93. As per provisional reports of census India, population of Guwahati in 2011 is 957,352 of which male and female are 495,362 and 461,990 respectively. Although Guwahati city has population of 957,352 it's urban population is 962,334 of which 498,r
    450 are males and 463,884 are females. In urban area the discrimination is lesser than rural areas. There still is discrimination but not like how it is in the rural areas. It is lesser because there are educational opportunity and more awareness.

  94. Gender discrimination can be removed with better education and inculcating the values of gender equity and equality in the children

  95. Education helps to reduce gender discrimination. Iy occurs because of the conservative attitude of the people and society it still exists. Particularly in villages and rural areas. It is evident not only in poor families but also in rich and high societies also. We need to educate ourselves and then spread this awareness amongst people near us. If this chain is worked on we can free our selves from gender discrimination.

  96. Gender equality is a must.In our areas girls and boys are treated equally.

    1. educated parents do understand this difference ,precisely teachers....after teaching for so many years in girls school.....i have realized that mind set is changing now

  97. Gender inequality is seen in most of the areas but I am fortunate that me and my sisters have not faced that and I am trying to provide the same environment to my daughter also.

  98. Gender discrimination should be eradicated.

  99. We should promote both boys and girls to participate in all activities irrespective of gender

  100. I come from a semi urban area where there is lack of gender equity. The main reason is lack of education. Being more narrow minded in the outlook and the conservative society binds them to look at the two genders differently and totally ignore the third gender. People have to come out of this mental block and draw awareness about the changing society and acknowledge gender equality and make it gender inclusive society.

    1. I have completed the module. But it's showing not completed.

  101. As I come from a urban area, where there are discrimination is still there but not in worsen condition.
    In many areas now also the discrimination between sexes still there which affect the sex ratio as well.

  102. As I come from a urban area, where there are discrimination is still there but not in worsen condition.
    In many areas now also the discrimination between sexes still there which affect the sex ratio as well.There are a lot of gender discrimination we can see around if we observe closely. Quality education is only the solution to overcome this Social problems.

  103. So long as women are objectified everywhere, even on screen and boys in the family see their mothers respected by everyone in the family, the situation is not going to improve

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. I am from District Solan , himachal pradesh here the sex ratio for Rural population is 915 over 1000 male and in Urban 731 over 1000 male in comparison to national Sex ratio 943 femal per 1000 male so, as per this in urban population the sex ratio is very poor in our district but rural is comparatively good.

  106. Still there is no gender equality seen even in cities.

  107. The sex ratio in Tamil Nadu is still not satisfactory even though there are slight improvements than a decade ago. In rural areas the case is even worse. Gender inequality still seems palpable in many areas of the society. As a whole the wage gap is still huge irrespective of the type of occupation.

  108. Progress will be made only when there is gender equality.

  109. Education helps to reduce gender discrimination. In our district it's not so high. Because of the conservative attitude of the people and society it still exists.

  110. We cannot decline the fact that in this world there is still discrimination exist. Still girls are not allowed to gain education.
    It's a bitter truth which we the nation have to change for betterment.

  111. Sex ratio is pretty dismal in the area and I am from, a semi urban region. LITERACY RATE and health for the female is a concern. The societal norms is binding on the girl. Awareness and literacy alone can change the existing mindset.

  112. Uma BargotiOctober 6, 2021 at 9:33 PM
    Yes. There is no gender equity to be seen. This may be due to the mindset of people who are not ready to break down the shackles of old ides.
    Time to change.

  113. Sex ratio in Haryana has improved from 861 to 879 per 1000 male but the dreams of equity is still far fetched. Parents differentiate in providing quality education to boys and girls.

  114. The social stigma has a greater role. Illiteracy also a factor responsible for it .

  115. Unless equality of gender is attained by the society, progress and peace will not reach the desired levels. Men and women should be considered as just humans who are capable of any level of education, sports, efficiency of accomplishments, emotions etc leaving the biological parameters aside. No specific choices or roles should be imposed based on genders and this change can be brought about only if gender equality starts from an early stage i.e. home and school

  116. The impact of education and society is diverse on it. The mindset needs to change to make improvements in the present. Scenario.

  117. UnknownOctober 5, 2021 at 10:13 PM
    I am from a semi urban area. Still we can see differences among men and women and equality has not yet been achieved

  118. In all the fields gender equality should be strictly followed.

  119. The national sex ratio is 943 females per 1000 males and the ratio in my district Chandrapur is 950 and 968 females per thousand males in urban and rural areas respectively. The reason for this might be the existence of tribal population which gives equal importance to the women. Nevertheless steps should be taken to improve the number of women by creating general awareness.

  120. The national sex ratio is 943 females per 1000 males and the sex ratio in Delhi is 868 females per 1000 males. By comparing this data, we can conclude that even in metropolitan cities gender discrimination can be seen. This points out towards the backward mindset of the people. More awareness regarding gender neutral behaviour and gender equality should be spread to deal with this issue.

  121. In many advertisements men are portrayed doing chores where mascular power is needed and women where it comes to cooking, looking after kids, washing clothes, etc

  122. In 2011, Pune had population of 9,429,408 of which male and female were 4,924,105 and 4,505,303 respectively. In 2001 census, Pune had a population of 7,232,555 of which males were 3,769,128 and remaining 3,463,427 were females. Pune District population constituted 8.39 percent of total Maharashtra population. In 2001 census, this figure for Pune District was at 7.47 percent of Maharashtra population. The ratio of males and females is very close. Most of the people in Pune are educated as Pune is considered as the 'Oxford of the East' with the presence of a wide range of educational institutions.

  123. I opine that Gender equality should start from families then in schools, friends, neighbors, society and nation as still this is a serious problem in spite of being educated... Such courses should be there even for parents to educate them not to be Gender bias

  124. All students of class whether boy , girl or transgender's treat equally in all manner .

  125. In some areas equality exists but now also some families treats unequally.

  126. Yes. There is no gender equity to be seen. This may be due to lack of social knowledge.

  127. There has been an improvement but the road is long for gender equality. This should start at one's home where a girl child should be treated as an equal to her male sibling. This can only come about through education and if course the mindset of the people.

  128. Now a days the ratio Of boys and girls improving and girls are getting same rights like boys .But according to the present situation the girls has to give respect to the others and maintain balance in the nature.

  129. With education and awareness gender discrimination is reduced to a greater extent but still there is a long way to go.

  130. The sex ratio in Tamil Nadu has improved considerably over the last ten years and its because of the awareness that has been created by the government to protect the girl child . However the rural population of Tamil Nadu a still hail the male gender as a status symbol and a girl child is always a burden on the household. Perceptions on marriage and child bearing should change to see the desired effect.

  131. The sex ratio in Tamil Nadu has been increased for the last few years because of the saving plan implemented for girl child, loans provided by the state government towards the education of girls, and parents also understood the importance of girls in changing environment.

  132. Thia gender inequality will petsist ad long as boys or males are considered superior to girls or men. We have to realise sooner than later that women equal to men.

  133. Sex Ratio in West Bengal is 950 i.e. for each 1000 male, which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011 which is estimated to increase to 959 in 2021. Reasons are the stereotypical belief of son is a better candidate for forwarding the business, taking care of family, looking after legal and formal work along with increasing the family bloodline.

  134. &
    In the society it is a mindset of division of work for men and women. But it has to be changed we should give equal rights and opportunities to women to make our society healthier and developed.

  135. लिंग भिन्नता हमारे देश में बहुत ज्यादा है अखबार हो क्या टीवी पर ऐड सभी में लड़कों तथा लड़कियों में भेद दिखाया जाता है लड़के अच्छे किरदार मैं होते हैं तथा लड़कियां सताई हुई किरदार में होती है अखबार में भी लड़कियों का शोषण ही लिखा हुआ रहता है हमें इन सबों का खात्मा करना होगा तभी हमारा देश विकास करेगा।

  136. Being from Delhi, we don’t see much of gender discrimination openly. As per the census of 2011 though, the sex ratio of Delhi was 100 less than that of national sex ratio. Yes, a boy child is still preferred leading to increase in population as the couples try for boy child. The less sex ratio in Delhi is because of this only. Due to religious beliefs and patriarchal thinking, people still prefer a boy over a girl child.


  138. the inequality is there everywhere urban rural both and a women tends to be sensitive to others but ends being taken up for granted.change will set in when girls stand for their right and stop living in a fantasy world.

  139. There are a lot of gender discrimination we can see around if we observe closely. Quality education is only the solution to overcome this Social problem. Sex Ratio in Maharashtra is 929 i.e. for each 1000 males, which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011

  140. Education is the only tool through which we can bring positive changes in the society. It will not happen in a day. It requires energy, effort to do that

  141. Gender discrimination even after so much improvement in education level is quite undesired as far as uplifting of society obligations are concerned. They should be properly addressed right from the school level itself.

  142. In my district, among the total population of 1,974,551 of which male and female were 968,289 and 1,006,262 respectively. here, we don't have much gender descrimination. we always have gender equity.

  143. In the urban area, less gender discrimination is seen as more awareness and educated lot of parents. This is also influencing the villages near by. However these areas still need more awareness for ending gender stereotype.

  144. now there is a change in advertisements very recently cadburies and Ford, Airtel boss,Titan Raga
    Though this change is just the beginning of change of mindset , we have a long way to go

  145. Education only can bring positive changes in the society. It will not happen in a single day. It requires energy, effort to do that.

  146. The society is definitely changing and there is a great positive shift towards girls education.

  147. Telengana has high sex ratio than national average. It is 988 as compared to 940 of national average. One of the reason is low discrimination between girls and boys . Equal opportunities to girls and boys with regards to education at all levels, jobs .Girls are not considered as burden .

  148. In some advertisements men are shown as the dominant character , but the positive drift can be seen. As some advertisements along with marketing their products are bringing forward the many social issues like gender stereotyping etc.
    ' Maa nahi kar pai, par tum jaroor karna'

  149. Gender discrimination and social expectations attached.

  150. Because of social belief people think boys are more better than girls.So there is gender discrimination till now.

  151. Due to pandemic the academics were badly affected but due to the encouragement shown by parents, the schools could conduct the offline classes regularly

  152. In the advertisement of sanitary pads, often it is shown as girls will be struggling and under street with dirt. Which is a gender stereotypes. It is a social belief thought

  153. National ratio: 943 females per 1000 males
    Haryana ratio : 922 females per 1000 males

    Not much of a significant difference. The people in urban areas and cities are becoming more aware ,educated and respecting girl child as much.

  154. Gender discrimination even after so much improvement in education level is quite undesired as far as uplifting of society obligations are concerned. They should be properly addressed right from the school level itself

  155. Unless the gender equality is attained we cannot think of a developed country

  156. Unless equality of gender is attained by the society, progress and peace will not reach the desired levels.

  157. My state, West Bengal has a great rural and urban disparity in sex ratio but the national average is higher than many states.foeticide is not rampant , killing of girl child is less but dowry and inequality persists

  158. In my state, there is gender disparity because of the mentality that only a boy can take care of the family and their property. Gender disparity is decreasing nowadays but still there is a need to aware the people from overcome this taboo.

  159. Gender equality is still not seen

  160. Its because of the high literacy rate of the state.

  161. There is gender equality in my state because people are educated to respect every individual irrespective of the gender.

  162. There are a lot of gender discrimination we can see around. If we observe closely, in urban areas also there is gender discrimination.

  163. I too opine that still gender difference is practiced in urban areas even in educated families.

  164. Gender discrimation is a part of our thinking process unknowingly we do not realise it so need to change it

  165. Many add can be seen where gender inequality is visible indset of society needs to be changed


  166. Indian Census has the tradition of bringing out disaggregated information by sex on various aspects of population. The first and foremost component of gender statistics revealed by Census 2001, 532 million constituting 52 percent are males and 497 million constituting remaining 48 percent are females in the population. In sheer numbers, males outnumber females by 35 million in population.
    Sex ratio is defined as the number of females per thousand males. It is an important and useful indicator to assess relative excess of deficit of men or women in a given population at that point of time. Sex differentials can be due to difference in mortality rate, migration, sex ratio at birth and at times the undercounting of women at the time of population enumeration.
    It is commonly understood that males and females in the population balance each other in number. Little do they know sexes are imbalanced in different population across the worlds .According to United Nation estimates, the world had 986 females against 1000 males in 2000. Except Indonesia and Japan, all other Asian countries have low sex ratios. However, most of the developed European countries have high sex ratio.
    Unless equality of gender is attained by the society, progress and peace will not reach the desired levels. Men and women should be considered as just humans who are capable of any level of education, sports, efficiency of accomplishments, emotions etc leaving the biological parameters aside. No specific choices or roles should be imposed based on genders and this change can be brought about only if gender equality starts from an early stage i.e. home and school

  167. Sex ratio in Maharashtra has is at lower side than national sex ratio. It's changing positively but very slowly. I think the reasons are 1. Still neglecting girls birth and education. 2. Still priority to boys. 3.literacy rate is still less in case of women's education 4. Due to unemployment 5. Due to girl's feotocide .

  168. Though there are gender inequality in both Urban and Rural areas. But situations are improving now.

  169. Because of inequality between a girl and a boy

  170. As per me the reason behind the low sex ratio in Uttarakhand is the sociological myth which is that the son is the bearer of the family. Although, it has been proved wrong in many cases but still the son is considered as a source of happiness and proud. The situation is altering in many areas but is yet to be tackled in others.

  171. I m from urban area but still found discrimination ......In cities the gender discrimination is less compared to villages bcoz of literacy

  172. In Kerala, people are educated and especially girls are in all fields. There is no infanticide. But still there are few incidents on the negative impacts of dowry system where we have to create awareness through education from smaller classes itself.

  173. Less discrimination in urban areas compared to rural areas.

  174. Urban areas have less discrimination

  175. Yes. There is no gender equity to be seen. This may be due to the mindset of people who are not ready to break down the shackles of old ides.
    Time to change

  176. The sex ratio in my district is 1040 females to 1000 males. which I believe is that pretty good . feeling blessed to be in a place where girls and boys are treated equally and equal oppurtunities are given for both. Isolated incidents on dowry system can be read through newspaper though.

  177. In the urban area, less gender discrimination is seen as more awareness is there and lot of parents are educated. This is also influencing the villages near by. However these areas still need more awareness for ending gender stereotype.

  178. There is less gender discrimination. Girl and boy child are given equal exposure and opportunities.

  179. though the state is progressive, gender discrimination still exists.

  180. In Delhi there are 933 females against 1000 males in 2020.
    In 2019 there were 920 females against 1000 males.
    The ratio is increasing due to spread of awareness through education amd the strict laws .

  181. The sex ratio of Hyderabad city is 955 per 1000 males. Child sex ratio of girls 922 per 1000


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