Maintain cordial relations with students Provide infrastructure for mental and physical development Appreciate them. Conducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.
Assessment for learning School self evaluation for school improvement. Effective Teaching makes meaningful connections between concepts learned in class and real-world situations. The students should take the opportunity to test their knowledge and, if necessary, to learn independently.
By involving interaction between parents, teachers & students at regular intervals to assess learners growth. assigning roles to students through various activities like Mock parliaments etc
Collaboration with teachers through discussion and even distribution of role so that no body becomes agitated. Through proper planning it can be achieved.
Maintain cordial relations with students Provide infrastructure for mental and physical development Appreciate them Make the students accountable for their actions Give them opportunities for proving their leadership skills and abilities
Giving opportunities, Delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities and teacfhing them peer relationships
Providing infrastructure for their physical and mental development, providing students with the opportunity to prove their leadership and problem solving skills and making them accountable for their actions.
Provide infrastructure for mental and physical development Appreciate them Giving opportunities, Delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities and teaching them peer relationships
Teachers and students should have cordial relation. Make sure teachers come in front in their trust circle. Provide opportunities for mental and physical development. Provide more informal activities and celebrations so that students get more chance to develope their in leadership skills. Appreciate and encourage them for their performances. Make the students accountable for their actions.
Appreciation & distribution of responsibility to develop a reciprocate relationship between students & teachers. Developing school time table and making it flexible to conduct interdisciplinary classes involving various activities.
The first step would be to obtain feedback from all stakeholders and understand exactly where the school now stands. Then energies must be focused on developing a vision which must be shared with all. Through a fine balance of academic, shared and other style of leadership, the vision will be implemented on the ground. The basic objective would always be the students and their learning outcomes. There would be emphasis on open communication and the atmosphere of inclusion in the process of implementation. The school would reach out to all authorities in the educational hierarchy for academic support and material.
Every child needs to be appreciated for the qualities he/she possesses. Appreciation breeds confidence which plays a crucial role in advancing the child ahead and explore new vistas as per their interest. Multi disciplinary skills to be imparted to students to help them understand the reality of the world. Promote communication skills and project every child without bias.
By giving them ample opportunities, delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities to make them self- confident.
Maintaining cordial relations and providing opportunities to explore more globally.By organising events to develop leadership and interpersonal skills in the students.
We can make the children learn qualities like confidence speech for lightness which will lead to their interest in leadership and this will make their mind develop so that they can become a good leader
School environment should have a school cabinet to provide leadership qualities. Students should be given additional responsibilities and roles to play in maintaining discipline and various competitions in the school. They should be guided and motivated to do things differently.
School leadership has become a priority in education policy agendas internationally. It plays a key role in improving school outcomes by influencing the motivations and capacities of teachers, as well as the school climate and environment. Effective school leadership is essential to improve the efficiency and equity of schooling.
I think collaboration with teachers through discussion and even distribution of role so that no body becomes agitated. Through proper planning it can be achieved.
By showing confidence in students, by facilitating them at the time of need, by giving them exposure, self assessment along with leadership skill will be encouraged among the students.
Students should be given exposure to present their view openly and confidently.School environment should have a school cabinet to provide leadership qualities. Students should be given additional responsibilities and roles to play in maintaining discipline and various competitions in the school. They should be guided and motivated to do things differently.
Teachers grouping to share ideas, delegating responsibilities to teachers, connecting, collaborating and sharing with neighbouring school teachers, feedback from all stakeholders
By involving students in day to day activities, providing them the role of decision maker for small group activities, by constituting school office bearers,and repeatedly changing team heads of different school clubs.
My setting up different types of clubs and providing each and every child equal responsibility in arranging different types of activities related to the clubs. And ofcourse by appreciating their efforts.
Providing the set of skills that are needed to students and teachers. Designing curriculum in such a way where an ample opportunity is given for innovative teaching and learning .
More emphasis should be given to learning by doing, every student should be motivated by giving them friendly environment. Students should be encouraged to take part in process without the fear of wrongly judged.
As a leader ,collaboration with teachers,students,stakeholders is necessary. First planning of activities,curriculum will be discussed in meeting ad then duties and work will be assigned to different members. Then the execution plan will be developed and work will be done for the progress of students.
Appreciation of work done by students.Distributing the different responsibility,delegation of work,through proper planning and opportunities to be given to students to develop their leadership skills
School has a lot of leadership activities where students get an opportunity to learn and develop their leadership qualities, through House elections School Council Heads MUN etc
Appreciating the students, their talent, their ability and uniqueness. Convince them that they are capable of just about anything. Apart from this there is distribution of various duties among the students which require them to act as a leader. At the same time we have to build up their confidence.
Leadership can be inculcated in the students by pushing them to explore unknown territory. also when we assign a responsibility to them it gives them a sense of importance and pride and makes them confident
creating a safe space for discussions and brain storming . Inviting educators to exercise their voice and choice . Support and empower educators to take a risk and move out of their comfort zone and embrace discomfort for progress
giving responsibility , engaging students in various school activities and giving them opportunities for self expression are some ways to develop leadership skills in students
creating opportunities for educators to develop their instructional plans for improving the learning outcomes, allow them to make decisions , request the stakeholders to participate in the decision making to improve the learning ensure the plans are implemented in a positive environment and help in the growth and development of the students
School should be student centred. Along with curriculum and syllabus student should be taught life skills and enough opportunities should be created for students to develop various qualities and responsibility at various levels.
Students need to be continuously motivated,and leadership roles need to be regularly shuffled between students so as to develop leadership qualities equally. More interactive programs need to be created and conducted
flip classes taken by students, motivating students to do activities, making them speak in class for 3 minutes on any topic they like. sharing information with colleagues in school and teachers of other schools as well, giving them links for webinars etc.
Leadership of learning can be implemented in schools through proper planning and team work. Activities have to designed in such a way that along with teaching learning process, students also get an opportunity to take up different leadership roles /responsibilities. School functions, group projects, celebration of national festivals, field trips , group discussions, team games etc are all some of the activities that can be planned and executed by all teachers.
By collaboration of all the subjects into a single topic which uses all the activities . Discussion on how mathematics and physics can come together with language to explain a single topic to students and in turn make the students learn and understand the topic with much more closely and with much more clarity.
Leadership skill can be developed by setting up clubs and by assigning various responsibilities to students and also by conducting elections and selecting leaders.
Assigning project work and allowing them to take on roles of being leaders which not only teaches them to lead from the front but also to involve themselves in teamwork and sense of responsibility.
Collaboration with teachers. Distribution of responsibilities in a proportionate manner. Students should be given responsibilities to conduct different activities. Motivate them for coming up with their view points.
Engage the students for different tasks ,envourage them ,regular discussion with them about the tasks and ask if they face any problem to do the tasks. Being a teacher I ensure that I am a continuous learner and motivating my students and peers as well
Conditions for implementing LFL in a secondary school include planning the curriculum based on vision for learning, equitable distribution of responsibilities, motivate innovative and collaborative teaching, evaluating learning-teaching,facilitate CPD, right distribution of resources and giving and receiving timely feedback.-Yogesh Singla
Along with planning the curriculum, distribution of responsibilities and effective teaching and learning, focus should be on motivation, to present ourselves as role models, by displaying collaboration in teachers to deal with students in a positive manner. Leadership amongst students can be enhances by giving equal opportunities to all students and selection with collaboration.
Leadership can be inculcated in the students as well as in the teachers by delegating different duties and responsibilities for which they are able. We can make different clubs and groups and assign them different task.
Creating a conducive environment for students to learn,encourage the students to discuss the causes of learning gaps,if any.Maintaing one to one relationship with students and parents and thus helping students to enhance learning.
Conducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.Engage the students for different tasks ,envourage them ,regular discussion with them about the tasks and ask if they face any problem to do the tasks.
Develop innovative pedagogies, encourage interdisciplinary activities, collaborate with teachers and students to develop plans, hold discussions for ideas and suggestions
Effective Teaching makes sensible connections between concepts learned in class and real-life situations. The students should take the opportunity to test their knowledge and, if necessary, to learn independently.By collaboration of all the subjects into a single topic which uses all the activities . Discussion on how mathematics and physics can be integrated with language to explain a single topic to students and in turn make the students learn and understand the topic with much more closely and with much more clarity.
Maintain good relations with students Provide facilities for mental and physical development Appreciate them. Conducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.
Collaborating with teachers and learner's as well..,....Try to understand the socio economic backgrounds of all learner's, understand their problems and provide conducive environment for all learner's by involving every one without bias or discrimination.
School atmosphere should be congenial and conducive for both teachers and students. The work and efforts should be appreciated as it boosts the confidence and also provides the motivation.
Train them to identify a problem then delegate and take the responsibilities as per the individual qualities and finally look for a feasible solution for it.
Good leadership in schools is crucial for improving the learning outcomes of students. There is a clear relationship between skilled school leadership and constructive student learning outcomes. Good leadership in schools makes a direct influence on students' understanding and execution. I will give them opportunities to learn from the best leaders, both in and outside the school. Coaching and mentoring from experienced leaders and learning from effective role models.
Collaborating with others teachers, providing conducive environment for learning, involving all learner's in the learning process without bias or discrimination,being learner centric in all approaches etc ....
As a teacher I always make sure that I'm a continuous learner and always trying to gain as much knowledge as I can for my students. I not just learn by myself but also through my students. I also like to encourage my students to build leadership qualities and should always take things into control.
Leadership in school is an important part of learning. I would provide ample opportunities for exposure to the learners and make contact with parents for parity
Leadership itself fetches a whole lot of responsibilities. As a leader, I would create the safe environment for the teachers and the students. Everyone will be given equal opportunities and the duties according to their interest and capabilities. Annual fairs for their growth should be implemented.
By providing favourable and conducive environment for their physical, mental, emotional and social development and by encouraging and motivating the students.
I would emphasize on academic activities as that is the base of a school. At the same time co curricular and extra curricular activities for overall development of the children would be implemented.
Unified action plan with all the stakeholders Leadership for Learning including all the 4 models of leadership Lifelong learning Placing students at the centre of the teaching - learning process
Maintain cordial relations with students Provide infrastructure for mental and physical development Appreciate them. Conducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.
The leadership for learning is based on trust and faith. Education is a human endeavour. Learning is enhanced if students are given time to reflect and assimilate according to their own pace. Learners should be able to find purpose in what they are doing. Moreover, school is learning community where imparting of education is beyond boundaries of the curriculum. Freedom to explore and figure out the right path is key to enhance learning to a different level. Openness with empowering and distributing leadership among different stakeholders creates an environment of learning with joy and happiness.
Being a teacher, I have to encourage and motivate to students in all aspect. To develop leadership quality as a teachers we have to give them opportunity and even appreciate them.
The school would reach out to all authorities for academic support and material. We should appreciate students and should maintain a cordial relations with them. We should get timely feedback from them.
Leadership and learning are both ongoing processes. A leader also leads by example and learning requires a conducive environment.Hence I feel that to stimulate leadership in learning one needs to develop a clear understanding and goals of learning. Appreciation reinforcement and self-reflection is the key to involve all stakeholders in the process of quality learning.
Appreciation & distribution of responsibility to develop a reciprocate relationship between students & teachers. Developing school time table and making it flexible to conduct interdisciplinary classes involving various activities
Supporting, evaluating and developing teacher quality. Goal setting , assessment and accountability. Strategic financial and human resource management. Collaborating with other schools.
Forming a core group of teachers and students and delegating them profiles and responsibilities. Taking opinion of students and parents for effective learning procedures. Providing platforms for teacher trainings to hone their teaching skills. Ensuring the delivery of curriculum which can cater to all types of learners.
The need of the hour is successful implementation of NEP2020 and Assessment for self evaluation for school improvement. Effective Teaching makes meaningful connections between concepts learned in class and real-world situations. The students should take the opportunity to test their knowledge and, if necessary, to learn independently and more importantly the focus will be on SELF STUDY at home
By involving interaction between parents, teachers & students at regular intervals to assess learners growth. assigning roles to students through various activities like Mock parliaments etc
Create a congenial atmosphere for teachers and students, involve the student community by inviting their suggestions and feedback for improvement, implement innovative methods to enhance learning experiences and create opportunities to raise the moral standards of the school for a better tomorrow.
The school is a place where we look into all possible approaches which help in the holistic development of the students. A congenial learning environment needs to provided for better outcomes and increasing the efficiency of the teaching process.
The students need to be exposed to a variety of learning experiences which will develop their personality as an all rounder, let it be the public speaking, academics or in the sports arena. Such opportunities will help them to become good leaders and become the spearheads of changes.
Form a friendly relations along with the students and by appreciating the students for their work .This will create a friendly relations and students can take interest in the class
Maintain cordially relations with students and describe how we will create a condition for the implementing leadership. It's important to keep them motivated.
Collaborating with teachers, proportionately distributing responsibility. As for students, giving them responsibilities to conduct various activities, taking a feedback.
LEARNING BY DOING IS ONE OF THE BEST METHODS OF LEARNING PROCESS.We are not having toppers alone in the class.The number of periods allotted for a particular subject especially at SENIOR SECONDARY LEVEL have to be increased.The LABORATORIES should be well equipped.The enrichment of knowledge not only make the students to face board examination.It should also give the confidence to the students to face all competitive examinations.
To develop leadership qualities in the students, I will distribute responsibilities to the students, encourage them to express themselves through various platforms like giving them opportunities in the assembly to share awareness about different social issues e.g. Covid 19 etc.
Giving fair opportunity to all without any bias , appreciating on the merits ,distribution and allocation of work responsibility can develop leadership.
First and foremost students should take responsibility of their own learning. They should be made to see that learning is not just scoring marks but improving their skills . When students take the ownership then guiding them and providing them with all the necessary materials and infrastructure for learning will be made easy.
Teachers should give responsibility to students , day to day there are s many task. Students will try to coordinate and carry on these task : Francis X Probha
1. Implementing the team work 2. Follow collaborative leadership 3. Empowering the staffs and students 4. Collating the inputs in academic advancements shared by the members of school and implementation of the correct developmental practices.
By giving them ample opportunities, delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities to make them a good humanbeing.
Maintaining cordial relations and providing opportunities to explore the world. We need to develop leadership and interpersonal skills in the students.
Children are equipped with individual difference therefore introduction of topic and speech is very important for making impression on children. if we tackle individual difference quality of students as well as teacher then we can lead the team as leader .
Collaborating with other teachers and encouraging them to try out innovative methods, giving students responsibilities to enhance their confidence, communicating with parents and taking suggestions from them about how to improve the school.
As a teacher, I always try to connect and communicate with parents regularly for the benefit of the child. My effort throughout has been to encourage the students for self study, hard work and disciplined carrer.
Maintaining cordial relations with students and appreciating them by engaging each student in different activities .Experiential learning motivates the student and the student becomes more confident in achieving his/her goals. Collaborating with other teachers and encouraging them to try innovative methods , talking to parents and taking suggestions for the better performance of the child
Creating conducive conditions always comes from open mindedness and empathy. With these, thenext step would be to connect with the peer group (colleagues) and the learner group to engage in sharing of learning, to motivate and be motivated, and know that learning comes from any place, peer or learner in our care. Lending the learner confidence is an important step, as it is for our own colleagues who may be finding technology difficult to handle.
Inculcating leadership quality among students improve teaching learning process. This will also help to develop good relationship I, ndeed help in improving the school performance. It brings co-ordination among employees which help in effective work and attainment of organisational goals.
As a school teacher and leader my role would be much of a facilitator. I will ensure that I am a continuous learner and will motivate my students and peers as well in having this learning process. As learning is a continuous process. To engage teachers and evoking students interest I shall try to provide them platform and opportunities, collaborated decisions and shouldering them with responsibilities as well will help in attaining the goals.
Provide infrastructure for mental and physical development. Appreciate them. Giving opportunities, Delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities and teaching them peer relationships. Maintaining cordial relations with students and appreciating them by engaging each student in different activities .Experiential learning motivates the student and the student becomes more confident in achieving his/her goals. Collaborating with other teachers and encouraging them to try innovative methods , talking to parents and taking suggestions for the better performance of the child.
By making cordial relations with students and asking their problems apart from studies. And also be in touch with their parents. Further more, asking students to ask doubts without any fear.
Proper planning, collaboration to bring in the best practices, involving all stakeholders for the betterment of the student community thus ensuring best teaching- learning experiences.
List the changes that you have undergone from the time you were nine years old, till now. Illustrate physical, emotional and social changes which you have experienced. What are the changes which made you feel surprised or stressed till you realized that these changes were normal and natural?
Describe how you will create conditions for implementing leadership
ReplyDeleteMaintain cordial relations with students
DeleteProvide infrastructure for mental and physical development
Appreciate them.
Conducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.
Engage the students for different tasks ,envourage them ,regular discussion with them about the tasks and ask if they face any problem to do the tasks
DeleteBeing a teacher I ensure that I am a continuous learner and motivating my students and peers as well
DeleteAssessment for learning
DeleteSchool self evaluation for school improvement. Effective Teaching makes meaningful connections between concepts learned in class and real-world situations. The students should take the opportunity to test their knowledge and, if necessary, to learn independently.
By involving interaction between parents, teachers & students at regular intervals to assess learners growth. assigning roles to students through various activities like Mock parliaments etc
DeleteExperiential learning/activity based learning motivates the student and it becomes easier for the student to accomplish his/her goals.
DeleteSelf learning encourages students a lot
DeleteGiving opportunity to students for conducting school elections. To address problems faced by them and get to a conclusion how to solve their problems.
DeleteLearning it as an activity
ReplyDeleteMaintaining focus
Having a shared leadership
A shared sense of accountabilty
engaging students for different tasks
DeleteCollaboration with teachers through discussion and even distribution of role so that no body becomes agitated. Through proper planning it can be achieved.
ReplyDeleteMaintain cordial relations with students
ReplyDeleteProvide infrastructure for mental and physical development
Appreciate them
Make the students accountable for their actions
Give them opportunities for proving their leadership skills and abilities
By setting up clubs like MUN , school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.
ReplyDeleteDelegating responsibility and assigning accountability
ReplyDeleteappreciating them
maintaining cordial relations
Giving opportunities, Delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities and teacfhing them peer relationships
ReplyDeleteconducting MUN assemblies, school leadership, scouts & guides at school etc.,
ReplyDeleteconduction school elections, mun assemblies, scouts and guides , class leadership etc.,
ReplyDeleteDelegating responsibility and appreciating them.
ReplyDeleteBy providing better infrastructure for physical and mental growth.
Providing infrastructure for their physical and mental development, providing students with the opportunity to prove their leadership and problem solving skills and making them accountable for their actions.
ReplyDeleteDecentralisation of responsibilities. sincere and positive approached teachers.
ReplyDeleteBeing a teacher I ensure that I am a continuous learner and motivating my students and peers as well
ReplyDeleteProvide infrastructure for mental and physical development
ReplyDeleteAppreciate them
Giving opportunities, Delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities and teaching them peer relationships
appreciation,motivation,distribution of the responsibilities among teachers
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I always motivate myself and students for mental and physical development.
ReplyDeleteGiving opportunity, appreciation & distribution of responsibility can develop leadership
ReplyDeleteTeachers and students should have cordial relation.
ReplyDeleteMake sure teachers come in front in their trust circle. Provide opportunities for mental and physical development. Provide more informal activities and celebrations so that students get more chance to develope their in leadership skills.
Appreciate and encourage them for their performances.
Make the students accountable for their actions.
Appreciation & distribution of responsibility to develop a reciprocate relationship between students & teachers. Developing school time table and making it flexible to conduct interdisciplinary classes involving various activities.
ReplyDeleteThe first step would be to obtain feedback from all stakeholders and understand exactly where the school now stands. Then energies must be focused on developing a vision which must be shared with all. Through a fine balance of academic, shared and other style of leadership, the vision will be implemented on the ground. The basic objective would always be the students and their learning outcomes. There would be emphasis on open communication and the atmosphere of inclusion in the process of implementation. The school would reach out to all authorities in the educational hierarchy for academic support and material.
ReplyDeleteBy providing good IT infrastructure and providing skill training for students
ReplyDeleteEvery child needs to be appreciated for the qualities he/she possesses. Appreciation breeds confidence which plays a crucial role in advancing the child ahead and explore new vistas as per their interest. Multi disciplinary skills to be imparted to students to help them understand the reality of the world. Promote communication skills and project every child without bias.
ReplyDeleteBy giving them ample opportunities, delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities to make them self- confident.
ReplyDeleteBy conducting school elections, assigning group projects to the students and most importantly, appreciating the students.
ReplyDeleteMaintaining cordial relations and providing opportunities to explore more globally.By organising events to develop leadership and interpersonal skills in the students.
ReplyDeleteBy making the cherubs learn qualities like- confidence , speech , politeness may develop the quality of leadership among the children
ReplyDeleteWe can make the children learn qualities like confidence speech for lightness which will lead to their interest in leadership and this will make their mind develop so that they can become a good leader
ReplyDeleteSchool environment should have a school cabinet to provide leadership qualities.
ReplyDeleteStudents should be given additional responsibilities and roles to play in maintaining discipline and various competitions in the school. They should be guided and motivated to do things differently.
Encourage the idea of leadership of the self.
ReplyDeleteSchool leadership has become a priority in education policy agendas internationally.
ReplyDeleteIt plays a key role in improving school outcomes by influencing the motivations and
capacities of teachers, as well as the school climate and environment. Effective school
leadership is essential to improve the efficiency and equity of schooling.
I would develop coordinated efforts of both students and teachers for better learning outcomes.
ReplyDeleteI think collaboration with teachers through discussion and even distribution of role so that no body becomes agitated. Through proper planning it can be achieved.
ReplyDeleteCollaborating with teachers, proportionately distributing responsibility. As for students, giving them responsibilities to conduct various activities.
ReplyDeleteMaintaining good relations ,creating clubs house wise ,language club,science ,conducting class debate and extempore,elections can be done
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I encourage the students to develop the leadership qualities .
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I encourage the idea of leadership
ReplyDeleteBy showing confidence in students, by facilitating them at the time of need,
ReplyDeleteby giving them exposure, self assessment along with leadership skill will be encouraged among the students.
By continuous learning and motivate the students to do the same.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher to encourrage students leadership skills by conducting school election, class assembly, think pair share etc.
ReplyDeleteStudents should be given exposure to present their view openly and confidently.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteStudents should be given exposure to present their view openly and confidently.School environment should have a school cabinet to provide leadership qualities.
ReplyDeleteStudents should be given additional responsibilities and roles to play in maintaining discipline and various competitions in the school. They should be guided and motivated to do things differently.
Teachers grouping to share ideas, delegating responsibilities to teachers, connecting, collaborating and sharing with neighbouring school teachers, feedback from all stakeholders
ReplyDeletefreedom to teachers to implement student centered ideas and collaborating with other schools
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I encourage the students to develop the leadership qualities
ReplyDeleteconducting school elections, assemblies, scouts and guides , class leadership etc.,
ReplyDeleteBy involving students in day to day activities, providing them the role of decision maker for small group activities, by constituting school office bearers,and repeatedly changing team heads of different school clubs.
ReplyDeleteMy setting up different types of clubs and providing each and every child equal responsibility in arranging different types of activities related to the clubs. And ofcourse by appreciating their efforts.
ReplyDeleteGiving equal opportunities to all in the class related to different tasks.
ReplyDeleteTaking the staff into confidence. Providing necessary training for staff. Involving students in grop activities related to acdemics.
ReplyDeleteProviding the set of skills that are needed to students and teachers. Designing curriculum in such a way where an ample opportunity is given for innovative teaching and learning .
ReplyDeleteMore emphasis should be given to learning by doing, every student should be motivated by giving them friendly environment. Students should be encouraged to take part in process without the fear of wrongly judged.
ReplyDeleteEmpower Teachers and Cultivate Leadership Skills.
ReplyDeleteAs a leader ,collaboration with teachers,students,stakeholders is necessary. First planning of activities,curriculum will be discussed in meeting ad then duties and work will be assigned to different members. Then the execution plan will be developed and work will be done for the progress of students.
ReplyDeleteAppreciation ,Encouragement will help them to become a Leader.
ReplyDeleteAppreciation of work done by students.Distributing the different responsibility,delegation of work,through proper planning and opportunities to be given to students to develop their leadership skills
ReplyDeleteMotivation, appreciation and opportunities.
ReplyDeleteMotivation, appreciation and opportunities
ReplyDeleteAppreciation and encouragement will help them to become a Leader
ReplyDeleteSchool has a lot of leadership activities where students get an opportunity to learn and develop their leadership qualities, through House elections School Council Heads MUN etc
ReplyDeleteAppreciating the students, their talent, their ability and uniqueness. Convince them that they are capable of just about anything. Apart from this there is distribution of various duties among the students which require them to act as a leader. At the same time we have to build up their confidence.
ReplyDeleteLeadership can be inculcated in the students by pushing them to explore unknown territory. also when we assign a responsibility to them it gives them a sense of importance and pride and makes them confident
ReplyDeleteProviding an environment conducive for teaching and learning an enabling all to feel useful and respected can go along way in creating leaders!
ReplyDeleteProviding an environment where all feel useful nad respected can go a long way in ensuring craetion of world leaders
ReplyDeleteAppreciating the students, their talent, their ability and uniqueness ..
ReplyDeleteDelegation of responsibility at various levels among all stakeholders and taking regular and timely feedback for improvement.
ReplyDeleteIt helps them to develop cordial relations with other students.
ReplyDeleteAll teachers should work together to impart the best possible education to the students.
ReplyDeleteDelegation of authority to the students
ReplyDeletecreating a safe space for discussions and brain storming .
ReplyDeleteInviting educators to exercise their voice and choice .
Support and empower educators to take a risk and move out of their comfort zone and embrace discomfort for progress
giving responsibility , engaging students in various school activities and giving them opportunities for self expression are some ways to develop leadership skills in students
ReplyDeletecreating opportunities for educators to develop their instructional plans for improving the learning outcomes, allow them to make decisions , request the stakeholders to participate in the decision making to improve the learning ensure the plans are implemented in a positive environment and help in the growth and development of the students
ReplyDeleteSchool should be student centred. Along with curriculum and syllabus student should be taught life skills and enough opportunities should be created for students to develop various qualities and responsibility at various levels.
ReplyDeleteStudents need to be continuously motivated,and leadership roles need to be regularly shuffled between students so as to develop leadership qualities equally. More interactive programs need to be created and conducted
ReplyDeleteDistribution of responsibilities among various staleeholders and collaborative work among the teachers
ReplyDeleteflip classes taken by students, motivating students to do activities, making them speak in class for 3 minutes on any topic they like. sharing information with colleagues in school and teachers of other schools as well, giving them links for webinars etc.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I will bring out the talents hidden in the students.I will ensure that their potentials are worthy and bring it out.
ReplyDeleteDelegate responsibilities, Cordial relations, motivate
ReplyDeleteRegular motivation and appreciation
ReplyDeleteLeadership of learning can be implemented in schools through proper planning and team work. Activities have to designed in such a way that along with teaching learning process, students also get an opportunity to take up different leadership roles /responsibilities. School functions, group projects, celebration of national festivals, field trips , group discussions, team games etc are all some of the activities that can be planned and executed by all teachers.
ReplyDeleteBy collaboration of all the subjects into a single topic which uses all the activities .
ReplyDeleteDiscussion on how mathematics and physics can come together with language to explain a single topic to students and in turn make the students learn and understand the topic with much more closely and with much more clarity.
Assigning duties that demand cooperation and coordination with an inclusive method.
ReplyDeleteLeadership skill can be developed by setting up clubs and by assigning various responsibilities to students and also by conducting elections and selecting leaders.
ReplyDeleteEngaging ,encouraging ,evaluating in this way we can develop leader ship skills
ReplyDeleteKeep learning myself as a principal along with the students and the teachers
ReplyDeleteAssigning project work and allowing them to take on roles of being leaders which not only teaches them to lead from the front but also to involve themselves in teamwork and sense of responsibility.
ReplyDeleteCollaboration with teachers. Distribution of responsibilities in a proportionate manner. Students should be given responsibilities to conduct different activities. Motivate them for coming up with their view points.
ReplyDeleteBy organising MUN, fairs and exhibitions and by having student council in school to motivate the students.
ReplyDeleteBy involving students in the process for day to day functioning of the class.
ReplyDeleteEngage the students for different tasks ,envourage them ,regular discussion with them about the tasks and ask if they face any problem to do the tasks.
ReplyDeleteBeing a teacher I ensure that I am a continuous learner and motivating my students and peers as well
Giving different tasks to students
ReplyDeleteConditions for implementing LFL in a secondary school include planning the curriculum based on vision for learning, equitable distribution of responsibilities, motivate innovative and collaborative teaching, evaluating learning-teaching,facilitate CPD, right distribution of resources and giving and receiving timely feedback.-Yogesh Singla
ReplyDeleteAlong with planning the curriculum, distribution of responsibilities and effective teaching and learning, focus should be on motivation, to present ourselves as role models, by displaying collaboration in teachers to deal with students in a positive manner. Leadership amongst students can be enhances by giving equal opportunities to all students and selection with collaboration.
ReplyDeleteLeadership can be inculcated in the students as well as in the teachers by delegating different duties and responsibilities for which they are able. We can make different clubs and groups and assign them different task.
ReplyDeleteCreating a conducive environment for students to learn,encourage the students to discuss the causes of learning gaps,if any.Maintaing one to one relationship with students and parents and thus helping students to enhance learning.
ReplyDeleteConducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.Engage the students for different tasks ,envourage them ,regular discussion with them about the tasks and ask if they face any problem to do the tasks.
ReplyDeleteGiving opportunity, appreciation & distribution of responsibility can develop leadership.
ReplyDeleteI will ensure the involvement of entire staff and students in all activities of the school.
ReplyDeleteBy engaging the students actively and giving them responsibilities
ReplyDeleteMaintaining a very good relationship between teachers and students. Providing a better infrastructure.
ReplyDeleteDevelop innovative pedagogies, encourage interdisciplinary activities, collaborate with teachers and students to develop plans, hold discussions for ideas and suggestions
ReplyDeleteEffective Teaching makes sensible connections between concepts learned in class and real-life situations. The students should take the opportunity to test their knowledge and, if necessary, to learn independently.By collaboration of all the subjects into a single topic which uses all the activities .
ReplyDeleteDiscussion on how mathematics and physics can be integrated with language to explain a single topic to students and in turn make the students learn and understand the topic with much more closely and with much more clarity.
Maintain good relations with students
ReplyDeleteProvide facilities for mental and physical development
Appreciate them.
Conducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.
Students shall feel you as respected friend. They should not be afraid of you neither shy to open up
ReplyDeleteCollaborating with teachers and learner's as well..,....Try to understand the socio economic backgrounds of all learner's, understand their problems and provide conducive environment for all learner's by involving every one without bias or discrimination.
ReplyDeleteBy assigning various activities and projects to students that involve team work, collaboration and leadership qualities.
ReplyDeleteBy making the content to learn through an activity. Devloping a good relationship between teachers and students
ReplyDeleteBy devloping good infrastructure to the students
ReplyDeleteBy engaging the students in the class through different activities
ReplyDeleteTeam work with all the teachers makes a good presentation in the class.involving the students in the activity in the classroom
ReplyDeleteSchool atmosphere should be congenial and conducive for both teachers and students. The work and efforts should be appreciated as it boosts the confidence and also provides the motivation.
ReplyDeleteWith suitable interactions with parents students and teachers.Also by implementing the strategies required to establish a learning environment
ReplyDeleteTrain them to identify a problem then delegate and take the responsibilities as per the individual qualities and finally look for a feasible solution for it.
ReplyDeleteGood leadership in schools is crucial for improving the learning outcomes of students. There is a clear relationship between skilled school leadership and constructive student learning outcomes. Good leadership in schools makes a direct influence on students' understanding and execution. I will give them opportunities to learn from the best leaders, both in and outside the school. Coaching and mentoring from experienced leaders and learning from effective role models.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I encourage the students to develop the leadership qualities. Give them chance to initiate and lead different activities
ReplyDeleteCollaboration with stakeholders
ReplyDeleteTaking decisions keeping in mind students interests and learning outcomes.
Leadership can be inculcated by delegating responsibilities to teachers and students,motivate and appreciate them.Even provide necessary training's.
ReplyDeleteCollaborating with others teachers, providing conducive environment for learning, involving all learner's in the learning process without bias or discrimination,being learner centric in all approaches etc ....
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I always make sure that I'm a continuous learner and always trying to gain as much knowledge as I can for my students. I not just learn by myself but also through my students. I also like to encourage my students to build leadership qualities and should always take things into control.
ReplyDeleteLeadership in school is an important part of learning. I would provide ample opportunities for exposure to the learners and make contact with parents for parity
ReplyDeleteLeadership itself fetches a whole lot of responsibilities. As a leader, I would create the safe environment for the teachers and the students. Everyone will be given equal opportunities and the duties according to their interest and capabilities. Annual fairs for their growth should be implemented.
ReplyDeleteBy providing favourable and conducive environment for their physical, mental, emotional and social development and by encouraging and motivating the students.
ReplyDeleteI would emphasize on academic activities as that is the base of a school. At the same time co curricular and extra curricular activities for overall development of the children would be implemented.
ReplyDeleteBy giving them small roles(monitor) for each tasl- it will enable them to learn leadership qualities.
ReplyDeleteBy inviting field experts in school to orient the students about actual life practices.
ReplyDeleteUnified action plan with all the stakeholders
ReplyDeleteLeadership for Learning including all the 4 models of leadership
Lifelong learning
Placing students at the centre of the teaching - learning process
Appreciate each child's ability in whatever he/she does.
ReplyDelete1. develop a healthy relationship with the school administrative leader to implement ideas.
ReplyDelete2.identify the leadership quality within each student.
3.create awareness and confidence in students through simple
4.give students freedom of working,takingc decisions .
5.comment positively on their steps of actions
Maintain cordial relations with students
ReplyDeleteProvide infrastructure for mental and physical development
Appreciate them.
Conducting school elections, setting up mock parliament, assigning roles to the students for conducting different activities.
I will apply all the four leadership models and create safe zone for all the stakeholders.
ReplyDeleteThe leadership for learning is based on trust and faith. Education is a human endeavour.
ReplyDeleteLearning is enhanced if students are given time to reflect and assimilate according to their own pace.
Learners should be able to find purpose in what they are doing. Moreover, school is learning community where imparting of education is beyond boundaries of the curriculum.
Freedom to explore and figure out the right path is key to enhance learning to a different level. Openness with empowering and distributing leadership among different stakeholders creates an environment of learning with joy and happiness.
Being a teacher, I have to encourage and motivate to students in all aspect. To develop leadership quality as a teachers we have to give them opportunity and even appreciate them.
ReplyDeleteBy being an empathetic yet a disciplinarian mentor, inclusive and impartial in approach......
ReplyDeleteI Encourage my students and motivate them to be better leaders
ReplyDeleteBy assigning and encouraging students to participate and leading in certain activities to develop overall leadership qualities.
ReplyDeleteThe school would reach out to all authorities for academic support and material. We should appreciate students and should maintain a cordial relations with them. We should get timely feedback from them.
ReplyDeleteLeadership and learning are both ongoing processes. A leader also leads by example and learning requires a conducive environment.Hence I feel that to stimulate leadership in learning one needs to develop a clear understanding and goals of learning. Appreciation reinforcement and self-reflection is the key to involve all stakeholders in the process of quality learning.
ReplyDeleteAppreciation & distribution of responsibility to develop a reciprocate relationship between students & teachers. Developing school time table and making it flexible to conduct interdisciplinary classes involving various activities
ReplyDeleteSupporting, evaluating and developing teacher quality.
ReplyDeleteGoal setting , assessment and accountability.
Strategic financial and human resource management.
Collaborating with other schools.
Forming a core group of teachers and students and delegating them profiles and responsibilities. Taking opinion of students and parents for effective learning procedures. Providing platforms for teacher trainings to hone their teaching skills. Ensuring the delivery of curriculum which can cater to all types of learners.
ReplyDeleteIt's important to keep them motivated
ReplyDeleteThe need of the hour is successful
ReplyDeleteimplementation of NEP2020 and Assessment for self evaluation for school improvement. Effective Teaching makes meaningful connections between concepts learned in class and real-world situations. The students should take the opportunity to test their knowledge and, if necessary, to learn independently
and more importantly the focus will be on SELF STUDY at home
By making them aware of the importance of taking responsibility and sincerity. Continuous initiatives from both the ends will help the students.
ReplyDeleteBy involving interaction between parents, teachers & students at regular intervals to assess learners growth. assigning roles to students through various activities like Mock parliaments etc
ReplyDeleteCreate a congenial atmosphere for teachers and students, involve the student community by inviting their suggestions and feedback for improvement, implement innovative methods to enhance learning experiences and create opportunities to raise the moral standards of the school for a better tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteBY conducting group discussions, team building and team leading tasks.
ReplyDeleteThe school is a place where we look into all possible approaches which help in the holistic development of the students. A congenial learning environment needs to provided for better outcomes and increasing the efficiency of the teaching process.
ReplyDeleteThe students need to be exposed to a variety of learning experiences which will develop their personality as an all rounder, let it be the public speaking, academics or in the sports arena. Such opportunities will help them to become good leaders and become the spearheads of changes.
Be an active listener
ReplyDeleteInvite ideas from coworkers
initiate dialogues for shared learning
Experiential learning/activity based learning motivates the student and it becomes easier for the students to understand the learning easily.
ReplyDeleteForm a friendly relations along with the students and by appreciating the students for their work .This will create a friendly relations and students can take interest in the class
ReplyDeleteBuilding a cordial relation will help in smooth moving.Giving constructive feedback
ReplyDeleteMaintain cordially relations with students and describe how we will create a condition for the implementing leadership. It's important to keep them motivated.
ReplyDeleteDiscussion and planning with teachers on daily basis. Assigning role to each teacher. Feedback from parents and students.will also help.
ReplyDeleteCollaborating with teachers, proportionately distributing responsibility. As for students, giving them responsibilities to conduct various activities, taking a feedback.
ReplyDeleteLEARNING BY DOING IS ONE OF THE BEST METHODS OF LEARNING PROCESS.We are not having toppers alone in the class.The number of periods allotted for a particular subject especially at SENIOR SECONDARY LEVEL have to be increased.The LABORATORIES should be well equipped.The enrichment of knowledge not only make the students to face board examination.It should also give the confidence to the students to face all competitive examinations.
ReplyDeleteTo develop leadership qualities in the students, I will distribute responsibilities to the students, encourage them to express themselves through various platforms like giving them opportunities in the assembly to share awareness about different social issues e.g. Covid 19 etc.
ReplyDeleteBeing a role model for the students. Creating epistemophilia in them.
ReplyDeleteFrom this course I learn about leadership how it devlope in myself
ReplyDeleteExperiential Based learning,activity based learning and motivate the students.
ReplyDeleteBeing a role model for students
ReplyDeleteGiiving responsibilities to the students and trust them will be the main aim for developing leadership qualities in them.
ReplyDeleteAcknowledge the role of proffession at organization of school leader
ReplyDeleteGiving fair opportunity to all without any bias , appreciating on the merits ,distribution and allocation of work responsibility can develop leadership.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost students should take responsibility of their own learning. They should be made to see that learning is not just scoring marks but improving their skills . When students take the ownership then guiding them and providing them with all the necessary materials and infrastructure for learning will be made easy.
ReplyDeleteTeachers should give responsibility to students , day to day there are s many task. Students will try to coordinate and carry on these task : Francis X Probha
ReplyDeleteTeachers should give responsibility to students , day to day there are s many task. Students will try to coordinate and carry on these task
ReplyDeleteI always encourage my children.
ReplyDeleteAnd motivate them
ReplyDelete1. Implementing the team work
ReplyDelete2. Follow collaborative leadership
3. Empowering the staffs and students
4. Collating the inputs in academic advancements shared by the members of school and implementation of the correct developmental practices.
By giving them ample opportunities, delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities to make them a good humanbeing.
ReplyDeleteMaintaining cordial relations and providing opportunities to explore the world. We need to develop leadership and interpersonal skills in the students.
ReplyDeletemaintain cordial relationship all stakeholders. continuous faculty development based on 21st century skills
ReplyDeleteChildren are equipped with individual difference therefore introduction of topic and speech is very important for making impression on children. if we tackle individual difference quality of students as well as teacher then we can lead the team as leader .
ReplyDeleteMaintain a warm nd cordial relationship with all stakeholders
ReplyDeleteEffective teaching based on practical approach of methodology will workout to inculcate self discipline among students as well as teachers.
ReplyDeleteGiving opportunity to students for conducting school elections. To address problems faced by them and get to a conclusion how to solve their problems.
ReplyDeleteExperiential learning/activity based learning motivates the student and it becomes easier for the student to accomplish his/her goals.
ReplyDeleteCollaborating with other teachers and encouraging them to try out innovative methods, giving students responsibilities to enhance their confidence, communicating with parents and taking suggestions from them about how to improve the school.
ReplyDeleteAn interactive classroom approach should be taken.The students should be motivated and encouraged for the best outcome of education.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher, I always try to connect and communicate with parents regularly for the benefit of the child. My effort throughout has been to encourage the students for self study, hard work and disciplined carrer.
ReplyDeleteMaintaining cordial relations with students and appreciating them by engaging each student in different activities .Experiential learning motivates the student and the student becomes more confident in achieving his/her goals. Collaborating with other teachers and encouraging them to try innovative methods , talking to parents and taking suggestions for the better performance of the child
ReplyDeleteBe cordial with each other.Activity based learning.
ReplyDeleteCreating conducive conditions always comes from open mindedness and empathy. With these, thenext step would be to connect with the peer group (colleagues) and the learner group to engage in sharing of learning, to motivate and be motivated, and know that learning comes from any place, peer or learner in our care.
ReplyDeleteLending the learner confidence is an important step, as it is for our own colleagues who may be finding technology difficult to handle.
Inculcating leadership quality among students improve teaching learning process. This will also help to develop good relationship I, ndeed help in improving the school performance. It brings co-ordination among employees which help in effective work and attainment of organisational goals.
ReplyDeleteAs a school teacher and leader my role would be much of a facilitator. I will ensure that I am a continuous learner and will motivate my students and peers as well in having this learning process. As learning is a continuous process. To engage teachers and evoking students interest I shall try to provide them platform and opportunities, collaborated decisions and shouldering them with responsibilities as well will help in attaining the goals.
ReplyDeleteDistributing responsibilities and collaborating stakeholders
ReplyDeleteProvide infrastructure for mental and physical development. Appreciate them. Giving opportunities, Delegating leadership and appreciating their work, making them aware of their responsibilities and teaching them peer relationships. Maintaining cordial relations with students and appreciating them by engaging each student in different activities .Experiential learning motivates the student and the student becomes more confident in achieving his/her goals. Collaborating with other teachers and encouraging them to try innovative methods , talking to parents and taking suggestions for the better performance of the child.
ReplyDeleteBy making cordial relations with students and asking their problems apart from studies. And also be in touch with their parents. Further more, asking students to ask doubts without any fear.
ReplyDeleteConduct elections
ReplyDeleteWork must be distributed at different levels through functionaries and also the
ReplyDeleteStudents" Council to facilitate systematic progress .
Proper planning, collaboration to bring in the best practices, involving all stakeholders for the betterment of the student community thus ensuring best teaching- learning experiences.