Course - 09 Activity 6: Organisation of Field Visits to Industry - Share your thoughts

The field visit is an educational procedure by which each student gains or learns information by observing events and other real-life activities at the workplace. What problems can you encounter in organisation of the field visits for the vocational students and how would you

resolve those problems? Share your thoughts.


  1. The field visit is an educational procedure by which each student gains or learns information

    1. Vskill based education in which students can show their efficiency by using their different skill

    2. The.policy of education is changing.students gain more knowledge by doing rather than by reading.vocational skill helping the students a this field

    3. Field education helps to get in touch with natural surroundings and imbibe positive attitude towards natural science. It increases curiosity to know more about nature.

    4. Field visit is an excellent opportunity for the learners to understand the needs of the industry. The curriculum can be designed basis the requirement of the current scenario to best equip the learners for the same. Exposure to best real time study can be a challenge as just taking a look at things won’t train them in the best possible manner. Hand on experience on a task and working with the professionals can be done to train the learners to build and enhance their skills.

    5. Field trip helps students to learn the various facets of architecture by seeing it live and corelate with the knowledge acquired in classroom.They learn to appreciate and comprehend better.

    6. Problem for field visit can be
      Logistics issue
      Students safety
      Financial constraints
      These can be resolved by doing these visits in small groups. And with the help of corporate organisation

  2. Field visit in Geography makes the subject come alive. The processes, landscapes, terrains, phenomenon can easily be appreciated and understood by seeing.

  3. Things are changing. Field visits have come out to be fruitful to students and parents appreciate such trips, because learning has widened beyond classroom

  4. IT develops interest and makes learning easy

  5. Field visit helps in gaining more practical knowledge and mentally prepares the students for life.

  6. Vocational education is the education that prepares students to be fruitful by which each student gains or learns information

  7. Field trips are always a part of informal education that makes students more aware of the topics in an interesting way. Learning beyond the four walls will be appreciated.

  8. Field trips make students to gain more knowledge and interest in the topic. It makes the learning more enjoyable. Enable them to connect with real life.

  9. Field visits are very important as children can relate to what they are learning. They can connect with real life. Problems could be of not getting time for children to visit certain place due to lack of time .

  10. Practical knowledge by going to Fields so that they could learn in more better and fruitful way. And same can be helpful in his, her future for his development

  11. In COVID times maintaining social distancing can be a challange. Will try to divide the class into smaller groups and woul take students to different sites on the same day.

  12. Industrial visit helps a child to connect their knowledge with real life situation. It helps them to understand the applicability of the knowledge and skills gained.

  13. Vocational training is generally defined as the part of vocational education that provides the specialized professional knowledge and skills, which attribute professional adequacy to the trainee and are the focus of every vocational training program.
    The main aims of VET are considered the following:  To enhance the trainees who have completed the highest level of secondary education.  To develop the professional knowledge and skills required for the practice of a profession.  To evaluate the participants’ educational level, in order for them to become competitive professionals in the future

  14. Budget restraints, lack of chaperons, difficulty controlling student behavior, organizing an engaging lesson and dealing with anxious children are potential challenges. Establishing rules, soliciting support and proper planning can alleviate many of the disadvantages of taking a field trip.

  15. Field visits are quite fruitful for students and parents appreciate such trips, because learning has widened beyond classroom. Students learn life skills.

  16. Day to day working of the organisation/business units will be interpreted. Due to this problem, such visits of the students may not be encouraged. To take prior permission for such a visit on selected day/period will reduce such hinderenc.

  17. Field trips are beneficial ..
    Obstacles are like
    budget problems..
    Limited no of students..
    Misbehaving students..
    Time boundation..

  18. Field visits are quite fruitful for students and parents appreciate such trips, because learning has widened beyond classroom. But budget could be a problem.

  19. Field visit helps a child to connect their knowledge with real life situation. It helps them to understand the applicability of the knowledge and skills gained.It helps to develope
    professional knowledge and skills required for the practice of a profession.  To evaluate the participants’ educational level, in order for them to become competitive professionals in the future

  20. Field visits help the students to get the practical knowledge with real life experience.

  21. Field visit is good for getting practical knowledge and gathering experience

  22. Field visit is a new learning opportunity to understand the current employment trends in a particular field and that will be enriching too

  23. School is the best place to teach children how to face the real life challenges and take decision .Students should be given the situations in the classroom as an activity. The teacher should help, engourage and motivate the students as a facilitator .

  24. Field is always gaining more knowledge, field is always useful in long life.fiel work understand the applicability of the knowledge and skills gained.

  25. Field trips are necessary for children to improve their practical knowledge and enhance their skills

  26. One problem that we encounter is the non availability of a nearby industry or factory or establishment where we can take the students

  27. Fields are vast ,students can learn more and more

  28. Actually field trip need some extra budget. But it is really helpful. Connecting with real life can be a very good experience in their life.

  29. Field visits are very important as children can relate to what they are learning. They can connect with real life.

  30. visits to Botanical fields are important . Obstacles are too many students in our school and time limit

  31. Field visit to a cultivators land will make the student realise as to how important is the food grain in terms of its production with very difficult rural life. A peasant has to wait for months together to get the fruit of harvest of his hard work.

  32. Budget restraints, difficulty controlling student behavior and dealing with anxious children are potential challenges. Establishing rules and proper planning can avoid many of the problems of taking a field trip.

  33. The problems that we may encounter during the organization of field trip are as follows:
    inaccessibility of training institutes, cost factors, hostile environment in terms of nature or non-cooperation from parents, cultural mindsets, manpower from school side.
    Some of the ways in which this can be resolved are as follows:
    Awareness camps for both students and their parents.
    expert talk by established professionals
    fund raising events by school
    use of social media etc.

  34. # Field trips are always a part of informal education that makes students more aware of the topics in an interesting way. Learning beyond the four walls will be appreciated

  35. It will make the learning interesting.

  36. Field trips are informative and give opportunities to students to enhance their knowledge. Though it is challenging task to take students in covid time but by giving proper instructions to students, this event will become successful.

  37. An education and grasp skills of occupation.

  38. Field visits helps students to understand the theory better as they can see the application of what they have studied

  39. Lack of funds, language and communication problems. Training modules are not user friendly they are outdated. New techniques should be raised with adequate amount of funding.

  40. Field visits are very helpful to fill the gaps between learning place and work place. However, permissions with regard to safety related issues to the field visits are one of the big issues. Companies do not let the school students inside due to safety issues. Also, people at the field may not help the students to understand the process or may not guide them appropriately.
    A lot of research and efforts from the teachers may help

  41. Visit fields are very helpful for the students to be more knowledgeable .
    Here teacher's help may play an important role .

  42. Field visits are very important as children can relate to what they are learning.

  43. Practical experience is vital to the development of the vocational skills.

  44. Field visits encourage students towards vocational skills

  45. Field visit has always been the demand of teacher and the taught as it gives the real exposure to the students of the various skills being taught. With the advent of computers and internet, virtual field trips are in vogue now.
    Talking about the problems faced, firstly liaison between the authorities of school and the industry/field to be visited. Secondly, the cost factors involved. Thirdly, security issues because of the trust deficit.
    In order to overcome the above mentioned problems the schools have to become pro-active. They shall organise parent-community orientation programme, invite experts from the target industry for a talk,fund crunch may be handled by encouraging philanthropes to come forward and help as a part of CSR (corporate social responsibility) last but not the least security issue may be handled by encouraging parents become a part of such field trips.-Yogesh Singla

  46. Improper planning, inadequate infrastructure and resources restrictions due to covid and selection of wrong site or lack of interest

  47. Vocational education is concerned with the training on vocation. It is related to productivity. Aim is to develop a healthy attitude among students towards work and life and To enhance individual employability.

  48. Industry visits can showcase a variety of careers from science and Arts allowing students to make an informed decision about which subjects to study at Degree level or in choosing the sector

  49. Field trips are an excellent way to introduce and to gain more practical knowledge about the works and also could ask and understand the challenges faced by the people in real life. Obstacles maybe budget management.

  50. Field trips helps in gaining more practical knowledge for life.

  51. education is which liberates. Liberation means self realization, independence and self reliance. Introduction of vocation equips children with skills that help them realize their goals in life.

  52. Field visit always makes concepts learnt in the classroom through textbook , more clear and practical knowledge is always lasting . students were taken to visit the Parliament which made their understanding of the two houses and there set up more clear.

  53. Arranging field trips allocating time and arranging the budget are sone comon problems that we encounter during a field trip

  54. Field visits are real time learning or practical learning from books to working hands on. Many a times the organisation being visited may accommodate only a few as per organisational norms and leave out a few. so we should ensure everyone gets an equal opportunity for the field visit . We should ensure we choose and organisation where all can be accomodated, even if in batches

  55. Industrial visit is very important for students they gain more practical knowledge

  56. Field visit always makes concepts learnt in the classroom , more clear and practical knowledge is always lasting . students were taken to visit the medical hospital. which made their understanding of the equipments and procedures of test more clear.

  57. Problem is in getting permission for the field visit for large number of students. It can be resolved easily

  58. Field visit helps in increasing practical knowledge. Obstacles are like budget problem and lack of timing.

  59. Field visit helps students to learn from experience.

  60. Issues with field visits and their solution:
    1. COVID restrictions / proper social distancing with immediate help in vicinity.
    2. Distraction from what is being viewed and why / get them focused by involving nature with poetry.

  61. Field visit is very important to understand the pctical work and application of theory

  62. Vocational courses are necessary in todays education system.

  63. Field visit is really very important because there is a vast difference between reading the concept and practicing the concept. Plus, students learn rapidly through experimentation rather than theories.

  64. field visits help in better and indepth understanding of the system. they help the children to relate the theory and practical aspects of a concept.

  65. 'Controlling student's behaviour, maintaining social distancing etc can be some problems. What they observe should be what they need-that also is mattered.
    Easy way to solve this problem is to divide students into small groups and bring them for field trips

  66. Field visits are very much helpful for students to apply their knowledge but at the same time it may not suitable for different sets of students their social economic conditions

  67. Field visits have been useful in imparting practical knowledge to students. However, the excitement at times results in uncontrolled student behavior.

  68. Knowing by doing excursion n field trips enhance the learning process

  69. Field visits have been useful in imparting practical knowledge to students.

  70. Field visit helps in gaining more practical knowledge and developing the skills of children.

  71. The.policy of education is changing.students gain more knowledge by doing rather than by reading.vocational skill helping the students a lot.

  72. Transportation..Odd working hours etc..Can be resolved with cooperation of school management and company managment..

  73. Field visits will help in giving practical knowledge to the students.

  74. Field visits help the students to gain real experiences, Practical knowledge and learn a lot of new things.

  75. Things are changing. Field visits have come out to be fruitful to students and parents appreciate such trips, because learning has widened beyond classroom
    IT develops interest and makes learning .
    Field visit helps in gaining more practical knowledge and mentally prepares the students for life.

  76. Field trips make students to gain more knowledge and interest in the topic. It makes the learning more enjoyable.

  77. Organising field education can see certain limitations. Like; Which companies to approach? - organising finances- how many students in each batch?- What kind of experiences are viable for students of various classes, etc.

    A pivotal program with less number of students in each field to be conducted to check on any hurdles and confronting and resolving problems as and when encountered.

  78. Field visit help in providing hands on experience to the students. Catering to the need of different students with different vocational subjects in one visit can be a challenge but making students in group can solve this problem.

  79. Field visit of students is good and informative for their growth provided someone should properly guide and explainin detail how production or manufacturing is done in steps and students should be allowed to enter the actual work place and talk to the people and get interested. Number of students allowed and duration also matters.

  80. Field visits are always a part of informal education that makes students more aware of the topics in an interesting way. At the same time it may not suitable for different sets of students their social economic conditions. Learning beyond the four walls will be appreciated.

  81. Field visit is an excellent way to have a practical skill over the subject. But allowing time and money is a great challenge. So by proper arrangement it can be made possible for everyone

  82. planning has to be done meticulously by the teacher. plan with the industry people, also try to integrate subjects and bring together different subject teachers. plan it on a regular basis, say monthly. try to develop contacts with suitable parents, so that they can help you out in arranging the trips to industries.

  83. There are many challanges to organise a field visit like big number of students, indiscipline, busy schedules of factory employees, non availability of variety of industries or sites where we are supposed to take students. Prior appointment for the visit, lesser number of students, only discilpined students can be invited for the first trip etc are the stretigies that can be used to over come the challanges.

  84. Field trips are always a part of informal education that makes students more aware of the topics in an interesting way, provided someone should properly guide and explain in detail how production or manufacturing is done in steps and students should be allowed to enter the actual work place and talk to the people and get interested.. Learning beyond the four walls will be appreciated.

  85. Fields trips are important as they arouse the curiosity to learn amongst children and give first hand knowledge to the aspiring students. There can be various problems in organizing such field trips like- non availability or approach to the type of place/venue required for that particular vocational topic/course/subject, insufficient budget for the trip etc.

  86. even though field trips are effective ,organising and taking students will have challenges like
    availability of industries in nearby places of school
    affording expenses of the trip
    present covid situations which limit the no of participants in a trip.
    control and safety of children in the new exciting places.

  87. Field visits provide an oppourtunity for first hand experience in learning.problems include
    There can be misbehaving problems, cost inefficiency.
    Suppert from authorities, security problems

  88. Budget restrains is the main problem.

  89. Budget restraints,concerns about safety and security of the students

  90. Field trips are the most anticipated one for students. They hang out with there friends, have fun but most importantly they learn. Visual learning is another different form of learning. A lot of students prefer this and I have seen them learning more through this. Sure there might be some problems but that can be resolved respectfully and without any aggression.

  91. Field visit helps the learners to work hand on and get an understanding of the job they do - its limitations and rectifications. Reaching the sites for field trip may pose some challenges to the learners. The access to the sites, environment and regular attendance will be a crucial factor. Students need more guidance and reassurance when they step into these new shoes. The teachers, schools and organisations should work together in providing this safe environment.

  92. Taking all students for field trip is a big challenge and approaching companies for the same.

  93. Field visit is an excellent opportunity for the learners to understand the needs of the industry. The curriculum can be designed on the basis of the requirement of the current scenario to best equip the learners for the same. Exposure to best real time study can be a challenge as just taking a look at things won’t train them in the best possible manner. Hand on experience on a task and working with the professionals can be done to train the learners to build and enhance their skills.

  94. Budget restraints, availability of infrastructure, permission from the concerned authorities, parental consent to name a few. A lot of preplanned effort and orientation will be required.

  95. Relevant venue and professional, budget, permissions, consents, etc. Needs advanced planning and research and organizing.

  96. One problem that can arise in taking students to field trips is parents consent. Solution is that parents counseling must be done before introducing such inclusion in the curriculum so that they also understand the impotence of hands on learning.

  97. It makes learning more effective.

  98. Field visit give them exposure they can be understand the real situation and get practical knowledge.

  99. Vocational students will face the problem of transportation. So the school needs to organise transportation facilites. Budget is another constraint. Many might not agree with the cost. So a number of options have to be provided and arrangements made accordingly which will not be an easy task for the school. Taking consent from parents . Many might not agree to send their wards to places outside school premises. School need to have awareness programmes for parents .

  100. I believe ,the field visit is an educational procedure by which each student gains or learns information by observing events and other real-life activities at the workplace. There are a number of obstacles in the process like expenditure , Time taking and costly.

  101. Field visit makes the student to understand the real world exposure involved in the vocational education that creates more interest among students to pursue the specific course.

  102. While organising a field visit certain procedures have to be followed getting permission from those workplaces workshops is not an easy task

  103. Field visit is good for getting practical knowledge and gathering experience.

  104. Field visit is very good for getting practical knowledge and they can understand how much important in our life

  105. Field visit require the permission of the respective authorities for which there should be a good contact with such industries where we choose to visit. Its time consuming. Since we observe and learn it take a bit longer time than usual classroom activities.

  106. Vocational education means technical education for career.

  107. Vocational training is a part of vocational where students have practical knowledge of the skills learnt and become competent professional in future

  108. Field visits really help the students to get the real time experience and understand the requirement for learning to perform a specific job. There are number of issues while organising the field visit: it could be the logistics, safety of the students. This can be resolved by working in small groups and sometimes calling the experts to the school and show them live while sitting in school.

  109. The importance of field visits should be clear to each student. Usually field visits are taken to be recreational trips hence hindering the learning process. Students in small batches should be taken so that they can be monitored and their safety and security can be ensured.

  110. filed visit help students to improve vocational skilss and they will get industrial exposure

  111. The field visit can identify the interest of students and make an attitude towards a specific profession and work.

  112. the field visit help the students in find out the interest of students towards a profession and work and develop an attitude towards work of interests.

  113. Scheduling the field visit, budget restraints, lack of chaperons, difficulty controlling student behavior, permissions, organizing an engaging lesson and dealing with anxious children are potential challenges. Establishing rules, soliciting support and proper planning can alleviate many of the disadvantages of taking a field trip.

  114. Vocational education means future development of country

  115. Field trip helps students to learn the various facets of architecture by seeing it live and corelate with the knowledge acquired in classroom. They learn to appreciate and comprehend better.

  116. Field trips are very important for children as hands on experience helps them to learn better. The problems with Covid Scenario are different. Social distancing is important and it will be difficult to do so, though it is not impossible. At present with the online class we take children on a Virtual tour to different places and monuments. Vocational education is also crucial for making the children learn new skills which will make them ready for the future when they face the world after school.

  117. Field visits are a very essential part of learning in real time to provide the learning experiences to the students. The availability of variety of vocational courses may have limitation due to the topography or the area the school resides, if there is rigidity in the curriculum. The curriculum should provide choices in terms of disciplines to be taught to the students.

  118. Field visit is an excellent opportunity for the learners to understand the needs of the industry. The curriculum can be designed basis the requirement of the current scenario to best equip the learners for the same.

  119. The field visit is an educational procedure by which each student gains or learns information by observing events and other real-life activities at the workplace. What problems can you encounter in organisation of the field visits for the vocational students and how would you

  120. The.policy of education is changing.students gain more knowledge by doing rather than by reading.vocational skill helping the students a this fiel

  121. The problems faced during the field visit are
    Large group size
    Improper knowledge about the subject
    financial constraints
    These can be resolved by
    Taking a small group for the field visit
    Finding a sponsor for the trip
    Giving appropriate knowledge to the students.

  122. Field visit is an wonderful opportunity for the learners to understand the needs of the industry. The curriculum can be designed on basis of the requirement of the current scenario to best equip the learners for the same. Exposure to best real time study can be a challenge as just taking a look at things won’t train them in the best possible manner. Hand on experience on a task and working with the professionals can be done to train the learners to build and enhance their skills.

  123. Field Activity can make learner Actually learn the vocation. they can do the analysis whether they actually have capability of the area of their interest. The problem area can by the Time constrain and organizing such activities

  124. Field visits give a feel of the job with the hands-on training provided. However, one can face certain hurdles like getting the approval of the parents/guardians due to safety concerns and financial constraints. But creating an awareness about the advantages, getting a responsible adult to accompany and sponsors to look into the financial aspect can help overcome the hiccups.

  125. Field visits expand the perspective of learning

  126. Field activity makes it possible for the students to get first hand experience about their area of interest .They can get to know abut technicalities of the vocation .the problem can be arranging such activities and a trainer to train the students and moreover the financial constrains are also there.

  127. Field trips needs, time, money , security, planning , local support & coordination. We solve it by proper plannung and execution.

  128. Field trip helps students to gain practical knowledge and get information.

  129. Learning outside the four walls, learning by actual exposure to problems and situations.

  130. Field visit is an excellent opportunity to understand the needs of the industry. Curriculum can be framed based on the current scenario to equip learners for the same. Hands on experience can enhance the competency of learners and enhance their skills.

  131. Field visits are hands on learning and gives an opportunity to explore and developing skills.

  132. Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behavior, skills, values and attitudes, job relevant skills are task related and build on a combination of cognitive and socio- emotional skills.
    Skill is ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance.feild visit is an wonderful opportunity for the leaners to understand the need f the industry. The carriculam can be designed on basis of the requirement of the current scenario to best equip the learner for the same.

  133. It costs money.lack of standardization in the research process.

  134. Logistics and money involved is a hitch. Co operation from the school authorities and parents can help resolve this.field trips play an important role and can’t be ignored.

  135. While taking students out of a filed trip related to vocational education and training, schools could face many challenges. From the point of view of students there could be disengagement due to lack of information, inability to accept the office/ unit ambience, inability to carry out the tasks. Therefore, it is important to brief students in advance about the objectives of the visit, the equipment that might be used, approximate time to be taken and the kind of activities students will be expected to carry out. The challenges faced with regard to trainer could include safety aspects, communication of trainer with school students, difficulty level of task of explanation. This can be overcome by meeting the vocational trainer in advance and by briefing him/her in advance

  136. The problems that we may encounter during the organization of field trip are as follows:
    inaccessibility of training institutes, cost factors, hostile environment in terms of nature or non-cooperation from parents, cultural mindsets, manpower from school side.
    Some of the ways in which this can be resolved are as follows:
    Awareness camps for both students and their parents; expert talk by established professionals
    fund raising events by school; use of social media etc.

  137. Field education needs to have three distinct stages
    Prior information
    Field observation and field work
    Understanding from the field work.
    Otherwise due to lack of proper information and management no experience will be gained.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. Field visits are a must. Students learn what happens actually in industries. They acually gain experience of real life industries and their problems.

  140. Field visit gives hands on exposure of the industry . So learning by this is maximum as compared to other methods

  141. Field trip helps students to learn the various facets of architecture by seeing it live and correlate with the knowledge acquired in classroom.They learn to appreciate and comprehend better.

  142. Some of the challenges may be :
    Non availability of a venue close to the school .
    Normally for students field visit is an outing in disguise .

  143. One of the problems is the non availability of industries in the nearby places.

  144. Organising field visit for large groups can be difficult due to the pandemic. Hence small group visits can be done. Also organising online chat with an organisation and virtual tour can be tried.

  145. During the pandemic situation field trip is not advisable . In a normal situation, field trips are very enriching for the students . Problems faced are safety and security of so many students and expenditure.

  146. Organisation of the field trip challenges:
    1. Appropriate identification of place which will meet the learning outcome.
    2. Logistics

    These can be resolved:
    The Vocational trainers should be a part of the planning during the academic planning.

  147. Field Visit is an educational procedure by which each student gains or learns information by observing events and real life activities. No doubt organizing a field visit is challenging sometimes and you may face many difficulties like -
    1. Appropriate selection of the place
    2. Constraint of the space.
    3. Transportation
    4. Budget
    5. Selection of the students (Strength )
    6. Consent from the higher authorities
    But full survey of the office and with good communication skills you can get approval to visit that place and students can definitely gain from the field visit.

  148. Problems of organizing Field trips can be related to cost of transportation, logistical difficulties , paucity of funds etc. These can be countered by planning such trips well in advance and taking the help of sponsors.

  149. Field trip helps students to learn the various facets of architecture by seeing it live and corelate with the knowledge acquired in classroom.They learn to appreciate and comprehend better. And students will be abe to choose their carrier and make decisions.

  150. Problems that can be encountered are:
    Budget constraint
    Selection of place
    Approval from parent/guardian
    Convincing parents to give consent
    Making arrangements
    Handling large groups
    Maintaining social distancing (during covid times)
    Uncertainty (during covid times)
    These can be resolved by:
    Proper planning
    Allocation of budget efficiently
    Proper communication and sharing views openly with parent/guardian

  151. Field trip helps students to learn the various facets of architecture by seeing it live and corelate with the knowledge acquired in classroom.They learn to appreciate and comprehend better.

  152. Field education helps to get in touch with natural surroundings and imbibe positive attitude towards natural science. It increases curiosity to know more about nature.
    Students experiences , whatever explained.

  153. The.policy of education is changing.students gain more knowledge by doing rather than by reading.vocational skill helping the students a this field

  154. Problems that can be encountered are
    Budget constraint
    Approval from parent/guardian
    Maintaining social distancing (during covid times)
    Uncertainty (during covid times)

  155. Logistics
    Safety issues
    Financial constraints
    This can be resolved by taking help of institutions and getting sponsors.

  156. Field visit is just like practical learning which is effective in every sense

  157. Field trips make students learning best

  158. Field visits have come out to be fruitful to students and parents appreciate such trips, because learning has widened beyond classroom

  159. In field visit student may get hurt,or unwanted accident may happen ,so as a mentor we must be take safety measure in advance like important phone numbers should be available with everyone etc

    Initial stages - Convincing Parents to permit their wards to go on such visits
    *Identifying suitable 'work stations, industries / establishments.
    *Integrating the Timetable for general & vocational education seamlessly.
    * Logistics - planning, conception & implementation

    1. Logistics,financial and conveyance are the problems.

  161. Identifying suitable field visit with maximum learning potential. Reaching out to various industries will help in resolving.

  162. For writing chemical formula of ionic compounds two dice can be thrown, i containing the cation and the other containing the anion symbols , each turn the students need to form a compund based on the cation and anion they get, this enables the students to remember the chemical formula and its valency

  163. Visiting any field area to understand is an excellent opportunity. only problem can be the field trip should match with the training that a student has acquired. if it match then it is useful .so the trip should be made in such a manner that it should be the extension of the learning.

  164. Field visit firsts requires students safety and security but on the other hand it helps students to learn in better way with the knowledge acquired in classroom.

  165. Field visits are obviously a good exposure to develop skills among students but during these unprecedented times it is difficult to get approval from the parents

  166. A field trip can create a rewarding and exiting learning experience for a student. But there are also disadvantages to taking your classroom outdoors or to a museum, theater or learning center. Budget restraints, lack of chaperons, difficulty controlling student behavior, organizing an engaging lesson and dealing with anxious children are potential challenges. Establishing rules, soliciting support and proper planning can alleviate many of the disadvantages of taking a field trip.

  167. Problem for field visit can be
    Logistics issue
    Students safety
    Financial constraints
    These can be resolved by doing these visits in small groups. And with the help of corporate organisation

  168. The following problems need to be addressed before embarking on a field trip :
    1. Identification of a spot which provides opportunity for the conduction of the survey
    2. Transportation
    3. Group size
    4. Safety of students

    the problems can be resolved by discussing it out with the students.

  169. A field visit is always motivational for students but some safety measures should be taken

  170. The policy of education is changing students gain more knowledge by doing rather than by reading vocational skill helping the students a lot in this field

  171. Field education helps to get in touch with natural surroundings and imbibe positive attitude towards natural science. It increases curiosity to know more about nature

  172. The problems one mayu encounter in organisation of the field visits for the vocational studentscould be the group size, finance and safety of students.

  173. The problems that can be encountered are :
    Parental/Guardian approval
    Safety and security of the students
    Logistics related issues
    Financial constraints
    These problems can be resolved by:
    Communicating appropriately and openly with the parents/guardians and addressing all their concerns
    Organising trips in small and manageable batches
    Seeking sponsorships from the industry and other sources

  174. The problems are:
    Locating the appropriate place
    Getting permission at the place
    Getting appropriate guidance at the place
    School or Colleges can have tie-Up with the industries
    Visit of industries at the colleges or schools

  175. Field Activity can make learners learn the vocation. A field visit is always motivational for students but safety measures should be taken into consideration.

  176. Student safety
    Communicating parents
    are some issues faced during organization of field visit. These problems can be solved by proper organization.

  177. Field visits are very helpful in bridging the gaps between what is been taught in classes and how in real world it is applied. But every new strategy has to face many challenges in implementations too.
    1) A right place for a field trip where a proper guide is available and it is relevent to the current teaching and age group.
    2)Permission from authorities of that place for school visit.
    3) Distance from the school.
    1) School should tie up with nearby small scale/large scale industries/factories before the starting of the session .
    2) field trips and their schedule should be pre informed to the students .
    3) For Commerce students should be taken to small business houses for the exposure of how the startup was made possible ,what are the difficulties people faces.
    4) Some virtual touring into industries can also be arranged .

  178. Field trip is the best way for students to learn by seeing and experiencing, these can be organized through proper travel agencies which will take Care of all aspects of students comfort and security

  179. challenges would be child still not clear about what filed to pursue, budget, organizations acceptance to accommodate students in their work place.

  180. Field visit enables the learners to understand the needs of the industry. Exposure to best real time study can be a challenge as just taking a look at things won’t train them in the best possible manner. Hand on experience on a task and working with the professionals can be done to train the learners to build and enhance their skills. The school authorities should be ready to face the challenges and risks involved in it. At times some of the students may backout from the same.

  181. The curriculum can be designed basis the requirement of the current scenario to best equip the learners for the same. Exposure to best real time study can be a challenge as just taking a look at things won’t train them in the best possible manner. Hand on experience on a task and working with the professionals can be done to train the learners to build and enhance their skills.

  182. Field trips and practical training of developing skills is one of the best ways for students to learn and gain experience.

  183. Field trip helps students to learn the various facets of architecture by seeing it live and corelating with the knowledge acquired in the classroom.They learn to appreciate and comprehend better.

  184. Students care and safety will be an issue. However, that can be managed by proper planning and resources.

  185. limited time, large groups of students, providing transportation and maintaining discipline are the problems.

  186. Field trips for vocational education help students develop their skills and learning in the specific field

  187. Field trips learn students to explore more the things they are studying.


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